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Bee/Yellow jacket sting question


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I was with my mother in the back yard last night looking at some huge ass horseradish I have in the back yard. I went to uproot some of the junk and I pissed off a whole nest of bees that was right next to it hanging onto an old car battery.


It hit me right on the top of my left hand. My hand is now swollen pretty bad to the point where I can't bend my fingers/hand that well and my wrist is killing me. It also gotme about 2 inches from my elbow on the underside of my arm.


Now, is there any way to get the swelling down? I had ice on it last night and it was ok. Now it's puffed up. I also just took a few benadryl caplets to see if that would do anything.


I haven't been stung by a bee in years so I forget mostly what to do and how long this shit will last.

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Ok that's what I figured. I just popped a few pills. Could I be allergic to them in some way? Or are they just a nasty be (killer be maybe? lol) .


You could be alergic.. I would say if no other side affects ahow up besides swelling you will be ok... now if your throat swells or anythinglike that I would def go get checked out..


if you can take asprin to that seemed to always help me

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when ever i got a bee sting i remember my neighbor would break a cigarette and put the tobacco over the sting. i dont recall what it did as its been a long as time since i was stung so who knows but she is/was a nurse so im sure there was some sort of logic behind it.
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killer bee stings arent any worse than a normal european bee, its just that they are more aggressive and will attack in large groups, so I think you'll be ok on that front.


I've never heard the penny thing, but if it works it works. I usually just ice it and wait for it to go down.

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Water and baking soda may help bring the swelling down. If you the stinger is still there, pull it out.


As for the swelling, it sounds like you have more than the average allergic reaction to a bee sting. The baking soda and water may not help at all. Take the Benadryl and you should be fine. If the swelling doesn't go down in the within 24 hours, you might want to see a doctor

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I heard if you rub animal shit on the swelling it goes away in almost 5 minutes. Let me know.


hahahahahah your quips have been stellar lately.



baking soda dumb ass, it pulls the poison out. Place on spoon, dampen slightly, and hold it to the skin. Wait 10 minutes and you will see the poison coloration in the spoon.

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I'd say you're having at least some allergic reaction to the stings. If you were highly allergic you wouldn't be typing. I'd probably still go see a doc and let them check you out. Yellow jackets are nasty little critters. My 3 year old daughter stumbled into a nest of them last week. They got her 5 times ( twice in the head) before I got over to her to pull her out of them and then one got me in the hand. Yellow jackets aren't like bee's either...they don't die when they sting so they can sting you over and over.
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went to the doc today. she said I was not allergic, just that it's infected. If I were allergic she said that my lips would have swollen and I'd be in a lot worse shape than I am now. Got some roids and an anti-biotic. hope to hell this works.
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Nope.. I haven't been in the back yard yet since Thursday. I'm gonna buy some junk tomorrow and spray to in the evening.


If they are in the ground by "Seven" powder or concentrated liquid and either mix it up or use a funnel to put the powder in the hole at night. MOund it up on the outside of it to.


Seven contains Carbaryl which is toxic to bees and kills them. They will carry the powder or liquid that will dry to a powder into the nest and thus killing them all. Not an "instant" killer but within a few hours they will be dead. Great for bees that house inside holes in the soil or what not.


Also works great in the garden on plants but just make sure to use it after pollination has occurred.

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