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September 11th, 2001. Don't forget.


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Everyone say a prayer today for those that we lost on 9/11/01, and for the Marines, soldiers, seaman, airmen, etc., that we lost in the battle that has followed.


Where were you?


I was already slated to go to Marine boot-camp on 9/15/01 - I was at my girlfriend (at the time, she's now my wife!) Bri's house when I woke up in the morning and walked past her father and the tv. I wasn't awake enough yet to comprehend what the tv was showing, but Bri's dad kind of said "SIT DOWN" in the kind of way that you know you should do what he says, lol.


I sat down and couldn't believe what was happening. The second plane hit the other tower within minutes. Not long afterwards, there were news feeds entering that reported a plane hitting the Pentagon... The whole time I was thinking "Wow, what a GREAT time to go to boot camp!" although the family didn't really think so.


After that day, nothing has been the same, really. Just reflect on the changes that this country went through after 9/11. For example, I previously had no problems going through the airport, but after the bombings they were in lock down! When I was reporting for combat training (in full Alpha uniform attire with a sea-bag and orders), I was asked to dump my sea-bag and take off my shoes. THAT was an interesting conversation with the gal at the counter!


No matter where you were or are right now... just don't forget. I've never seen so many closet patriots in this country. Remember to come out once in a while


Semper Fi.

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I was working at UUNET at the time. I had an office next to the NOC, someone opened the door and said that a plane had just hit one of the WTC towers. I pulled up washingtonpost.com and watched a video of it. I was shocked, then the second one hit, then the pentagon and the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. I knew the world was going to change.


Looking back, and remembering how I felt. I don't feel much safer now. But I know we took the fight to them, and we don't have random business people getting killed for the advancement of terrorism. I just wish there was a person that would be willing to talk, rather than take up arms against us. I love this country and what we stand for.

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I wake up today to the radio playing america and then I hear them anounce Zach death om there. I had kinda forgot what day it was but it hit pretty quick. I am very thankfull for the armed forces and the publics servers (police and fire).


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I was a freshman in in high school in this stupid ass drama class.I remember it like I was yesterday. Pretty weird for me cause at first I didn't really understand, then when the second plane hit and it hit me that people were dying and everything was changing at that moment. I hated that class but I'm still friends with people from that class cause it was something I'd never forget.


Thanks to the firemen and policemen that gave there lives. And a prayer goes out to the people who were doing there daily routine and lost there lives :(

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i was at work (same job as now) and i was talking to a buddy of mine who worked for the dispatch. before anything was out on cnn/fox/any news outlet, he goes "oh we got some news that a plan ran into a building in nyc, gotta go!" at the time.. no one knew how important those events would be....
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I was a sophomore at GCHS. The first plane hit as periods were changing and I'm sitting out in the hall before going into Geometry class then people were running down the halls "TURN ON THE TV'S, TURN ON THE TV'S." I remember sitting there watching the Tower on fire and you see the second plane (which almost everyone thought was a replay) hit the other tower. I kind of remember them saying something about how the towers shouldn't fall b/c they were built so well or something. I don't think we did anything the rest of the day at school. Definitely something that you'll always remember the rest of your life.
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I was working for the state of ohio in the state office tower downtown. Nothing like being in the tallest building in the state of Ohio when all of this happened. I remember listening to Howard Stern scream that we were under attack. So many emotions went through me.


The weather outside really impacted me. It was clear as a bell with blue skies and cool temps. It seems like every Sept 11th since then has looked like it did that day.


I would just like to thank all the first responders, active and former military and all those that sacrifice (d) for what we all enjoy today.

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I remember i was a Senior in HS with kenny adams we were in computer class and someone tells us that the World Trade Towers has been hit by airplanes. We turn the tv on and watch the mess and all the smoke, some chick looks and says "OMG the poor birds" LOL, the look on kennys face was priceless. He looks at her and says, "theres ppl jumping out of the building and u care about the fucking birds?" It was just hilarious!! That dumb bitch. Well I give my hats to all the men and women that risk their lives for our country as well as the firefighters and everone that helped during 9/11. THANK YOU!
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I was a senior in High School when it all went down. I can remember being in religion class and it being dead silent. I had been to the Army recruiter before, but never sealed the deal on anything. That day solidified my decision 100%. As horrific as that day was, I think that whole year showed just how America can come together in time of need. God Bless those that lost someone that day, and God Bless those thrusting the spear into Al-Qaeda. The images still boil my blood, and still make second guess not having done enough to rid this world of Al-Qaeda and their like.


Not sure I'll ever forget that day, nor do I think America ever should.

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I was a Junior at Westerville North High School in Government class. We were informed of what had happened, and then turned on the TV's in the room. I am not sure if I understood exactly what it all meant, but there was NO talking for many minutes, lots of crying and a general shocked feeling.


I will never forget. RIP

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My wife called and woke me up to tell me what was going on. I got up showered and just sat there watching in disbelief I called family kinda just to have someone to talk too. Later went to work at winbook where they had it on TV there as well. Didn't take a single call that day and remember by cell phone not being able to get any service, all the major news webs site being down due to traffic overloads and seeing and seeing figter jets flying over work late in that day guessing they were with airforce one.
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Here are a handful of images that post just about every year. I worked in NYC for several years and spent quite a bit of time capturing memories of that great city. It's still hard to believe the towers are no longer there and that some of these images are approaching 10 years old.












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Remember those that are part of the spear, thrusting into those Al-Qaeda fucks.



thats you silly!


I remember every moment of that day. I woke up today though and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I knew why when i stepped outside at 8:30am and looked at the sky. It was a perfect, cool, calm and beautiful day. But something happened so horrible 8 years ago on the same day, same sky, same calmness. It was surreal.


Thank you Scott and all other servicemen on this site and country. It means more to us than we will ever be able to say with words.

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