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SpaceGhost troll thread


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Yes get your hopes up, can't wait for the calls for the coaches job in January. LOL


Go Ducks, Day-Glo FTW!


It's funny, I was looking at a prospective bowl list this morning and who's missing... hmmm... OHHH it's Michigan for a second year in a row! Now would you look at that. Troll.

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Troll? It's freaking true, if OSU loses again, you may not bitch about Jim, but the morons will. Argue me this please. And I am quite sure Oregon will walk on OSU, want to put some money on it Chris? Sure it sucks Michigan is not in a bowl game, you are correct. Not going list any excuses.
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Troll? It's freaking true, if OSU loses again, you may not bitch about Jim, but the morons will. Argue me this please. And I am quite sure Oregon will walk on OSU, want to put some money on it Chris? Sure it sucks Michigan is not in a bowl game, you are correct. Not going list any excuses.


ill take $50 on OSU. wanna lock it in?

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ill take $50 on OSU. wanna lock it in?


I want to bet with the guy that called me a "troll" for having an opinion that differs with his. I'm not taking a bet with every tom, dick, and harry that is an OSU fan, I'm not a bookie.


However if he declines I will take your bet. Chris you in or out? I pay my lost wagers, ask Marc and your Brother.

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I want to bet with the guy that called me a "troll" for having an opinion that differs with his. I'm not taking a bet with every tom, dick, and harry that is an OSU fan, I'm not a bookie.


However if he declines I will take your bet. Chris you in or out? I pay my lost wagers, ask Marc and your Brother.


I didn't call you a troll because you disagreed with me, you fucking troll. I called you a troll because you trolled your fucking troll ass into a reasonable thread and offered nothing of value except a weak-ass trollish jab at OSU.


Yes get your hopes up, can't wait for the calls for the coaches job in January. LOL


Go Ducks, Day-Glo FTW!


That's why you're a troll. I could give a shit about our opinion disparities as you and I rarely agree on anything. I don't go calling you a troll every time we disagree, you troll. But in this thread you're the definition of troll.


I also could give a fuck to bet on anything, except maybe I'll bet that if I pissed you off enough you'd disappear back to Ohio Riders and whine to Casper again until Anthony gives in and sucks your cock to come back here.

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I didn't call you a troll because you disagreed with me, you fucking troll. I called you a troll because you trolled your fucking troll ass into a reasonable thread and offered nothing of value except a weak-ass trollish jab at OSU.




That's why you're a troll. I could give a shit about our opinion disparities as you and I rarely agree on anything. I don't go calling you a troll every time we disagree, you troll. But in this thread you're the definition of troll.


I also could give a fuck to bet on anything, except maybe I'll bet that if I pissed you off enough you'd disappear back to Ohio Riders and whine to Casper again until Anthony gives in and sucks your cock to come back here.


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I also could give a fuck to bet on anything, except maybe I'll bet that if I pissed you off enough you'd disappear back to Ohio Riders and whine to Casper again until Anthony gives in and sucks your cock to come back here.


I went back to Ohio Riders? I have like 10 posts on that board and I don't think I have posted there all year. Is Ben telling you untrue things? I get an e-mail from that board each month to come back. I don't own a bike so I don't. Chris I left because as Sponsorship Coordinator, I disagreed how things were being dictated to me. Some Admins such as yourself favored some sponsors and didn't care about others. I try to treat them all the same and be fair. The bullshit where everyone had robs logo in their sig was ridiculous. I didn't feel I could be fair with my hands tied. I also had other stuff planned for the time I was gone, I was in AZ and doing other things. The last straw was you putting me as a miserable user for me bumping an old thread to prove you were a hypocrite. LOL How mature was that? So I said fuck it, why do I need to do work for this place if the owners brother acts like a complete tool to me all the time, when we have only said hi to each other once in a parking lot. (end of George's Cruise I believe) I don't get your hatred for me, you can dish shit out but I guess you can't take it. But hey your reputation on here precedes you, anyone on here before the last few years knows how much of a troll you are.


Cliffs, Yes when I am made a "miserable user" and asked to do a responsibility around here and put time in, as a volunteer I might add, you bet I'm gonna leave and not let you walk all over me.


Who the fuck are you to me? Answer, Nobody. Say the word and I am out of here. I don't have to be here, I agreed to help out your brother. If I am not wanted let me know. it's as easy as that. Thanks for the attention though, your time in this is pleasure enough.

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Troll? It's freaking true, if OSU loses again, you may not bitch about Jim, but the morons will. Argue me this please. And I am quite sure Oregon will walk on OSU, want to put some money on it Chris? Sure it sucks Michigan is not in a bowl game, you are correct. Not going list any excuses.


$100 on OSU. Take it or shut the fuck up troll.



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I went back to Ohio Riders? I have like 10 posts on that board and I don't think I have posted there all year. Is Ben telling you untrue things? I get an e-mail from that board each month to come back. I don't own a bike so I don't. Chris I left because as Sponsorship Coordinator, I disagreed how things were being dictated to me. Some Admins such as yourself favored some sponsors and didn't care about others. I try to treat them all the same and be fair. The bullshit where everyone had robs logo in their sig was ridiculous. I didn't feel I could be fair with my hands tied. I also had other stuff planned for the time I was gone, I was in AZ and doing other things. The last straw was you putting me as a miserable user for me bumping an old thread to prove you were a hypocrite. LOL How mature was that? So I said fuck it, why do I need to do work for this place if the owners brother acts like a complete tool to me all the time, when we have only said hi to each other once in a parking lot. (end of George's Cruise I believe) I don't get your hatred for me, you can dish shit out but I guess you can't take it. But hey your reputation on here precedes you, anyone on here before the last few years knows how much of a troll you are.


Cliffs, Yes when I am made a "miserable user" and asked to do a responsibility around here and put time in, as a volunteer I might add, you bet I'm gonna leave and not let you walk all over me.


Who the fuck are you to me? Answer, Nobody. Say the word and I am out of here. I don't have to be here, I agreed to help out your brother. If I am not wanted let me know. it's as easy as that. Thanks for the attention though, your time in this is pleasure enough.


You show me one ounce of proof where I ever favored one sponsor over another, or hell even got involved in sponsorship e-battles. If you're trying to bitch about admins and sponsorship preference all you're doing is unjustly throwing shit on Anthony who was simply trying to keep peace, check your facts. Anyone who knows me understands very clearly where I stand on sponsorship issues and why I'm so staunchly level in the treatment of sponsors. You don't, so keep lying your ass off.


I've been hands-off in the management of this place for years. My capacity is to host it and provide support to Anthony. I'm also not going to deny my conduct from 10 years ago when I was 17 and your key phrase "anyone on here before the last few years" because I'll be the first to admit I mellowed out as I've matured and gotten older. So sue me for being an immature teenager. What the fuck is your excuse? You strut the fuck around here and abuse the power Anthony has given you, and I've had to tell you several times to chill the fuck out in the moderator section AND had to ask Anthony to speak with you about your conduct. So who's the fucking hypocrite?


I and CR doesn't owe you shit for your service, and I'm not going to have anyone walk around here on eggshells because we might piss off the mighty volunteer Ben who thinks we owe him something. There are far more people who have done more and care more for CR than you ever have, and your volunteer assistance is NOT a golden ticket to being a fuckstick to anyone you pass nor is treating you with kid gloves fair to any other volunteer who offers their time and service for the good of CR. If you don't fucking like it, then get the fuck out. Because I sure as fuck could care less about your "service" when I have to deal with the people you upset.

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I also could give a fuck to bet on anything, except maybe I'll bet that if I pissed you off enough you'd disappear back to Ohio Riders and whine to Casper again until Anthony gives in and sucks your cock to come back here.


:confused: That's not quite how that went down but okay. He wasn't posting on Ohio Riders either. He still doesn't. Remember, he doesn't have a bike anymore and never will again.

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You show me one ounce of proof where I ever favored one sponsor over another, or hell even got involved in sponsorship e-battles. If you're trying to bitch about admins and sponsorship preference all you're doing is unjustly throwing shit on Anthony who was simply trying to keep peace, check your facts. Anyone who knows me understands very clearly where I stand on sponsorship issues and why I'm so staunchly level in the treatment of sponsors. You don't, so keep lying your ass off.


I've been hands-off in the management of this place for years. My capacity is to host it and provide support to Anthony. I'm also not going to deny my conduct from 10 years ago when I was 17 and your key phrase "anyone on here before the last few years" because I'll be the first to admit I mellowed out as I've matured and gotten older. So sue me for being an immature teenager. What the fuck is your excuse? You strut the fuck around here and abuse the power Anthony has given you, and I've had to tell you several times to chill the fuck out in the moderator section AND had to ask Anthony to speak with you about your conduct. So who's the fucking hypocrite?


I and CR doesn't owe you shit for your service, and I'm not going to have anyone walk around here on eggshells because we might piss off the mighty volunteer Ben who thinks we owe him something. There are far more people who have done more and care more for CR than you ever have, and your volunteer assistance is NOT a golden ticket to being a fuckstick to anyone you pass nor is treating you with kid gloves fair to any other volunteer who offers their time and service for the good of CR. If you don't fucking like it, then get the fuck out. Because I sure as fuck could care less about your "service" when I have to deal with the people you upset.


Oh my God! People pissed off on the interwebs!!!



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$100 on OSU. Take it or shut the fuck up troll.






All right I'll take it. $100 it is.


Ben what is Chris talking about me going BACK to OR and whining to you? I don't remember calling you, I remember you calling me on the phone at work and asking what was going on, correct?

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:confused: That's not quite how that went down but okay. He wasn't posting on Ohio Riders either. He still doesn't. Remember, he doesn't have a bike anymore and never will again.


Oh wait, so what Chris posted is untrue, proven by Stillman. I got it. Thanks. That's all I need there.

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I went back to Ohio Riders? I have like 10 posts on that board and I don't think I have posted there all year. Is Ben telling you untrue things? I get an e-mail from that board each month to come back. I don't own a bike so I don't.




65 posts to be exact, over the course of three years. :lol:


As for what I said, I can't find the thread anymore. It's on here somewhere.

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