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Road Trip Annoyances


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Just went to Myrtle Beach & Charleston, SC last week for vacation and had a few issues with other drivers along the trip. Got me thinking that there have been a number of us that have traveled some this summer. What annoyed you about other drivers while you were on your trip?



One of my many examples from last week:

Pull into a gas station to fill up the Element before we get out of Myrtle Beach. Pull in behind an SUV full of chicks from VA to the only open set of pumps for the driver's side of the car. Driver parks directly in the middle of the two pumps, gets out with her friends and they walk into the gas station. Another spot opens up shortly afterward, so I drive around to the opposite side of the pumps. She's inside with her lady friends longer than it takes me to fill up the Element. While I'm adding a bag of ice to the cooler, the bitches come out, get in the SUV and drive away.


No gas is pumped. :mad:

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people who wont let you pass them


coming home from PA about a year ago, i was making REALLY good time. doing like 85-90 consistently. then i get behind this prick in a bmw that would go ~75ish, and would drive so he was passing the cars on the right, but when he got past them, he would speed up enough i couldnt even get by him on the right if i wanted to, then slowed down and passed a little slower when he came up on another car.


girls who have to pee every 12 minutes. i finally just told my g/f "heres how long the trip is going to be, heres how many times im going to stop, so be ready for 5-6 hours of sitting. it worked well when we went to MB. 1 stop for breakfast at 9am, one for gas/piss break at 1ish, and one quick stop for some fresh peaches at a roadside stop about 4pm.


i will say though, something i like doing on long trips, and for some reason i think other people do it to, is speed in packs of 3-4 cars. you know you're all going to be on the same freeway for quite some time, because its the only road in the area...it seems everyone gets over at the same time to pass the same car, gets back in lane, stays at same speed, and everyone just stays in the same order.

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The women piss breaks kill me. Just as you find a good opening in the traffic, they gotta take a leak.


Another good one I recall from last week was when using the cruise and you come upon a slower car (in the passing lane), when and if they finally decide to get over, you resume the cruise and as you get next to them, they decide to pace you, speed up, get a good way ahead of you, so you get back in the slow lane and do it all over again a mile down the road. That's one of my favorites.

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People who don't know what fucking cruise control is. That's my biggest annoyance on the freeway. (270 doesn't count).


I never use cruise control, I just don't like it. I am not retarded and have no problem keeping my speed constant.


Also, I hate people who are merging onto the freeway, and make no attempt to get up to speed by the time the merge lane ends. Generally you get over and clear the lane, yes, but there are times when you can't get over and are going exactly the wrong speed and can't accelerate quick enough and have to hit the brakes. Those using cruise control would likely be even more pissed ;).


Also a good note for anybody getting flicked off while driving: If you receive the bird, pull up next to the "assailant", and give them a big thumbs up while smiling as gigantic as possible. If they're already pissed they will boil over with anger, at which point you will attain true joy.

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Just drove back today from upstate NY, 12.5 hours solo. Most annoying thing was truckers in the left lane (3 lane hwy) on an uphill going 50 in a 65.


far worse, however, was the trucker who was so close to my bumper i couldn't tell what kind of truck it was b/c the marque was above my window.

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I think it is annoying when people complain about their vacations, when the rest of us are sitting at work... working.... Yea, having to wait a few more minutes after leaving myrtle beach must SUCK compared to sitting in the office working all day....
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People who don't know what fucking cruise control is. That's my biggest annoyance on the freeway. (270 doesn't count).


people who wont let you pass them.





People will fly everywhere, but once they have to pass a semi, its "lets just go 70"


Once somebody makes me get off cruise control (like by not getting the fuck over), they are my worst enemy.


That and if you clean your damn windshild on the freeway with me behind you. :mad:

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My two biggest things are left-lane hogs that sit next to a semi and cruise for miles like that. The other is when i come up on construction where lanes are reduced and there's a 3 mile line of cars in one lane and zero in the other. I have no problem just cruising up the other lane until asshole truck drivers jump into that lane trying to block me and other cars from passing. It's not my fault that you and the 100+ other cars don't know how to use both lanes and merge together properly.
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My two biggest things are left-lane hogs that sit next to a semi and cruise for miles like that. The other is when i come up on construction where lanes are reduced and there's a 3 mile line of cars in one lane and zero in the other. I have no problem just cruising up the other lane until asshole truck drivers jump into that lane trying to block me and other cars from passing. It's not my fault that you and the 100+ other cars don't know how to use both lanes and merge together properly.



I hate when this^ guy tries that. Get in line asshat! :)

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I hate people who don't drive defensively. It has already been mentioned above but if you impede someone from passing your car you fucking fail at driving and deserve to have your car wrapped around a telephone pole. Don't pace me, get the fuck over a lane if someone is behind you, get the fuck out of the way of people getting onto the highway, and use the fucking gas when you get onto the highway. It is the pedal on the right side in case you forgot. It is called an "acceleration" ramp for a reason you asshats.
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I hate people who don't drive defensively. It has already been mentioned above but if you impede someone from passing your car you fucking fail at driving and deserve to have your car wrapped around a telephone pole. Don't pace me, get the fuck over a lane if someone is behind you, get the fuck out of the way of people getting onto the highway, and use the fucking gas when you get onto the highway. It is the pedal on the right side in case you forgot. It is called an "acceleration" ramp for a reason you asshats.


:thumbup: Good shit.

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im a blocker. if i have to wait, you have to wait too.

My thoughts exactly. If you think you're going to speed up on the left then cut in at the last second then I hope a semi runs over you're ass.

I pass on the berm. You out to see peoples faces when you pass them on the right side berm. Priceless.


You pull this with me and i'll run you off the road. EVERYTIME. And i'll watch ur face as you shit ur pants doing 360's in the grass while i'm laughing at you

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My thoughts exactly. If you think you're going to speed up on the left then cut in at the last second then I hope a semi runs over you're ass.



You pull this with me and i'll run you off the road. EVERYTIME. And i'll watch ur face as you shit ur pants doing 360's in the grass while i'm laughing at you


Why shouldn't you use both lanes? Both lanes are open for a reason, to be USED.

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Why shouldn't you use both lanes? Both lanes are open for a reason, to be USED.


ok, lets say it shows a flashing arrow about 500yards up saying merge into right lane. Of course there will be 2 lanes open til you get up to that arrow but anybody with a speck of respect for other drivers wouldn't stay in the closing left lane til almost getting to the arrow and try to cut in front of somebody. Thats not how shit works. So next time you try and pull that ignorant shit just remember that theres ppl out there like me who will run ur ass off the road for being a fucking prick

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ok, lets say it shows a flashing arrow about 500yards up saying merge into right lane. Of course there will be 2 lanes open til you get up to that arrow but anybody with a speck of respect for other drivers wouldn't stay in the closing left lane til almost getting to the arrow and try to cut in front of somebody. Thats not how shit works. So next time you try and pull that ignorant shit just remember that theres ppl out there like me who will run ur ass off the road for being a fucking prick


You failed at defensive driving. Proceed to the next driving 101 class to start your training over again.


Protip: Even though other drivers are asses that doesn't give you an excuse to force someone to not pass you. Next time let off the gas, turn off cruise control, tap your brake and let them pass you.

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