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Middle of the day knocking/shady activity + Home security system reccomendation


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Here's the backstory:


My wife is home today. An African-American gentlemen dressed in street clothes knocked on our door several times, then got into a newer silver sedan like a Buick driven by a white woman with glasses also in street clothes. She said they drove up, stopped in front of our house, he got out and knocked, then got back in and they left the area. Needless to say, there shouldn't be anyone knocking on our door in the middle of the day.


She called me concerned/weirded out, I asked her to call the police immediately if only to file a report. 15 minutes later, the cops knock our door - they show her a picture of the car and ask her to confirm if it's the same car - they have them pulled over two streets away!


The cops said there were actually four people, two African-American gentlemen in the back hidden by tinted windows. All young, 19-20, and all checked clean but said they were clearly up to no good. They have all of their names, addresses, and SSN's and gave them a very clear warning about how vigilant our neighborhood is and that if anything happens they know where to find them. Cop thanked my wife for calling, said that in the future if anyone knocks like that to immediately call 911 because if there is no answer they may just go right around back and toss a brick through a window.




The cop said we should have a security system, that's all I need to hear. Can anyone recommend a good monitored system company? I know I could build one myself, I'm not interested - I want to pay someone for piece of mind. Looking at ADT and Brinks/Broadview of course. Thank you. :)

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I have a guy that owns his own company and installed an awesome system in our house, battery back-up, smoke/fire, and cell phone monitoring (I don't have a land line at my house). He used existing sensors in my house and all I have to pay is $26 a month...no contract, no up-front cost. Great guy, too. Came recommended by my bro-in-law who used him on his German Village and UA houses. He's pretty popular in Bexley, too. PM me if you'd like his contact info and I'll get it to you when I get home. We got quotes from Brinks and ADT and this guy blew them out of the water and his installers were very polite and professional.


I'm a cheap-a$$ sunofabatch but the peace of mind in having a security system is huge. Plus, we've had a couple of false alarms that they never charged us for (I think we get 3 a year).

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i called the cops last night of a suspicious car outside my neighbors house for liek 20minutes, someone in the drivers seat with either a really bright cell phone or a laptop (blue glow on their face) and literally while I was on the phone w/ the police (in my front window) they took off. kinda pissed at myself for possibly tipping them off, but the cops asked for a descriptions of the car.
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How fast does it work....


Really fast. They wouldn't die right away, but they would be severely incapacitated almost immediately. Of course getting it IV would be the hard part...


I'm obviously joking.

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Really fast. They wouldn't die right away, but they would be severely incapacitated almost immediately. Of course getting it IV would be the hard part...


I'm obviously joking.


I was just curious how well it would work on a human. I knew you were joking



Offtopic aside


Glad your wife is safe and there was no drama. I would step up security.


Why put off buying a dog for a year? I dont know you but I dont think you are financially strapped. A dog would add a nice sense of security

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I was reading screening reports at my work at the prison, and that story fits how a lot of the people robbed homes around the union county/logan areas. the women and men would knock on doors and if no one was home have another set of people rob the home. Ive read around 8-9 that do this. Make sure your wife is careful !
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Why put off buying a dog for a year? I dont know you but I dont think you are financially strapped. A dog would add a nice sense of security


We actually want to sell our house first to be closer to work. Closer to work would allow more freedom for the dog, as it is we'd have to leave it in a lot which isn't fair.

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I was reading screening reports at my work at the prison, and that story fits how a lot of the people robbed homes around the union county/logan areas. the women and men would knock on doors and if no one was home have another set of people rob the home. Ive read around 8-9 that do this. Make sure your wife is careful !


That's the conclusion we're coming to as well, given the description of these people from the cop. They were basically scared/nervous kids so we think they were just scouting.


Nevertheless, I'm not awfully concerned if they break in when we're not here - frankly, they'll be pretty upset they wasted the time because we don't live extravagantly or have expensive things. I guess if they want my 6 bottle wine fridge or a 15 year old 36" tube TV they'll be happy. I'm most concerned when my wife is home by herself. Not that I'm exactly excited about someone coming in when I'm here either but I'll use my gun to it's fullest extent if I need to.

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