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Best thing for a bad back

V8 Beast

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I threw my back out the other night. After a night of rest I'm able to move but my mobility is limited. Any tricks people with bad backs do to help them recover faster? I'm doing the heat pack and massage thing which is helping some.... anything else I should be doing?
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I wish I had the time to rest but I have to go to work. Luckily for me all I do is sit on my butt all day. Getting from the truck to my office will be the hard part.


Sitting around always makes mine feel worse, I either have to lay down or be standing.

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You couldn't just offer some sugestions could you? Man please if I have a bad back, can I please come see you please? Your attitude is fucking awesome.


I did give advice... ask Kirk. He knows everything, just ask him.

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This works well







Not gone in a few days call me.

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I carry Advil liquid gels around all the time for my bad back, but according to men's health this month, married men suffer long from back pain because they nurse it and it actually weakens your back and that the best thing to to is to take some pain reliever and tough it out.
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self pwnage.... o-well, works for me and quite a few guys at work. No chiropractor fees either. :gtfo:


The problem with inversion is it is not specific enough to solve anything long term. Tempoary relief does happen with inversion, but otc meds do the same thing. Teeter hang-ups is a good example of the power of television.


I would try to find out what the problem is and then find the right treatment for the problem. My .02

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Punch yourself in the balls as hard as you can. Still notice any back pain?




J/K, I've found that sleeping on a flat, hard surface with an electric blanket under me is good for when I wrench up my lower back. Sleep with your back down, and try not to put too much padding under your head. Pop a couple Advil ASAP in the morning, then work as normally as you can.

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