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This chick would have been fun


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Amazing how stupid people have all the luck. I don't suppose any of these retards ever heard of bank accounts paying interest and that the interest would be enough that they could sit on their asses and earn a middle class wage without working.


Oh well back to the trailer park for her:-)

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Sad, really sad. My wife has a current client that was a former lottery winner. $4M in 1994 and is now going belly up. I bet it sucks to be that dumb.


There was a show on TLC about lottery winners, they flashed a stat that was almost rediculous. Something like 85% of all lottery winners claim bankruptcy within 5 years after winning. Im not sure if thats exactly correct but it was a rediculous number.

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There was a show on TLC about lottery winners, they flashed a stat that was almost rediculous. Something like 85% of all lottery winners claim bankruptcy within 5 years after winning. Im not sure if thats exactly correct but it was a rediculous number.


Seen a few of them shows. I was amazed at the hillbilly guy who still had every dime like 30 years later.

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It's mostly moochers that kill lottery winners.


The first thing after searching for legal counceling would be to change my phone number and move several states over. Change my email address or anything that moochers could contact me.


Then buy a modest house on a few acres ~300K with a few nice cars. Help some of my siblings out. Then put the rest away and live off the interest. Probably buy some sort of a smaller business, gun range possibily.

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Here's me on the lottery: Pay off my parents' current debts, set up a trust fund with a decent payment for my Brother, buy a modest older brick farmhouse somewhere with a couple barns or steel buildings already built, and buy three vehicles: a weekender/project car, a work truck, and a semi with a decent sleeper. That's it. The rest would go into a bank account and government bonds, and I'd live on income from the truck and fill in the cracks with dividends.
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$3 million isn't really a lot of money, it's enough to where you would have to invest very wisely to last you the rest of your life comfortably.


I dissagree. you can get 2% returm every year on an insured investment. get out of dept and get yourself through college on 300K. 2.7 mill is 54k a year over whatever you work as a job. that's pretty comfortable imo.

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I dissagree. you can get 2% returm every year on an insured investment. get out of dept and get yourself through college on 300K. 2.7 mill is 54k a year over whatever you work as a job. that's pretty comfortable imo.


2% is a low return an investment that large. And to only spend 300k for most thats unrealstic. The 54k a year isnt that much, some could live on that...i couldnt. if you could spend 600k of your winnings and invest the other 2.4 million and get a yeild of 6% and had a job you would never lose your money. Its most of the people that spend a shit load of the money then dont work and keep spending and spending and spending.

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I would kill myself if I ever blew that kind of load.


You should see the load I blew on your mom last night........ZING!



What the problem here? She blew it all on clothes, drugs, cars and boobs. Her own fault, whats there to feel sorry for.

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My problem if I won, is that I am already 55 so taking the money over a 30 year period is out of the question. I would still work at my job, buy a house in the country on 5 acres, and build three different garages (two would hold 8 cars each, the third would have 3 bays and it would have two of those bays with lifts in them). Invest some and buy some more toys.
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