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Love and Marriage


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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.

Edited by Mr.Schmelmer
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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.

I agree with you completely, people rush into marriage for all the wrong reasons and its rarely taken seriously these days.

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I could agree with that. Today's sad divorce rates are exactly why I spent 6 years dating, living, etc with my girlfriend before we got married. I did NOT want to be another statistical divorcee. People are dumb and stupid, need to stop breeding. Unless they're pretty, then they make nice decorations.
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People think love is just a feeling, but it's more than that. When you get married, it's a commitment to stay with someone for the rest of your life, no matter what comes. All marriages hit a low point where you don't feel anything anymore. That's when you find out if you really love your spouse or not.
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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.


I love you, baby.


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I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS.


Being married to a divorce lawyer (let the jokes fly), I hear about a lot of stuff good and bad. In the end, I do not believe people can just be happy forever just being together. They have to WORK AT IT. Not that you implied otherwise, but I just want to be clear on my thoughts.


The problem is that in many, many cases, couples do not work at it, essentially live separate lives and continue to drift further apart. The law of attraction is totally real and I firmly believe that. If you do not put effort into or think about your marriage and work to make it strong, you will drift and it's only a matter of time. I honestly think about it every day.


I've been with my wife 20 years and can say we've had our rough times no doubt. However, through all the ups and downs, we've continued to work at it and it's the best it's ever been right now. Ironically today is date night and I've already been told that I won't be on the computer tonight and that I'll be lucky to have the ability to walk :p


I for one believe in love.

Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.


Bingo. Today's generations are not at all like the ones of our parents, or theirs. People are treating relationships as disposable investments. I won't do that. I stand by my ground and promises. Temptation is always there but you have to have a foundation that let's it pass by with little to no interest.

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Marriage is something to build upon over time. People all too often assume that it will be easy and, as has been said multiple times already, rush into it. Many newlyweds are too immature to realize the commitment that they have undertaken and suffer because of that.
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I dont think I believe in it. It starts out as a physical attraction, then if the person isnt annoying the crap out of you, or a deadbeat loser, you will stay together. When something better comes along, you will go for that. Only reason I believe people stay together is because a)something better did not come along b)You are comfortable with the person you are with. That will eventually lead to marriage and then you have to work really hard to stay together, and work especially hard to not go for that "something better" that comes along. Mainly for reasons like your kids that you might have, or not losing your ass big time in court and not looking like a failure in society.


Love is conditional, therefor it can not be love. I do believe that you can truly care a whole lot for someone, but people dont care for others anymore either. Society is becoming more selfish by the day.


Unconditional love between parent and child is what i consider love.


Just my quick opinion.

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I'll never love any other woman than my wife.


After having 6 awesome years being married, my wife and I started a family and we love our daughter. However, I realize that raising a child is NOT FOR EVERYONE. I wouldn't want to sound harsh by saying people should stop breeding, but there are definitely a lot of people that are better off not having children.


The same can be said for marriage: there are a lot of people that are better off not jumping off of that cliff.


Whether marriage or raising a child,it doesn't mean you suck at life if you don't ever do it. People just really need to know themselves before making such massive lifelong commitments.

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Being 28 and married for over 9 years it may seem like we rushed into it, but I don't feel that way. I feel like most marrages fail because people don't want to work out their problems and differences. We wouldn't have lasted very long if we hadn't worked out our issues. Having been through having our daughter early (she's 8), dealing with money problems, and being accused of cheating we've worked past things that would have broke up a lot of people. We are very happy and still enjoy being together, and we haven't forgot why we love each other.


I think love and marrage still exists, but easily forgotten.

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It exists.. My wife and I have been together for 9 years, married for 5 and just recently had our first baby. She's my best friend and I couldn't imagine life withour her. Marriage is easy if you have found the perfect match. I feel bad for people who say marriage is so much work and how hard it is
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I also think folks rush into major commitments way too fast. Though in all honesty, time is against you. Its also very difficult to find someone who:


A. Compliments your intellect and personality


B. You find attractive


C. Has tolerable flaws


If you can find a person that fits the above, I'd say you have a good shot.

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Honestly, yes I feel that true love exists. Part of me agrees with Chris in saying the only true unconditional love is between a parent and a child. I know if my future children mess up and do something stupid I will still love them and be able to forgive them. I do not know if I would be able to forgive my future wife is she were to cheat on me. Which is why I would agree that it is conditional. I would probably still love her; but dont think we would be able to stay together.


That said I do plan on getting married someday. I will take the good times with the bad. It's part of life.


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Im not looking on ways to keep a marriage together, just wanted to know if people see the need to still get married instead of just being together....


There are some finiancial and related reasons to get married, there are also more personal moral reasons too.


Do you need to....no. I have a good friend who is in her 50's that has been with her guy for over 25 years. I think legally they are now tied in some ways, but am not sure. They have lived in NY, NJ and now Vegas, so who knows what applies. They never planned on having kids so they stayed away from marriage. Ironically, they obviously have what it takes to be married though.


I would do it again if not for anything else, as a sign to my kids. I always tell my kids, family stays together. There is no doubt or question guys.....we've made a commitment and are going to honor that commitment. Besides, your mommy is a divorce lawyer and daddy isn't :D

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Me and my lady are happy. We have been together for 13 going on 14 years. I put an engagement ring on her finger. Hell, I say that we are married and go on about our business. It is defintely possible to be together for any amount of time and not be married. Any relationship legally binding or not takes hard work. Young people these days want all the fruits without the labor that is the problem.
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I don't know if I believe in marriage, but that may be because I'm not sure I've ever been in love, and obviously one comes after the other.


I agree with black00ws6 "Marriage is easy if you have found the perfect match."


I've had many relationships and a few serious ones, but looking back, I'm not sure if I was ever 'in love'.


Now I love my daughter no doubt, I miss her more than anyone/thing when she's with her mother on my off days, and I would do/give anything I could for her, that's the only real 'love' i know of.

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