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Manscaping question: Maintaining a bald head


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I have been shaving my head for past 10 years. Started when i was 19. I use a gillette mach 4 and whatever shaving cream i can find. First couple times of shaving it make sure you use a good aftershave or even isopropyl alcohol. If not your head will look like hell. I can shave my head in about 3-5 minutes now. I shave about every three days. Usually get about 5-8 shaves out of a razor before I have to change the blades.


If you have anymore specific questions send me a pm. I have tried just about everything to make it easier or faster to shave my head.

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It's to match my wife when she looses her hair due to the chemo here in the next few days. I think that last little impact is probably important in this scenerio.



Thats really nice of you. I cut my hair super short when my aunt went through. We should do a CR Hair chopping drive hahehehea.I'm going bald anyways

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I've been shaving my head for about 10 or 11 years now. I use a standard razor and shaving cream/gel. Specifically Gillette Mach 3, but that is just a personal preference. The trick I found is to shave in the shower. I hung a suction cup shaving mirror in there and shave almost every day during the school year. For about the first 6 months or so I shaved with a Braun electric until my scalp adjusted. Be careful of sunburn too.


Oh, and by the way. If you shave now (end of summer) be prepared for some pretty extreme tan lines on your head.

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Ive been using clippers for years. I dont use any guard and I cut in the closest shave position the clippers allow. I cut mine probably once every two weeks.


Bald is beautiful!


That's what I do

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I use the clippers at 0 setting because it's the easiest way to maintain...


if you do decide go to razor, invest in a shaving cream warmer.... seriously, you will thank me... if Idon't use the warmer, I knick the shit out of my head, with the warmer, works great!

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I can't recommend the Headblade. I cut the living fuck out of myself, even with their "special" shaving cream. I even called their inquiries line and had someone on the phone with me when I was trying the third time, they couldn't understand why it wasn't working. Fuck that. Everyone I know who shaves uses a regular razor of some kind. I'm so gunshy now I haven't brought myself to try a regular razor yet. Not ready to relive that hell again.


What a cool thing to do with your wife, Andy. Mad fucking props.

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As a barber, i use a straight razor on clients but definately not recommended for home use. I do recommend the mach 3. More blades is not always better when shaving an area with alot of hair like a head. mach 4 or gillet 4 whatever its called has too many blades and is harder to rinse the hair out of the razor after every swipe. If this becomes a regular 3 to 5 days for you, the extra time you save with being able to get the hair out easier in the mach 3 makes a huge difference. I personally do about 90% of the head in the shower, and do touch ups after i get out. like someone else said, buy some good nivea balm for afterwards.
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It's to match my wife when she looses her hair due to the chemo here in the next few days. I think that last little impact is probably important in this scenerio.


Oh, thats awesome. I did it for a bet and I have a full head of thick thick hair. I just used clippers, then a normal razor with good gel, usually had to reapply the gel. And most deff go with the grain at first. And aftershave is a must and spf is even more important.

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It's to match my wife when she looses her hair due to the chemo here in the next few days. I think that last little impact is probably important in this scenerio.


Good luck to you and your wife man. I just got back from Cleveland after another weekend with my mom. My sister found a great place to get some wigs and I was surprised that they look so damn good. Can't tell at all on the three she has. My sister even bought one for the hell of it to play fun with her boyfriend.


She'll definitely want to get a cover for night time. Otherwise she'll feel the effects of how cold you get with no hair.

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All, thanks for the replies.


We've actually got a couple of pretty decent wigs that look good but from all the research we've done they're hot and itchy and she won't likely want to wear them all the time so there are going to be pleanty of occasions where she goes out wearing a scarf, hat or showing off a bald head.


The gym is a perfect example. no way in hell she's going to be in there wearing a wig. However the gym is one of her favorite places to escape so she's not going to stop going.



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It's to match my wife when she looses her hair due to the chemo here in the next few days. I think that last little impact is probably important in this scenerio.


i read the first post you made about your wife and her diagnoses with cancer. then i saw you made this thread. i kept hoping that the reason you were thinking about going bald is to help support her. i think that is a great thing you are doing. they arent worth much anymore, but you get points from me. on that note, i shave my head once every three weeks. razor pulled back, no guard. i know it isnt the same, however it is short! i wish nothing but the best for your wife, you and your family. you guys are in our prayers.



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