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Diabetes pumps? who's got one


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I have 1 but I stopped using it in 2004, it does keep your bloodsugar stable but changing the patch every 3 days gets annoying but if you don't the insulin leaks out and doesn't get in your body, I lost weight also from using it other than that its worth it as long as your insurance will cover it, my pump was over $5,000.00 but that was back in early 2000 prices may have come down since then
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My mother used one when they first came out and it worked very well for her, except for the fact that she got rashes even with the hypo-allergenic tapes. Other than that she was pretty pleased with it. I am sure with all the new updates out there with technology that they are even better.
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Anything you can do to more accurately control your BG levels, the better off you'll be in the long run. Hyperglycemia wreaks havoc on your cells and will fuck you in the future if you don't get it under control. I have minimal experience with them (not a diabetic), but I say go for it.


BTW, what's your wifey's latest Hgb A1c?

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