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Just a plain shitty day/ foot update


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Well I ad a Dr.'s visit today with an orthopedic specialist who is also an orthopedic surgeon. I have been having alot of pain in my foot(for those who dont know, a 1200lb piece of concrete crushed it 8 months ago). I can walk with a shoe on for a decent amount of time, but after about 1/2 an hr my hips hurt do to what I guess is the limp I walk with and eventually the foot and my hips hurt to much to keep going. I get random pains that are so intense that I wince in pain that come on for no reason and can last an hr over and over. Without my shoe I can barely walk, at times I cant even walk 2 feet. So today the dr tells me that this will probably be my life now. He then shakes my hand, tells me he's sorry and leaves the room. I have tried to stay positive. I am not ashamed to admit that I was like a little girl for a few minutes. It kinda all hit me at once when I actually heard the words that this may in fact be as good as its gonna get. I know that only time will tell and he did say that "we can only hope with time it improves". Just a shitty day and I know it could be worse and others have it much worse off. But still shitty.:(
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In terms of physical wellness, just keep working at getting better, continue therapy and do everything you can to prove the doctors wrong. There are plenty of stories on healing. The body is amazing and remarkable at recovering from trauma.


On the bright side, you are really lucky to still be walking and even to literally have a foot. I remember those pics and I bet if you look back on that moment it occurred, you had thoughts of possibly having to face losing that foot.


What you have now is a far cry from what you had 8 months ago. And again, the reality is it's only been 8 months.

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I know its not what you were hoping for Jason, but hopefully this will speed things along with your s.s. stuff. like others have said, plenty of people have proved dr's wrong, If you've got the willpower, which I know you do, you'll be walking again in the future...



and remember, it hit your foot, not your face, heart, spine, or any other horrible horrible places... you still get to watch your kids grow and live life not as a human vegetable in a bed.

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i know you dont know me but i want to share something because one of my buddies went through virtually the same thing. before i explain everything about him, i just want to tell you dont let your depression and pain get the best of you, try to stick as far away from the pain killers as possible because eventually they will destroy your life.

back 3 years ago my buddy was involved in a horrible motorcycle accident. the doctors honestly thought he would never walk again but slowly he began to prove them wrong. he was on his feet with in a year and using a grandma walker for an entire year, than he moved onto crotches and now he doesnt need anything. but from that motorcycle accident he really screwed up his right foot. he was having tremendous pain from it and was receiving countless surgeries to repair it but nothing was working. they kept on giving him pain killers and he basically said fuck it and started popping them like skittles just to keep the pain away. his life went into a horrible downward spiral. it got so bad that you couldn't communicate with him at all. luckily his parents cared about him dearly and got him into rehab and detox, he slowly started doing a lot better but the pain was still there and was still making his life miserable. he was now on his 14th surgery and the doctors still cant get things right, for the past 2 years hes been walking around with this giant boot on his right foot and pins stuck into his toes. a month back he finally said fuck this and had enough of all the surgeries and just told them to amputate one of his toes that isnt fussing back together.

now some of the old pain is gone but it brought some new pain with it (phantom pain). but not nearly as bad. he can actually function now and is slowly starting to get his life back on track.


basically the moral of that story is always keep your head up, dont let the pain, anger and frustration get you down because getting down is easy, the hard part is getting back up.

go talk to multiple doctors, maybe others can see it differently

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