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what do u all use for antivirus and etc


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PS - It sounds like your computer has Windows Antivirus Pro 2009 (it is spyware).






biggest scam on the net finds "Viruses" then tells you to pay for the full version to get rid of them. !!!!



I really like spy-bot . If you really want some great antivirus ESET is supposed to be the shit and a half and it seems pretty snapp on the peoples computers I've put it on recently.

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The bad thing with the spyware that is on your pc is this: If you enter Safe Mode, no application will be allowed to load, with a DOS Box that pops up saying that the Program is to large to load into Memory.


Spyware - Keeping Computer Technicians employed.... FOREVER!






True fuckin story. It's not as bad as viruses because most of the time they are annoying at best.

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