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Gas company deposits are bullshit


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Just got off the phone with Columbia gas, which by that way had the rudest bitch I have ever talked to answering calls. Had to call in to see what day my gas was going to be turned on, its fucking cold in my house. Bitch informs me it won't be able to be turned on til next Monday, and there is a $283 deposit!! Then the bitch proceeds to tell me all excitedly that they break it up into 3 payments...great now i'll just have 3 $200 dollar bills. I hate utility companies.


Anyone else have a high ass deposit getting gas turned on?

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Never had to make a deposit at the 4 places I've been at. Do you get it back with interest?


You sir are a lucky sob, the cheapest deposit I have seen anyone have is $100. My dad has perfect credit, has owned 3 houses and had a $200 deposit last year when he went to get service put on in his new place.


Columbia gas ftl

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Trash- $68 dollar deposit, had to be paid upfront

Water- $51 dollar deposit, had to be paid upfront

Gas- $283, broken up into 3 payments $95, $94, $94

Electric- $125, had to be paid upfront



Movins is fucking expensive lol


Damn, I haven't moved in 2 years, but I guess I should look into this next time I consider moving. I've NEVER had to put a deposit down on anything for utilities, that's crazy. I've been in 3 different apartments and now I own a house.


Where did you move too? No offense but I'm just curious if its a bad neighborhood/area and maybe a lot of people in that area do not pay their utilities so the companies enforce a deposit?


Just curious...

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I have never had to pay any utilities deposits until I moved into my house. When I did that, I only had to pay a deposit on the electric because the last apartment complex I lived at switched from AEP to ones of the "co-ops." So I had to pay the deposit to get the electrice turned on at my house. It was only like $75. A year later, the deposit was applied to my account with interest.
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When i moved into my new house this past august. I didn't have to put down a deposit with Columbus Gas at all. But the fuckers did charge me 13 dollar service fee for pretty much using no gas usage at all cause i had the gas turned on for day to do the inspection in July.
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About 17 years ago when I got my first place to live I had to put a deposit down for electric or I could of had someone who was already with Duke Power to co-sign and there would be no deposit.


I had my mom co-sign. Maybe you can find out if thats a possibility and get yo pops to help you out...

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With the gas if I get a co-signer they will waive the deposit, so I'm gonna have my mom do that for me lol.


We live in a good neighborhood and I have no past utilities on my credit. My last apartment all utilities were included in the rent, so I wasn't able to transfer anything to new place.

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About 17 years ago when I got my first place to live I had to put a deposit down for electric or I could of had someone who was already with Duke Power to co-sign and there would be no deposit.


I had my mom co-sign. Maybe you can find out if thats a possibility and get yo pops to help you out...




Josh Columbia Gas does that crap here in Newark. Newark/Heath is devided up. Part of the town is Energy Co-op other part is Columbia. They tried to pull that shit on our business when we moved. If you can provide either a current customer with good standing as a reference or previous gas bills paid on time they will wave the deposit. Dont listen to there bullshit I already handled them one time.

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Never had a deposit. If you want your money back, switch suppliers to someone who won't charge one. Hit the PUCO website, find a company you like, and call them to see if you can switch without a deposit. Columbia will no longer be your supplier and they'll refund the deposit. At least, that's the way it's been explained to me.
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Trash- $68 dollar deposit, had to be paid upfront

Water- $51 dollar deposit, had to be paid upfront

Gas- $283, broken up into 3 payments $95, $94, $94

Electric- $125, had to be paid upfront



Movins is fucking expensive lol


You think thats bad? My parents used my name to open utilities at their old house 2 years ago, needless to say my mother neglected to tell me she didnt pay the last month on ALL the utilities when they moved out. I was stuck for a bill of over 730$ accumulative just to turn on all my stuff. Yeah I was pissed.

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You think thats bad? My parents used my name to open utilities at their old house 2 years ago, needless to say my mother neglected to tell me she didnt pay the last month on ALL the utilities when they moved out. I was stuck for a bill of over 730$ accumulative just to turn on all my stuff. Yeah I was pissed.


Ha you think thats bad...my fiances Dad and Step mom ran up bills in every utility under her name. She is just now getting that shit all settled with the utility companies. They had bills in her name starting back in 1997...she was 12!!


She had to send in a copy of her birth certificate and some other shit to prove it wasn't her that had the bills turned on in her name. I know its hard to file charges against a parent, but its identity theft which is fraud. If it were me I would've turned their asses in no questions asked.

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Only time I had this happen is I moved into an apartment where the last person didn't pay their bill. They wanted a deposit because of the trend of previous tenants. My first bill happened to be $400. I called them to bitch and they told me it was from previous tenants and they removed it no problem. Also they used my deposit to pay my bill after a few months of service.
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Sounds like you had the same lady I got last week.


Ha listen to this bullshit. I called in last wednesday to get service setup. They tell me I have to fax a copy of my lease to them and they would give me a call back in 24hours to tell me how much deposit is and when service would be started. Ok no problem, I get that faxed over to them Thursday morning. Well today is Monday and I still hadn't heard anything back from them, so I decide to give them a call since its been fucking cold in my house.


I get this lady on the other line that is a total bitch. I give her my phone number so she can bring up my account. She pulls it up and ask for my name so I give her my name, she ask if this is Ron. I was like no this is Josh, she was like is Ron available? I ask her who the hell is Ron, she tells me the lease holder. I say no, I am the lease holder, we go back and forth for 2-3 minutes over this. It then dawns on me that my landlords name is Ron, I tell her that and that the lease is under me and my fiance's name. We get past this finally after 10minutes.


I then explain that I had been waiting on a call back and was just calling in to check the status. She tells me "we don't call customers, unless there is an issue". I politely say ok, well thats just what I was told. The bitch has the balls to say "I highly doubt you were told that by one of our reps", wtf is this cunts deal? At this point im starting to get irritated and pretty sure she can hear it in my voice. We get past this and get to my deposit and time to set up service.


She tells me it won't be until Monday that they will be able to get here and turn my Gas on. I was like a week to come check a meter seems kinda long to me. She then tells me if I would've answered their phone call it would've been turned on sooner. Now stop right there and think about that last sentence "if you would've answered the phonce call your service would've been turned on sooner". Now read my previous paragraph and notice "we don't call customers back unless there is an issue". So point blank the bitch is lying her ass off. I have had enough of her and ask for a supervisor. She tells me there is none available, at this point I lose it lol. With the most polite voice I could have at the time I say "bitch get me a fucking supervisor, I have done call center work, I know there is one around there somewhere". The bitch still refuses to get me one, I finish up this whole ordeal very unhappy.


Get off the phone with her and onto the phone with my fiance, she is more pissed then I am for some reason lol. She calls back and ask for a supervisor right off the bat. Talks to them for a few and gets our turn on date moved up to Thursday.


Columbia Gas FTMFL!!!

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same as posted...i had an electric deposit when i first got an apartment. when i moved to my house that had gas (apt was all electric), i didnt have a deposit. g/f was going to have to put a deposit on electric because it was going in her name, but i had to do the cosign bs and there was none.



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Ha you think thats bad...my fiances Dad and Step mom ran up bills in every utility under her name. She is just now getting that shit all settled with the utility companies. They had bills in her name starting back in 1997...she was 12!!


She had to send in a copy of her birth certificate and some other shit to prove it wasn't her that had the bills turned on in her name. I know its hard to file charges against a parent, but its identity theft which is fraud. If it were me I would've turned their asses in no questions asked.



WOW thats fucking crazy! I've thought about small claims court but in the long run its only 730$ right? The thing that really piss's me off is that she makes almost 3x the amount i make yearly... amazing huh?

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