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Tiger Woods taking an indefinite break from golf.


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I love reading the conspiracy folks on other sites claiming that the "old rich white golfers" set all of this up to get the black man out of their sport.




I haven't heard that... Heck if it wasn't for Tiger golf wouldn't be as popular as it is today and making the kind of money it is. For the "old rich white golfers" to want him out is stupid considering the kind of attention he brings to the sport. You think if this was happening to Phil Mickelson that people would be talking about it the way the are with Tiger? I doubt it...

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what's the difference between an Escalade and a golf ball?

Tiger Woods can drive a golf ball 350 yards.


what's the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa?

Santa usually stops after 3 "Ho Ho Ho"s


TW's gonna be taking an indefinite break from getting pussy too.

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He never should have gotten married in the first place, then no one would really give a fuck how many women he's screwing, he's an idiot.



Not that I give a shit who he screws anyway. I wish the media could find things to talk about that really made a difference in my life. Let them just talk about Tiger while golf is on, maybe they wouldn't be worried about people still watching even though he isn't there. :rolleyes:

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