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who has moved on??


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reading stimmels thread provoked a reply that got me thinking..


who is past the making cars faster thing?


the last mustang i had just pissed me off to the point where it wasnt fun anymore. now i could care less about a fast car. i still love, and enjoy cars, and talk cars all the time. But im done dumping money into cars, i get no enjoyment from it any more.


i may do a few aesthetic things to the truck like window tint or wheels... or duty things like a bedliner and hitch, but thats where it will end.


i get more fun and enjoyment from the bikes now. they are easier to maintain, less expensive to have fun with, and taking the trips on the VFR is just amazing. Best thing is the wife loves the bike too.

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I have. Though I have never owned a "fast" car im too much of a tightwad to ever justify dumping tons of money into one.


When there's so much in life to look forward to and do besides cars its kinda hard to justify spending all of your time and money on one really. Someday I want to buy a house, have kids, save for their education and pay off my own but that doesnt mean Im not a 'fan' of cars it just means im growing up i suppose... damn that sounds depressing.

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I have, I spent wo much money on the Mustang and it never worked out... add something/fix something.... Break something else... or needs something else to support it. I have moved on for now. I am sure I will get another car here in a year or two. But I am planning on getting a bike this year and trying to kill myself on it.. Sooooo we will see how that plays out. But yeah I am done witht the car thing for now.
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BTW, ive heard the same about bikes. Faster, cheaper to own and maintain and more fun than a car. I'll get one eventually... whitey keeps telling me i need one and i keep telling him "this winter i'll buy one i swear"


bikes are an absolute blast...

and there is so many different aspects of riding..

thats why i love it, and the bike crowd is diverse but overall more together than car crowds.


when i first got into bikes it was the speed aspect that got me hooked.


now im in love with traveling on the bike. nothing better than seeing the country on a bike its a whole different experienve.


and now i got a new hobby to try out... doing track days on the other bike as well. so this year should be alot of fun.

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I have, I spent wo much money on the Mustang and it never worked out... add something/fix something.... Break something else... or needs something else to support it. I have moved on for now. I am sure I will get another car here in a year or two. But I am planning on getting a bike this year and trying to kill myself on it.. Sooooo we will see how that plays out. But yeah I am done witht the car thing for now.


i will probably get another "cool" car in the future, but it will stay stock. im not fighting a loosing battle any more with cars. ill buy it, drive it, enjoy it and be done.


for now, my practical and purposeful vehicles will do me just fine.

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Im stuck on cars and trucks. its a lot of fun building a truck thats faster than 95% of all bikes on the road. yes they can outhandle me and get better mileage. but when i hit a wall at 150 i get to tell everyone about it. although i was thinking of getting a 2009 kawi zx10. i can get it for 3500. and thr gas mileage in the spring and summer would b nice. but ill stick to racing cars and trucks
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I can see where you're coming from. I started off on bikes because they were cheaper and the best performance/dollar I could get. I had the scene ruined for me for a variety of reasons though, and just about everyone I knew got out of them so I was left alone and not having fun. I also felt that the danger to a motorcyclist on the road in central Ohio went up SUBSTANTIALLY during the 10 or so years that I rode.


Where I'm at with cars? I'm starting to get other priorities in life so they're not getting my full attention/money. I plan on keeping them, and maintaining them, but i'm just not planning any big builds or anything.

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I have been in the same boat for years. I always have the desire to get something fast, which I think is what led me to finally trying out the motorcycle end of the hobby. I agree, it's a whole different group and a whole different experience. I still have the drive to get another fox-body one day, but priorities and lack of space have kept e from it so far.


Oh, INB4 "I thought you said fast, but your sig says Buell"... :mad:

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I wouldn't say I'm done spending money to make my cars "better", but I'm def. past the need to try to make cars the fastest thing on the road, or even the fastest version of what I have. I learned along time ago to either accept what you've got power wise or buy something else as big increases in power to an existing platform only equals headaches and constant tinkering. Just not my bag anymore


I'll still spend money on suspension, tires, brakes and reliability items (cooling) to make them good on a road course, and cosmetic things for them to look the way I wish on the street but that's about it.



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Dunno if I'm past it, but since I work on 900 hp engines every day that kinda burns you out. I do plan on getting a 2011 mustang, but I probably won't mod it. Just a little exhaust and intake.


I still want to have a project car, but I've been focusing on getting my home theater done first.

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I will never move on from cars it is just going to take me more time than I want to get to my goal :( I would rather build it right the first time and be able to enjoy it along the way.


Funny thing is I might be making a step into the bike world too. I have an addiction to anything that is loud, fast, and dangerous.

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Does moved on (until funds are available) count? Paying $200/track day on a bike isn't bad, but getting a car on Mid-O is much more expensive from what I hear. Plus getting and keeping a good track-worthy car would be a PITA. When you can buy a track ready bike for $3k that will go many track days with little maintenance it's hard not to.
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I owned a bike...no interest in having another. I'd rather have a fast car. I know I would have eventually killed myself on a bike.


100% agreed.


I doubt I'll kick the bug, but as of now I'd rather have a comfortable, quick (some may say fast), and practical vehicle. If you can drive the car/truck you love all year around, that would be great. I'm trying to accomplish something of that nature, but it's probably going to boil down to owning a Truck and a "FUN CAR".

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I totally agree, I've owned and built some cars in my time, mostly late model Mustangs, a classic Stang and some Big Block Pontiacs. But after i sold my last Stang over 2 yrs ago I just kinda lost interest in making a car fast. I sunk too much damn money into cars over the years.


Though I actually started to get the itch to get another Stang, But this time I'm looking into a nice clean fairly stock or close to stock 5.0's. Just looking for something to put exhaust on and cruise around in. Actually going to look at one in Michigan this sunday.

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I really wish I could get rid of my car. It's still nice to have, but I would rather have something AWD/4WD for the safety aspect. Also something more comfy for the ladies would be nice. My bike is just so much faster than my car is ever going to be without dropping a ton of money into it, and the bike is just plain more fun. Oh well lol.
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Seems like a lot of people who attempted the having a fast car thing, got discouraged when they realized that it wasn't as easy as it appeared. It definitely takes money and patience. Most of the people who get into to cars, want to have a fast car but don't realize that you have to put a lot of work and money into it. I've never gotten into bikes, but I'm sure that they are fun as well. Just not my thing. I don't think that I have a fast car either, but I've always had fun with them even when they were a giant pain in the ass and wallet.
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