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So I got another ticket.


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I was driving home from the ADRL race late Friday night. I was passing the 70/71 split totally not paying attention to my speed following traffic. All of a sudden the red and blue lights up behind me. So I get pulled over. Cop comes back and gives me my ticket (75 in a 55). He then informs me that if I go to court and tell the prosecutor that he is willing to lower the charge he will "help me out" (not his exact words). So I say okay thanks. I get home and look at my ticket. He wrote my birth date as 06/08/93 (really 06/08/83). So I plan on going to court to get the "deal". Today I get a letter in the mail from the Juv. court telling me to ignore my court date, the case will be transferred to my local court and they will inform me of the date. First, do I still go to Juv court? Second, will it get thrown out? Third, I leave in about a week for 13 days. What if they send the notice and the date passes while I am out of town?



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not paying attention to my speed following traffic........... (75 in a 55).


75mph following traffic in that area? I guess, but I don't see that many packs of cars at 20mph over down there :confused: Cops have been working it hard for a few weeks now.

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I realize A) I need to slow down (thanks Captain Obvious, B) There is no mercy on this board (I don't remember asking for any) and C) I never expected it to get thrown out off court for the wrong birthdate (more interested in an adult in Juv. court).


Thank you for the info. Not Brian, SpaceGhost and jeffro.

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I realize A) I need to slow down (thanks Captain Obvious, B) There is no mercy on this board (I don't remember asking for any) and C) I never expected it to get thrown out off court for the wrong birthdate (more interested in an adult in Juv. court).


Thank you for the info. Not Brian, SpaceGhost and jeffro.


You're approaching CR with a way too serious mindset ;)

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