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Dear people of central Ohio

V8 Beast

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I learned the hard way not to be typing on my laptop while I drive. So many times I spilled my beer, dripped Chicken McNugget sauce, or dropped cigar ashes onto the keyboard (one time, I did all three at once). As I mopped up the mess (while merging into traffic), I accidently hit the ENTER key and my post looked like something Paul had written. Just not practical, IMHO.



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Just want to point out one little thing: wanting other drivers to venture outside of their skill envelope is probably not a good idea. Accept that they can't manage, get around them when you can, and be glad they didn't actually hit your car this time. You can't make stupid people into intelligent ones, trying merely adds you to the ranks...



I don't think anyone is asking people to really drive faster, as much as, keep right as god intended. You don't want to do over 30 on the freeway in the snow, fine, do it in the right lane. What, that guy in front of you is doing 15, well wait until there is nobody in the passing lane, get around him and get BACK OVER.


Although, in thinking about this, in the middle of summer you can't get people to follow these rules. Why the hell are we expecting the amoeba's to do it in winter.




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I learned the hard way not to be typing on my laptop while I drive. So many times I spilled my beer, dripped Chicken McNugget sauce, or dropped cigar ashes onto the keyboard (one time, I did all three at once). As I mopped up the mess (while merging into traffic), I accidently hit the ENTER key and my post looked like something Paul had written. Just not practical, IMHO.



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Yes I agree.


Also, Sawmill Rd as been renamed to Retard Express. Everytime I drive on sawmill, I want to kill someone. The speed limit isnt 25, 35 or even 3, but indeed 45 MILES (not inches) PER HOUR




It's like everyone is scared, and snow is a new concept to Ohioans. I do hope C-bus and the surrounding area gets a mini blizzard again. That tends to take a majority of retards off the road in a Level 3 Snow Emergency. I've had way too much fun with my Ram in 2WD.

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I don't think anyone is asking people to really drive faster, as much as, keep right as god intended. You don't want to do over 30 on the freeway in the snow, fine, do it in the right lane. What, that guy in front of you is doing 15, well wait until there is nobody in the passing lane, get around him and get BACK OVER.



The worst was this morning. Minivan several cars up front merges on from the far right, proceeds to skip over to the fast lane and park herself in there going 10mph slower than everyone else on the road. I finally get around her and only to find her sibling in a Old-Man-Tan Buick riding their brakes more than their gas pedel and leaving 4 miles of distance in front of their car, while they pace the guy in the lane right next to them, both going 5mph slower than most everyone else, thus the slow right-side pass line forms, which in turn fucks up everyone else trying to get on the freeway.


Ultimately it all ends when someone finally cuts their asses off and they finally move the hell over. :mad:

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I learned the hard way not to be typing on my laptop while I drive. So many times I spilled my beer, dripped Chicken McNugget sauce, or dropped cigar ashes onto the keyboard (one time, I did all three at once). As I mopped up the mess (while merging into traffic), I accidently hit the ENTER key and my post looked like something Paul had written. Just not practical, IMHO.


Good point. One time I typed up a very well planned out thread only to hit a pothole and delete it all by mistake. BTW, eating and driving is just plain dangerous. I'm shocked that you would come on here and admit you do that. Not only that... you dip while driving too.

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The worst was this morning. Minivan several cars up front merges on from the far right, proceeds to skip over to the fast lane and park herself in there going 10mph slower than everyone else on the road. I finally get around her and only to find her sibling in a Old-Man-Tan Buick riding their brakes more than their gas pedel and leaving 4 miles of distance in front of their car, while they pace the guy in the lane right next to them, both going 5mph slower than most everyone else, thus the slow right-side pass line forms, which in turn fucks up everyone else trying to get on the freeway.


Ultimately it all ends when someone finally cuts their asses off and they finally move the hell over. :mad:

Well, excuse the fuck outta me. Can I help it if I got over there while I was checking my porn download on Limewire and all the assholes flying past on the right wouldn't let me back over?

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I don't think anyone is asking people to really drive faster, as much as, keep right as god intended. You don't want to do over 30 on the freeway in the snow, fine, do it in the right lane. What, that guy in front of you is doing 15, well wait until there is nobody in the passing lane, get around him and get BACK OVER.


Although, in thinking about this, in the middle of summer you can't get people to follow these rules. Why the hell are we expecting the amoeba's to do it in winter.





This is all very true. I'm thinking that when people change lanes and they feel a little snow buildup, that they just feel safer not changing lanes again. This is the fun part. They won't change lanes because they are scared, but they will hold up traffic and speed up when someone tries to get around them. I guess our rants only do good for us to let the frustration out, because it only seems to get worse with every flake of snow. Maybe there should be a required winter/snow drivers ed course.

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