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I got robbed. Fence question.


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My house was burglarized last night. My lot backs up to Westerville Rd. The fence was compromised in the wind storms and any integrity it had met the bottom of the food of the dudes who are watching my flatscreens.


I want to build a 10ft fence to both deter any thoughts of my place being an easy snatch and grab and also to block road noise.


Columbus code regulates fences over 6ft tall as freestanding structures. Freestanding structures require a setback. My yard is enormous so I can spare some space, but does anyone know to what extent it is regulated, how far the setback is, and how scary a 10' fence would be?

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Well don't forget that a 10' fence also lets anyone that is going to brake in hide better once they are in your yard. I saw something on bigger fences can hurt you in eyes of people looking for places to brake into cause you are trying to hide something. Spend the money in an alarm not a fence. The idea to block some road noise is a good idea, but again like I said before I think it might hurt you for people looking for something for nothing.
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They came just after my wife left. The prints walking around the cul-de-sac match the prints in the back. The police assume there were two lifters and a driver. They parked on 23, knocked over the fence, kicked in the sunroom French doors, and took time to shuffle through every item in the house.
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I see can see that, my neighbors would still have the same 6ft wall between us and the road view is already obstructed by brush.


The alarm company Chris recommended in the other thread will be out tonight. If the kids choose to come again they will be greeted by fourty-five millimeters at high velocity.

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Unfortunately a giant dog is out of the question. My neighbors have a German shepherd who was going nuts while this was happening. I suppose we could make a gate to let it patroll our too but that thing kills grass with efficiency.


Not all dogs kill grass, but IMO so long as its going out back, into the fenced in area that can't normally be seen from the road, who cares what it kills.

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If the kids choose to come again they will be greeted by fourty-five millimeters at high velocity.


only when you're home though. +34325 on the Alarm system. Get the cell back up too. we loaded ours up with mulitple sirens inside and out of the house too. stobes, etc....so when this shit goes off, believe me, it's painful to be in the house and from outside, there's no mistaking it's our house and something isn't right. :bangbang:


two good sized dogs helps too. :cool:

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Agreed, however:

Tall fence + Giant dog inside it = win

Anyone that wants to get into your house will just drug the dog with a treat and be back in a few mins. What dog do you know what will not take a treat?


Glad you are getting an alarm on your place. Best thing you can do.

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Anyone that wants to get into your house will just drug the dog with a treat and be back in a few mins. What dog do you know what will not take a treat?


Glad you are getting an alarm on your place. Best thing you can do.

one like this unless its a body part http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4038/4229129115_3b890d0c24_b.jpg180lbs Rotti

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They came just after my wife left. The prints walking around the cul-de-sac match the prints in the back. The police assume there were two lifters and a driver. They parked on 23, knocked over the fence, kicked in the sunroom French doors, and took time to shuffle through every item in the house.



+1 what part of westerville rd, and how did they park on 23? im really sorry, i am guessing the worst part is knowing someone other than you was in your house...not good times.




"sleeping with a glock under my pillow"

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