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Work tip of the day...


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If you wear an ID on your belt with your name and picture on it and you go take a nasty shit you should stuff it in your pocket. Otherwise, when I walk in I will see who is destroying the stall and I will make a mental note of it when you leave without stopping at the sink.



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Yeah they do it here at work all the time. I go to another floor on the opposite side of the building to drop my kids off at the pool.


Because you don't wash your hands?


I poop everywhere, I have no issue destroying a bathroom. I need to write a book about all the places I have left skid marks.

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Because you don't wash your hands?


I poop everywhere, I have no issue destroying a bathroom. I need to write a book about all the places I have left skid marks.


Actually the other bathrooms have less "traffic" in them. I can't stand it when I got to drop a deuce and I can smell the stank around the corner before I open the bathroom door.

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i see so many people here not wash their hands its unreal, and the worst part is they will look at you as they walk out and not wash. I just look at them like wtf. I never touch anything and i know who to avoid. Kinda gross


That is why I always open the bathroom door using a paper towel. Whoever thought it would be smart to have to exit by pulling the door open needs to be fired.

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I always wash my hands after using the restroom, but I think people get a little too worried about germs and bacteria. I do agree I notice people that don't wash their hands, but it doesn't make me open the bathroom door any differently.


But people worry about the H1N1. It's the flu, deal with it.

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I wash my hands before I wipe my ass.



I actually had someone ask me once why I wash before and after. I simply tell them to go back ot their desk and google Staph infections. Then realize where that shit can live and what it would be like to get that on your dick. :eek:

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I actually had someone ask me once why I wash before and after. I simply tell them to go back ot their desk and google Staph infections. Then realize where that shit can live and what it would be like to get that on your dick. :eek:


i do the same thing. personally though, i hate using public restrooms just for the thought of all the shit you could possibly catch from just sitting on the toity. that and im not pointing any fingers here but a lot of ppl seem to either miss or spatter a lot when pissing in a toilet. shit gets all over the seat and then i have to sit in it. its just nasty.

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i see people come out of taking a dump and just get a little squirt of hand sanitizer foam...how much of a hurry are you in that you just wiped your ass and you cant spend 60 seconds to wash your hands with soap and water?


all depends on the duece. If its a clean break I'll use the hand sanitizer, but if its a mud butt case I will was and sanitize.

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