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Anyone else see it in 3d today? HOLY SHIT my junk is still tingling from this. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I will pay to see this again. It's a visual treat and the three hours passes really quickly because it is just non stop cgi porn. I can't recommend this movie enough. Just amazing.
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I think it would entertaining for a 10 yr old kid. There isn't any gore of any kind and there are parts in the forest that you'll just be like 'damn, that is absolutely bad ass'. The battle scenes aren't overly graphic or anything I dont think that he couldn't handle. I'd take my 10 yr old to see it.


This movie will change the way you look at movies.

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Great movie; I hear of reviews of people saying it wasn't good, but I haven't heard from anyone who has actually seen it say it was bad.


The IMAX 3D (Easton) was nothing short of amazing. It was so realistic that you started to forget it was 3D. I hope they do a Blu-ray 3D version when it come out, because I WILL have that (my TV has some 3D feature...wonder if it could be utilized...I never looked up the tech on that).


The story line was a bit predictible, but still really good. Just a really enjoyable movie that never felt long to me at all.

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Bad ass movie. Some of it is a little out there and people say that it's not a great story line. But who cares. Go and slip into movie magic for about 3 hours and get away from reality definatly a fun movie! Would probably watch again (In 3D this time)
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