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Ghost/spirit thread.


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To go on top of that. My brother died when I was 15. he was 23. He was a huge computer geek and knew a lot about programming and such. I took over his IBM PC Jr (back in the day). I had a hard time figuring out something with the old Dos 6.2 (no shit, you newbs wouldn't have a clue what that means). I swear I tried to figure it out for days and all of the sudden it hit me. This was about a year or so after he died. I typed in the simple "mode 80" command and it worked.


I could have sworn that he was right over my shoulder and told me what to type in. That was just weird and I'll never forget it.

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Guest tbutera2112
nothing personally. but when my cousin was about 4 years old my uncle says she used to sneak down in their basement at night to talk to a ghost, she described him as an old man that rocked in the rocking chair down there....i dont know how valid that is or not, but its all i got
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My little niece, when she was 3, kept pointing up towards the ceiling, laughing, giggling, and pointing, seemingly following something around in the air. My sister asked her what she saw and she replied, "3 little babies". She was asked whether they were boy babies or girl babies. She said, "3 little girl babies".


My sister lost 3 pregnancies before she was successful.




I have some personal stories I'll share later. Good topic.

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Guest tbutera2112
another...my moms exbfs moms house was "haunted" or atleast weird....we were in the living room and it was me my mom and this woman and nobody else was there...we heard foot steps upstairs and the toilet flushed....she said it was normal and that she hears people in her house all the time and says it was ghosts
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When I was little, in my aunts house I followed around a cat all the time. It always walked through the wall though, and I couldn't ever figure out why... But, my aunt didn't have a cat. No one believed me, since I was only 5 or 6 until my aunt was walking through the house one night and the cat ran by her... Hah.


At my cousins old house up in Cleveland, the previous owners family had left a lot of his stuff in the attic after he passed away.. My cousin decided to start going through it one day, to see what she should get rid of, all that.... She went down stairs to get something and she heard what sounded like something being throw in the attic... When she went back up, papers were everywhere, boxes were turned over... Apparently the previous owner had passed away in the house and didn't like them going through his stuff, cause this happened anytime they started to.

Every time I would walk by the stairs to the attic, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt like someone was watching me... just a general creepy feeling..

In the same house, the bathroom door would lock from the inside when no one was in there, and the bathtub would get turned on and fill up until it over flowed. That happened once when I was there and it scared the shit out of me... Also, when we left, we made sure to turn every light in the house off, and as soon as we step outside and look at the windows, the lights are back on.... They finally moved when they felt their daughters started getting really scared and felt like they were in danger. Crazy shit

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Story 1:


I was 10 yrs old when I would ride my bike over my brothers house to play with my nephew Bobby who was 9. We would play together all summer long at his house and often times I would stay the night. My brother worked second shift and thus was no big deal. His wife Carol would be there with us through dinner and when we fell asleep and she would take me home if needed.


One night as we fell asleep in Bobby's room, we both awoke to footsteps pacing in the hallway outside his room. My brother wasn't home yet and Carol was fast asleep. At first when we opened the door we expected to see one of them. Nope....nothing. Strangely the footsteps just plain stopped. We dismissed it and went back to sleep. The next night the we heard the same thing. Again, we opened the door to nothing but our own presence. Only this time, Carol came out of the bedroom as the dog who slept with her was whining at the bedroom door. We talked about it, looked around the house, but the dog was cool so we all went to bed.


A few weeks later, my other nephew Tommy who was just a toddler was running around saying there was someone in the hallway. Mind you this was in 1980 and their hallway was lined with those 1'x1' mirrors that were popular back then, so we thought he was just seeing himself. That same night after dinner we were playing in Bobby's room and as he was in the closet getting out some toys he flew back as if someone tossed him out of the closet. I was stone-cold-still in fear as he began to get up and cry. We saw nothing....but noticed his room was very cold and yet just minutes earlier, it was fine. We ran out, told his mom and eventually my brother, but they just dismissed us as kids imagining things.


It was after that event when we both knew something wasn't right. They eventually sold the house to move into larger one. As the movers were there, we wrote a note to the new owners telling them of the events and said goodbye to the man or ghost that we believed lived there. We still talk about that closet event when we see each other. That was my first encounter with what I believe was a spirit.

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Story 2: Time frame 2009


Those that don't know, my brother mentioned in the story above passed away in July 2006 after a long 12 yr battle with cancer. Tom was only in his mid 40's and had been a smoker for years. I've mentioned it here on CR a few times and a select few know the story. Anyway......


Towards the last few years of his life he ended up moving in with my parents who have a huge 5 bedroom home. He made an apartment upstairs using the three rooms there as a study, bedroom and a workout/rehab room. I still sleep in his bed when I stay there.


It brings back tears and memories as I can remember even as a very little kid, my "big brother" who I shared that same room with would make red cigarette trails at night as we fell asleep listening to the stereo as he had his final smoke. (yeah....times really changed since the early to mid 70's). I can remember it as clear as yesterday as songs from Deep Purple and Steely Dan go through my head.


Fast forward to early 2003 to 2006, my parents of course, now caring for him, wouldn't allow smoking in the house, but I'm sure he occasionally sneaked a smoke break up there now and then. However, the house and that room no way by any means smell like smoke. Nothing, not even a trace of smoke.


That said, now the torch called cancer has been passed to my mother. Again, some know the story, but for those that don't, I often spend Friday nights and sometimes Saturdays with them as my sister and I trade off and work together caring for our elderly parents and my mother who is in the midst of Chemo treatments that themselves are horrible. Especially for a 73yr. old.


While there I sleep upstairs in my dear brothers bedroom and take comfort in knowing he's likely there helping care for mom and dad as they did him.


That said, call it me being sentimental or just plain in deep sleep, I often times wake up in the early morning hours to the smell of cigarette smoke in his room. At first I woke up and it passed. Now I swear it lingers even for just a minute longer as if he was sitting in the room with me.


This time, I'm not scared. Quite the opposite, I find myself inhaling deeply as if perhaps to keep him with me just a little longer yearning to see a sign that it really is Tom. I've not seen him, nor have I felt a presence of anyone in the room. However, I do smell the smoke, strong enough to know that it's not just a trace amount left in the bedding.


I'm headed back there next weekend as the summer comes to a close. Not knowing what to think, but always wondering if I will eventually catch a glimpse of my brother. Call me crazy, but I want to see him and have even thought of bringing some of my high-tech camera equipment. I have thermal and night vision abilities. Now I just need some sound recording equipment.


Who knows....maybe I'll revive this thread in the coming weeks.

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My grammer sucks so bare with me, growing up I always thought that spirits and ghost were not real, they just were movie roles or fake made up story's. As I moved to ohio from california when I was 15 my parents had there dream home built on a peice of land in little marysville ohio. After we moved in 6 months after they started is when we had a chain of events that led up present 2009. First I started with having issues with what I thought misplacing items, things I knew I put in a spot to just have either lost or found in some other weird place. Then we had an old 60's RCA radio that was my greatgrand mothers would turn on in the middle of the night( was just the 2 knob deal) . AFter a few months go by I started to tell my mom about some of the weird issues, at the time my parents were so busy with work they just blew me off and asked if I was taking drugs. They even took me into a mill center to have me drug tested and talk to a councelor. untill I was about 17 years old nothing ever happend to anyone else but me. When I was in highschool my girlfriend at the time had bad parents and would always be at my parents house, eating dinner, or just hanging out She was the only one who really truley believed the stuff happening to me. This really made me dislike my parents alot because I felt they did not trust me or I was just trying to get attention or somthing. This shit went on night after night.


Fastforward till 2003 I leave for college , my dad is a truck driver who is never home. My mom is the only one home. One friday night I come back from dinner to check my cell phone to see I have 10 missed call's and messages from my mom. All I herd was " someone is in the house they are banging on the walls" im like WTF im freaking out my mom is japanese so somtimes its hard to understand what she says because her accent , so I calm down and maybe I miss understoof her. Me and my room-mate jump in my car we are flying down 33 when she finally call back. She has this weird tone to her voice and she says "jason someone keeps pounding and walking around the house" (my mom never gets scared, or in my lifetime this might be one of the most scared ive ever been, my mom always has a logical answer for everything). I ask her what do you mean pounding and walking like outside or inside? She tell me jason the noise is coming from inside the house and I can hear footsteps on the hardwood floor. Now im really freaking out im thinking there is some scum bag inside trying to maybe kill her or rob her(we have had others robbed close by). I told my mom to hold on and I called 911 from my friends phone

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As I talk with the dispatcher , I tell her my mom called me saying someone is in the house walking around and she herd banging, so maybe they came through a window, she took the address and the cops were on there way. As I pull up to the home , I get there the same time as 2 police cruzers show up, They tell me to stay in the car . I let my mom know the police are here and she is very calm and say's ok I can see the lights outside. After 2 hours past my mom is out and police have searched the whole place no forced entry, nobody in the house, no footmarks on the dewy grass. Now my mom is confused she is like im not crazy , I herd someone inside the house clear as day. This was the start for my mom with the spirit/ghost/ in this home.

Time goes by its now dec 25th 2004 a day I will never forget because my mom finally see's the what she calls the " ghost". We have family over and a big dinner, after everyone is done they all travel back to my grandma's , me and my mom stay home. I ended up taking a nap on the couch and she was doing laundry. My mom thought I got up because she watched a tall slender man in our kitchen, she said he had a thin build and looked like me from behind, she said he was facing our freezer then turned around to face the sink as if he was going to wash his hands. My mom noticed he had no facial features and from the shoulders up it was distorted looking she could not make anything out. She said she watched this for about 15 seconds and as it happend she noitced it was so silent, like nothing .

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This is the last part I skipped alot because I have so many. This is the summer of 2006 I am not going to say names because some that are involved are on this site and im just not going to share names. Me and my friend go over to a buddys house he just got a new motorcycle and I wanted to check it out. There is a total of 10 or so guys hanging out drinking beers. my buddy that just bought the bike just went to college and moved into a big house in bexely with 5 other guys. Well he ends up moving out 2 weeks later without telling anyone of us. We have no idea why so I figured id ask him that night. As he hands me a beer he tells me a my friend with this blank stare " im going to die on this thing" He was the type never to say anything like that so me and my other buddy just looked at each other like what the hell. That night I tryied to figure out why he just moved out with out telling us, he told us he would tell us later that he did not want to get into it. After a bit he goes back inside and one of the guys comes up and say's man he thinks he has been seeing ghost in the house , thats why he just left. All I say is "really" welp that night I end up drinking way too much and go home , my buddy stayed the night because he could not drive. We woke up about 12 that after noon to our friend caleb calling in a crazy voice, saying " aaron just was on his way to delaware and was hit" " dude im not even bullshitting hes dead". Welp aaron was on his way to some delaware shop to get his bike tuned up, his mom was following him and he was hit by an elderly lady and killed on the bike he just got......... I never herd what really happend but that fall I ended up staying at that house in bexly. I had some of the most crazy shit happen to me in this house that one night . One of my buddys was so scared he was shaking like a scared little kid. Im not going to lie , out of all the stuff ive been through I was so scared.
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Even since I moved into that house , Ive felt ive never had a good nights rest , and that im always in some weird half dream like state. When I got out of the military I kept having re-occuring dreams about a fire, and things burning and after me and my grilfriend moved out and got a house it burned down jan 19 of this year. I dont know but my greatgrandma was a scary old woman that told me that our family had a curse on it, she seen her own dad kill her mom with an ax then hang himself. I know its hard to believe anything that does not happen to you, but I know for a fact somthing does live or reside among us.


Btw my mother is mostly the only one that see's the spirit, in the 10+ years she has seen it 4 times. in 2007 while at work I was talking to a guy who said a guy was killed wiring my parents land . He was zapped I even found the artice online.

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I dont know if you can realy count this but anyways, about 4 years ago my geat grandmother passed away just before the end of my junior year of high school. On the last day of that school year, i had just gotten home and laid down when a friend called and asked if i could give him a ride to work. Well i was broke and didnt have much gas left so i figured i might be able to get a little gas money out of it. I pick him up and shortly after were on our way he tells me he is sorry but he would give me gas money if he had any. I told him it was cool i should have enough to get home and not worry about it. Well i drop him off and im on way home on a back road (it was the shortest way), i ran out of gas. I tried calling friends but no one could help at that time. I got pissed and started cussing and punching the steering wheel. after i calmed down i kept trying to get the car started with no luck. A few minutes passed and i figured i might as well get walking. As i go to get out of the car i just happen to look in the passenger seat and there sat a 20 dollar bill. I figured i would try starting the car again while i was there and it fired right up to. I managed to make it to the gas station that was almost 3 miles away....
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I dont know if you can realy count this but anyways, about 4 years ago my geat grandmother passed away just before the end of my junior year of high school. On the last day of that school year, i had just gotten home and laid down when a friend called and asked if i could give him a ride to work. Well i was broke and didnt have much gas left so i figured i might be able to get a little gas money out of it. I pick him up and shortly after were on our way he tells me he is sorry but he would give me gas money if he had any. I told him it was cool i should have enough to get home and not worry about it. Well i drop him off and im on way home on a back road (it was the shortest way), i ran out of gas. I tried calling friends but no one could help at that time. I got pissed and started cussing and punching the steering wheel. after i calmed down i kept trying to get the car started with no luck. A few minutes passed and i figured i might as well get walking. As i go to get out of the car i just happen to look in the passenger seat and there sat a 20 dollar bill. I figured i would try starting the car again while i was there and it fired right up to. I managed to make it to the gas station that was almost 3 miles away....



Wow great story, I watch alot of the ghost shows and ive herd several where people are left money in weird situations. Sounds just like one of them!

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I have many, most of which i do not like telling as they still to this day scare the shit out of me. The one i love to tell is when my grandmother appeared in my room one night. Which was the last time i had any BAD encounters.


I woke up and was watching tv when i was 8 in my bed room. At this time i left my door open at night. I was awake for about 40 minutes when something caught my attention in my door way. I turned my head and saw a ghost of a lady. She never spoke just sat there in my door way for about 12 minutes watching me. After she dissapeared i ran into my parents room screaming i saw grandma. i explained everything my grandma was buried in down to her shoes and jelewry. My dads mom died before i was born.

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It all started when our over-heralded star, Uncle Tom, woke up in a swamp. It was the tenth time it had happened. Feeling barely stunned, Uncle Tom poked a banana, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Duly ecstatic about the looming crises, he realized that his beloved Nitrous was missing! Immediately he called his redheaded stepchild of a 'friend', Junior. Uncle Tom had known Junior for (plus or minus) 20 years, the majority of which were striking ones. Junior was unique. He was easygoing though sometimes a little... funny-smelling. Uncle Tom called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.


Junior picked up to a very mad Uncle Tom. Junior calmly assured him that most South American hissing sloths yawn before mating, yet spotted wolf hamsters usually earnestly yawn *after* mating. He had no idea what that meant; he was only concerned with distracting Uncle Tom. Why was Junior trying to distract Uncle Tom? Because he had snuck out from Uncle Tom's with the Nitrous only eight days prior. It was a curious little Nitrous... how could he resist?


It didn't take long before Uncle Tom got back to the subject at hand: his Nitrous. Junior grimaced. Relunctantly, Junior invited him over, assuring him they'd find the Nitrous. Uncle Tom grabbed his George Foreman grill and disembarked immediately. After hanging up the phone, Junior realized that he was in trouble. He had to find a place to hide the Nitrous and he had to do it aggressively. He figured that if Uncle Tom took the noise-polluting import, he had take at least eight minutes before Uncle Tom would get there. But if he took the TT Corvette? Then Junior would be really screwed.


Before he could come up with any reasonable ideas, Junior was interrupted by nine selfish kitty cats that were lured by his Nitrous. Junior shuddered; 'Not again', he thought. Feeling relieved, he thoughtfully reached for his carrot and aimlessly slapped every last one of them. Apparently this was an adequate deterrent--the discouraged critters began to scurry back toward the foxy forest, squealing with discontent. He exhaled with relief. That's when he heard the TT Corvette rolling up. It was Uncle Tom.




As he pulled up, he felt a sense of urgency. He had had to make an unscheduled stop at Jim's House of Wings to pick up a 12-pack of gerbils, so he knew he was running late. With a quick leap, Uncle Tom was out of the TT Corvette and went surreptitiously jaunting toward Junior's front door. Meanwhile inside, Junior was panicking. Not thinking, he tossed the Nitrous into a box of wolverines and then slid the box behind his George Foreman grill. Junior was frustrated but at least the Nitrous was concealed. The doorbell rang.


'Come in,' Junior surreptitiously purred. With a skillful push, Uncle Tom opened the door. 'Sorry for being late, but I was being chased by some funny-smelling spite-toting jerk in a gas-guzzling, ecology-destroying, tankish SUV,' he lied. 'It's fine,' Junior assured him. Uncle Tom took a seat not remotely close to where Junior had hidden the Nitrous. Junior sneezed trying unsuccessfully to hide his nervousness. 'Uhh, can I get you anything?' he blurted. But Uncle Tom was distracted. Unaware of the bleakness of existence, Junior noticed a pestering look on Uncle Tom's face. Uncle Tom slowly opened his mouth to speak.


'...What's that smell?'


Junior felt a stabbing pain in his ear when Uncle Tom asked this. In a moment of disbelief, he realized that he had hidden the Nitrous right by his oscillating fan. 'Wh-what? I don't smell anything..!' A lie. A abrasive look started to form on Uncle Tom's face. He turned to notice a box that seemed clearly out of place. 'Th-th-those are just my grandma's carrots from when she used to have pet disease-carrying chipmunks. She, uh...dropped 'em by here earlier'. Uncle Tom nodded with fake acknowledgement...then, before Junior could react, Uncle Tom skillfully lunged toward the box and opened it. The Nitrous was plainly in view.


Uncle Tom stared at Junior for what what must've been eleven minutes. As if it really mattered Junior groped sassily in Uncle Tom's direction, clearly desperate. Uncle Tom grabbed the Nitrous and bolted for the door. It was locked. Junior let out a flamboyant chuckle. 'If only you hadn't been so protective of that thing, none of this would have happened, Uncle Tom,' he rebuked. Junior always had been a little oafish, so Uncle Tom knew that reconciliation was not an option; he needed to escape before Junior did something crazy, like... start chucking carrots at him or something. Just as zero people expected he gripped his Nitrous tightly and made a dash toward the window, diving headlong through the glass panels.


Junior looked on, blankly. 'What the hell? That seemed excessive. The other door was open, you know.' Silence from Uncle Tom. 'And to think, I varnished that window frame nine days ago...it never ends!' Suddenly he felt a tinge of concern for Uncle Tom. 'Oh. You ..okay?' Still silence. Junior walked over to the window and looked down. Uncle Tom was gone.




Just yonder, Uncle Tom was struggling to make his way through the magical cornfield behind Junior's place. Uncle Tom had severely hurt his shin during the window incident, and was starting to lose strength. Another pack of feral kitty cats suddenly appeared, having caught wind of the Nitrous. One by one they latched on to Uncle Tom. Already weakened from his injury, Uncle Tom yielded to the furry onslaught and collapsed. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a buzzing horde of kitty cats running off with his Nitrous.


About six hours later, Uncle Tom awoke, his kidney throbbing. It was dark and Uncle Tom did not know where he was. Deep in the enchanting magical cornfield, Uncle Tom was alarmingly lost. In a tragically predictable turn of events, he remembered that his Nitrous was taken by the kitty cats. But at that point, he was just thankful for his life. That's when, to his horror, a enormous kitty cat emerged from the lemur-infested moor. It was the alpha kitty cat. Uncle Tom opened his mouth to scream but was cut short when the kitty cat sunk its teeth into Uncle Tom's double chin. With a faint groan, the life escaped from Uncle Tom's lungs, but not before he realized that he was a failure.


Less than six miles away, Junior was entombed by anguish over the loss of the Nitrous. 'MY PRECIOUS!!' he cried, as he reached for a sharpened live hand grenade. With a deft thrust, he buried it deeply into his scalp. As the room began to fade to black, he thought about Uncle Tom... wishing he had found the courage to tell him that he loved him. But he would die alone that day. All that remained was the Nitrous that had turned them against each other, ultimately causing their demise. And as the dew on melancholy sappling branches began to reflect the dawn's reddish glare, all that could be heard was the chilling cry of distant kitty cats, desecrating all things sacred to virtuous men, and perpetuating an evil that would reign for centuries to come. Our heroes would've lived unhappily ever after, but they were too busy being dead. So, no one lived forever after, the end. :'(

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Wow, Jason this really took off. Well as for my 2cent you have herd the weird voice or sound I got on my recorder I have no idea what the hell it says or is but I do know that NO ONE was within 40 or 50 yards of that thing.


Im not to good with spelling or gramer so bare with me here


Well, I guess I'll tell you guys this one.

About two years ago my grandmother passed away. I was staying at my sisters at the time, and one night about a week after she passed I was sleeping on the couch when I just so happend to look out the window and thought I seen a shadow. Now the side of town where my sister lived really wasnt the greatest and there had been a few break ins around there in the last month. Needless to say it got my attention, and to be honist I was a little scard, but I laid there to wait and see what happend. As I was laing there I sudenly got this easy going relaxed really like I had no care in the world, the way I only felt when i was with my grandmother (she was pretty much my best freind). So the next morning I got to thinking about what had happend and I started to beleave maybe it was my grandmother there with me. A few months later I told my sister about it and she said she had something like that happen to.

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As to continue that one..........


About 6 or so months later I started staying with my mom again and had a gf coming over at night staying and stuff. Around the same time I started seeing her I started getting feelings of someone stading over me at night in bed, I'd look, and no one there. It was a nightly thing and sometimes its happend more than once a night or sometimes if I was sitting at my desk playing ps2 I would have that feeling of someone being like right onmy neck. As that was the case one time I was playing ps2 and talking to her on the phone when i had it happen again. This time was really wierd though and it was more than I could bare, so I said something to her about it. I didnt trell her much at all about what happend but she already knew. She told me she had the same feelings when she was there. I did notic when we was laying in bed she would look over her back and there was even times when I/we would here footsteps. I didnt think anytihng about it because we had a mouse problem. When I got off the phone with her I told some other people in the house and they said they neverhave had that happen, nore would anyone come in my room after that either. As soon as I told people about it it stoped happening.


I have some other stuff to but I dont like talking about it to much because it wasnt very friendly and it scared the living shit out of me.

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I've got one or two weird ones...

I was driving down a section of country road in SE Ohio when I took a corner faster than I probably should have, and coming out I see a huge group of vultures in the middle of the road...I slammed on the brakes, plowed right through the group of them, and nearly spun off the road. After pulling off the road, I got out to see how bad the damage was, and my car was absolutely untouched. After thinking about it for a second, I realized that I hadn't heard or felt any thumps, nor had I seen anything flying away from the road as I went through the flock of birds, and there was nothing to be seen in the sky overhead...and there was nothing in the road for a vulture to be eating...but just off the road by where the vultures had been was a white cross and a bunch of faded plastic flowers.


The only other weird events I've been witness to involve cats, so they probably don't count, but there is one that stuck with me:

My Grandparents always kept four cats, no more, no less, and they were all culls from showlines, cats that had some defect in markings, eyes, conformation, or personality that made them unshowable. Rufous was pretty much Grandpa's favorite, a big, stupid butterball orange tabby that would head-dive on any ankle in the house.

A year or so after Grandpa died, I was alone in the house when Mom and Grandma went up to the store, and I watched Rufous wander through the house for about half an hour, acting like a cat does when he's following his person around trying to get attention. He was looking up at something, rubbing along every piece of furniture and wall that he came near, and winding across the floor like he was threading through someone's legs as they were walking...he made his way through the house like that until he got out to the living room, where he sat and watched Grandpas old easy chair for a minute or two before jumping up, settling in, and starting up his loud bass purr...the other thing about that cat that always weirded me out was that even though Grandpa stopped smoking after his first heart attack, Rufous always smelled faintly of Captain Black, even after Grandma died and my Aunt and Uncle took over caring for him at their own house.

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