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Good excuse to call of from work


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just say "i have to go out of town for two days, and will not be able to work"


easy peasy.



working in the food industry sucks. someone made a comment abut it just being rallys and not a career. well here at donatos if one person decides to just call off, everyone gets fucked. theyve got to pull the extra weight and it blows. there shuold be some sort of request book/sheet that could have been filled out if enough time was given in advance. but honestly, if your just looking for a last minute excuse, tell them you woke up ill(puking, sore throat, etc.) and they wont question it. they dont need your germy ass handling customers food. and if they require a doctors note, do what he suggested about photoshopping a doctors note. if you were feeling nice you could ask your fellow employees to cover your shift.

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working in the food industry sucks. someone made a comment abut it just being rallys and not a career. well here at donatos if one person decides to just call off, everyone gets fucked. theyve got to pull the extra weight and it blows. there shuold be some sort of request book/sheet that could have been filled out if enough time was given in advance. but honestly, if your just looking for a last minute excuse, tell them you woke up ill(puking, sore throat, etc.) and they wont question it. they dont need your germy ass handling customers food. and if they require a doctors note, do what he suggested about photoshopping a doctors note. if you were feeling nice you could ask your fellow employees to cover your shift.


i realize youre a manager at donatos, but really, its not that serious. i worked there for 2.5 years, and if someone called off, oh well...i wouldnt say anyone was anywhere near being "fucked"


its fucking pizza. instead of 29 minutes to get your food, it might be 34.

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tell them you might have Hep A....going to get it checked out. There is no way in HELL they will let you work around food having a possible case of Hep A. No way at all.


Usual symptoms are : jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of eyes), terrible lower back/kidney pain, cant hold fluids, puking, stomach feels like its tied up like rope, being in the fetal position in the bathtub seems to help a little.

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What are you +1ing... or are you just posting a lot now trying to make it look like you are legitimate poster here after you were called out about that from your rant on Not Brian? :confused:


ummm what does +1 mean?..."I agree without a long drawn out explanation"...


And I post whenever I feel like it. Brian or not. Sorry if I got better things to do than post every day.


And call me crazy if you want, I didnt do anything different than you guys do on a daily basis. Talk about whats on your mind for a large group of people to give an opinion on.

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ummm what does +1 mean?..


Usually you quote or imply what you are agreeing with. You could have been agreeing with anyone's post above yours.


You rarely posted until that rant, now you're posting quite a bit every day. I'm saying that's because you are trying to 'prove' why you are here. So why are you here?

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Just have him tell them he has the shits and already ruined 2 pairs of pants today.



and agree with who said this earlier... I know for a fact right in every food palces guidline book you are NOT subject to come into work if you ahve diareigha ( spelling?)


it is way to much of a liability for you to be around customers food..


And it does not require a trip to the docotor it is last minute and you can say you ate something abd and it cleared up by the next time you ahve to go into work...

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