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Ever wanted to get a home theater system?

Trouble Maker

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An online magazine I read has a store attached to it and posted these package deals that seem pretty good on the surface (didn't look into them too deeply).


One is $750 and the other is $1k. Not bad for what you get (full 5.1 speakers, pretty nice receiver and blu ray player). They both seem to have everything you need (all wires, etc) to add that home theater punch to your HDTV. I'd imagine either of these would make most people very happy with their purchase (not wanting more).






If you need more HDMI calbes for hooking up other stuff check out http://www.monoprice.com http://www.bluejeancalbes.com or http://www.tartancables.com

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I usually hit up that shady "home theater installation" truck that always pimps out the walmart parking lots looking for people who just cashed their WICA checks. They've never steered me wrong :) For some reason those guys always have a 'spare' set of tower speakers 'left over' from an installation.


Seriously though, that sounds like a killer deal. If i didnt just drop 600 on a new tv and a few hundred more on misc shit I'd scoop it up.

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I usually hit up that shady "home theater installation" truck that always pimps out the walmart parking lots looking for people who just cashed their WICA checks. They've never steered me wrong :) For some reason those guys always have a 'spare' set of tower speakers 'left over' from an installation.


Seriously though, that sounds like a killer deal. If i didnt just drop 600 on a new tv and a few hundred more on misc shit I'd scoop it up.


lol my friends just moved into their new apt and found an almost new set of paramax (read: parking lot brand) speakers in the dumpster, still working just the prev owners couldn't sell them for nothing.

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