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Ticket question

spooling 1g

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I just received a ticket for street racing,there was some kid next to me in a riced out tiberon decided he was gonna burn out and take off from the light i was next to him at(im in my moms buick skylark with 2 cylinders out of it the thing can barly get up to speed)i dont do anything but accelerate to the speed limit which is 35mph,next thing i know im getting pulled over and giving a street racing ticket?so how do i go about fighting this he was being a prick and didnt even have me sign the ticket,all thats on the ticket is street racing,no speeding no nothing wtf?????
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wow, i got a ticket for almost the exact same situation.


I was the idiot tho, i spun my tires at the light, just for fun. I was next to my friend in his mom's honda pilot...needless to say, we weren't racing. We had the windows down and were talking to each other while we were going home. We both got drag racing tickets, no speeds or anything.


We had to go to court 3 times for it because we chose to fight it. However, he couldn't keep getting time off work and he ended up just pleading guilty, which was stupid. I think we would have gotten out of it. I had court after he did that and they still reduced my ticket to reckless op. I only had a $90 fine in addition to the 4 points on my license, and insurance going way up.


Did they get the other guy too?

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lol someone told me that about the name and such? i dont know ive never really had to deal with a ticket before.



FYI...get lawyer. It will cost you $500+ but it beats the points and history that will follow you. Not to mention insurance premiums that will kick your ass for several years. Do the math...lawyer up and have them negotiate for you. Otherwise, you will get the book thrown at you.

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found this


maybe it will help




4511.251 Street racing.


(A) As used in this section and section 4510.036 of the Revised Code, “street racing” means the operation of two or more vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to out-distance each other or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, wherein timing is made of the participating vehicles involving competitive accelerations or speeds. Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants. The operation of two or more vehicles side by side either at speeds in excess of prima-facie lawful speeds established by divisions (B)(1)(a) to (B)(8) of section 4511.21 of the Revised Code or rapidly accelerating from a common starting point to a speed in excess of such prima-facie lawful speeds shall be prima-facie evidence of street racing.


(B) No person shall participate in street racing upon any public road, street, or highway in this state.


© Whoever violates this section is guilty of street racing, a misdemeanor of the first degree. In addition to any other sanctions, the court shall suspend the offender’s driver’s license, commercial driver’s license, temporary instruction permit, probationary license, or nonresident operating privilege for not less than thirty days or more than three years. No judge shall suspend the first thirty days of any suspension of an offender’s license, permit, or privilege imposed under this division.


Effective Date: 01-01-2004; 06-01-2004; 06-15-2006

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If no one else was ticketed, plead not guilty and take it to the stone. If you have half a brain you should be able to represent yourself. Dont settle for any bullshit they try to offer you. I got a drag racing ticket last year. Only me, no other driver sited. Read what was posted further up. Print it and take it with you if need be. I walked out with no court cost, and no points.


I just wanted to add, I WAS drag racing, and got out of it representing myself. If there was NO other cars stopped, NO one else ticketed, and NO video, the state has nothing on you.

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Nope just me.Im hoping that the ticket along will get me off cause he didnt ask me to sign it,and my name is spelled wrong.


Signature is not an admission of guilt. It is just that you recieved a copy of the citation. He personally served you so the signature is not going to be a major deal.



Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
If no one else was ticketed, plead not guilty and take it to the stone. If you have half a brain you should be able to represent yourself. Dont settle for any bullshit they try to offer you. I got a drag racing ticket last year. Only me, no other driver sited. Read what was posted further up. Print it and take it with you if need be. I walked out with no court cost, and no points.


I just wanted to add, I WAS drag racing, and got out of it representing myself. If there was NO other cars stopped, NO one else ticketed, and NO video, the state has nothing on you.


This shit right here.


The traffic courts here work on the bully principle, in that the court wants you to think they have all the power. Such is not the case. Don't admit to ANYTHING! Don't say "well yeah the guy next to me was driving fast but I wasn't I swear". When they offer you a deal, say you have no idea why you were ticketed, you were not racing (note: you don't have to exceed the speed limit to be considered racing), and that you are unsure why you were the only car pulled over for allegedly street racing. Represent yourself, be smart, and you'll save a truckload of money.

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  • 2 months later...
you know what they say about that.


a man who represents himself has a fool for a client.


Thats because the ones that say it are the fool, without half of a brain.


If I ever need anything that I think I can't handle, I just call the Ohio's Asst. Attorney General, he pretty much take it from there.

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