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like new voyager


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So i got the voyager awhile ago, had some problems after a year or so and got a replacement like new phone. this phone lasts a couple of months before some of the same things start happening, no big deal ill just get another.


I go in the other day and they tell me no problem we will send you out a like new replacement phone. Alright cool. Phone arrives today i get it programmed and run into the same problems i did before. So i have to call in to get it activated and programmed. Great not a problem.


20 minutes later i go to use it to call someone and it doesnt work, cant hear shit on the outside of the phone, send key and clr key dont work. Call up verizon sit on hold for 20 minutes so they can tell me they are completely out of stock. They told me they could send me a like new replacement of a different phone but if i dont like the phone i need to stay with that phone anyway WTF?


Im at the point now where im waiting for them to call me tomorrow to see if they have gotten anymore voyagers in.


anyone else have problems with their verizon phone?

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I had my Voyager from the day they came out. I told everyone they were junk, you can search my posts from the day they came out they were crap and people defended them. I have had at least 5+ replacements. This newer one started to invert the screen the other day so everything is backward and if you slam it down it goes back to normal. They are junk.
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After 3 times of returning the same phone in x amount of time you are eligible for a free upgrade. (Don't know how long it has to be b/w the problems.)


Bring it up, see what they say.


You are correct. You get a replacement phone which is what they are trying to do with me. Yet the other phones suck and dont have mobile TV. I mean how am i going to take a shit now without tv????

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I got my voyager just before Ant... it worked great until it raced me down a flight of steps and won.


PS, I wouldnt hold your breath for a call back. Give it a week and check back with them. All the mobile tv phones except for the voyager pretty much suck. If you really do need a voyager that bad shoot me a pm and I'll sell you the replacement I was sent. Its just sitting here collecting dust.

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my first voyager wsa fine till i cracked the outter screen, even then it still worked perfect, just 1/4 of the screen was all pretty colors. Worked fine for me for about a year though with no issues at all. Still works today, i just got another voyager to replace it and its working well too, but it will randomly shut itself off.
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I've had mine for over a year, it's also my first one. I'm not easy on phones, and this is no exception.


Absolutely ZERO problems. I love it and will be hard pressed to get rid of it for awhile.


Maybe you guys just suck :D



Yup.... I have had mine ALMOST 1 year, and have had very little issue. The only thing it has done, and it is only a couple / few times, is that it powered itself off. Perhaps I did not lock it, and the Power Button got pressed, I do not know. Other than that, it's been a pretty bad ass phone ;)





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