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weird sleeping positions


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I am the opposite. I like to be a little cold. I can and will sleep almost anywhere though.


Same here. I usually do not sleep under any covers.


As a child I learned to sleep anywhere anytime except in my bed at night. As long as I am on my somach, legs crossed, and my arms and hands under me holding my junk.


Oddly, this is one of the most comfortable positions for me.

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I typically start on my stomach on top of a pillow and end on my back with my arms over top of my head. I cannot sleep on my sides for whatever reason.


I have to have a comforter over me, no matter what season it is. If it's hot out I'll have a fan on full blast so I stay chilly enough to have a comforter.


If I have to sleep somewhere weird it I have to either be piss drunk or extremely sleep deprived, otherwise it's only a couch or my bed.

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1st - wtf. did the original post seem odd to anyone else? it is thorne though, so whatever.

2nd - didnt you just complain in another thread about not being able to sleep at a hospital? or am i thinking of someone else?


:lol: yes it was thorne because his wife is in the hospitol. :(

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I've changed the way I sleep as I get older. I can remember about 5yrs ago I would sleep best on my side. Now, I can't stand it and have to lay on my back with my hands above my head.


Can't stand to sleep on the couch or floor though. I fall asleep there after dinner sometimes, but the TV and kids constantly going around me keep me 1/2 awake and I get cranky :o

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i have to sleep with the TV on. when i first met my g/f and she started staying over, shed get up in the middle of the night and turn it off and i would wake up from a dead sleep and tell her it needed to stay on. i get it from my grandma...shes the same way. i was there about 10-11 years ago and i couldnt sleep, went to the next room to turn her tv off, and she woke straight up and told me to turn it back on. its odd.


and i cant sleep on my stomach. usually fall asleep on my right side, and toss and turn all night between right side, left side, and back.

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:lol: yes it was thorne because his wife is in the hospitol. :(


Yeah I passed out in the chair there like in the middle of the day. I just know growing up I used to go to allot of lan partys and learned how to sleep almost anywere

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Try having a 2 YO sleep between you and your wife every night. I usually get 6 inches on a king size bed to lay upon.


She's making sure she doesn't become the older sister....LOL.


And yeah, better start breaking that habit or you never will. My 2 and 4 year olds sleep in their own room on the 2nd floor, no issues.

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I used to be able to sleep anywhere before I had my chest surgery. Now I can only lay flat on my back unless I want to be in dull pain the whole time. It pisses me off so much because I rather lay on my side or stomach but I can't do it for more then 15 minutes. Sometimes I wake up on my side in lots of pain. It gets real annoying when that happens almost every night.
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