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CBS Rejects gay dating site Superbowl Ad.


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I was glad when will and grace went off the air. :D


FTR, I don't hate them, I just don't want to see it. You can live that lifestyle all you want in your house. I don't need it piped into my home. Hell if they got their own network I wouldn't care, I can block whatever channel I want with my cable box.


They do have their own network. I can change to it right, now on Time Warner. However, I won't because I enjoy the straight programming of Maury. :rolleyes:

Seriously, I won't but mostly because the programming sucks on the gay channel.


Back on topic:

I'm amazed at the intolerance here. Who really cares what others do? If it doesn't hurt you or your family, what's the problem? Why can't they advertise for their dating thing? I have to watch straight dating commercials. I know gays exist. I've had gay and lesbian friends. I know what they do. I just.... FUCK ME WHO FUCKING CARES?! LOL HOLY SHIT, PEOPLE! lol


I've never had a problem with my child being exposed to anything like this. Just because I may have to have a talk eventually about something, doesn't mean I shy away. I want my child to know about everything in the world so that she may face it and understand it, not just the parts that someone deems ok. I believe, because of this, even living around her racist, close-minded mother's side of the family, now, she has grown into a very open minded, excepting, non-judgmental person I am very proud of and I never hid anything from her. You'd never know you were speaking to a 15yr old.

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What if I go to walk by a guy and he backs into me and touches his rear against my front? That happened to me at a football game by the concession stands and now I feel gay. I know it happens a lot but I froze up and didnt apologize. Only a gay isnt sorry when a man puts his Levis butt pockets on another mans zipper.


That's hilarious. :D

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On the forth hand, how would the gay community handle it if there was a straight-only dating site advertised during the Super Bowl... or any show for that matter?


And, I don't recall seeing a reply to this:


"if I am not supposed to care about how a gay man or woman lives their life, and I am supposed to leave them be and let them do whatever they want to and feel however they want to... why are they (and you) so concerned about whether or not I approve of it and make it a point to show me how my beliefs are wrong?"

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"if I am not supposed to care about how a gay man or woman lives their life, and I am supposed to leave them be and let them do whatever they want to and feel however they want to... why are they (and you) so concerned about whether or not I approve of it and make it a point to show me how my beliefs are wrong?"


When your beliefs infringe on others being afforded the same opportunities that you have, then yes it's wrong to not allow them those same opportunities. This isn't about beliefs, it's about people being treated equally which is a 'god' given right. Like I said earlier, democracy is absolutely not about a majority ruling (over the minority).


You're allowed your opinion that it (being a homosexual) is wrong. That is also allowed to sway what a company that's trying to sell to you does. That doesn't mean I won't also tell you that my opinion is, that you are wrong and why. I won't go on too much of a tangent on this, but I also think that publicly broadcasted channels should be held to much higher standards and rules (as well as anything calling itself news).


I'm pushing equal rights and you are pushing beliefs (sometimes bordering bigotry disguised as morality). Guess which one wins in my logical head?


You guessed it the FSM.



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lol awesome. enjoy your stay in hell for eating at red lobster.



Exactly. Religious folks (from all religions) pick and choose which parts of their faiths to be fanatics about, and which parts they get a pass on. That's why its all bullshit.



Yada yada yada (insert stock sol740 religious rant) add sarcasm, mix with some charm, a dash of wit, and a near impeccable timing. Voila !!!

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Guest 614Streets

Gay men are the most persecuted men on the planet, or are they?. They may also be the richest men on the planet. I have quite a few gay friends , even a few gay for pay friends. Although I find myself very attracted to women and frequent strip clubs because I like poot, I also semi respect gay men and women. They have their place let them be. No one was ever killed because of sex. And I mean SEX.


Martin Luther said to judge by character not by color. Judge the bad men and women and persecute them! But let thoose who cause no harm be free. And you will.






I wanna split all your brown eyes , batts lashes. Hi sammy! - Mango

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Guest 614Streets
Lets put it this way I know Columbus Cops that are gay and are terrified that any of thier coworkers found out. Tell me what you think about that??? These people I know. I know all these underground folks.
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Gays had the same opportunity to advertise...and were shot down because it would be a shitty business move to put them up there on the air in the homes of the majority that don't want to see it. A legitimate democracy is one that is representative of the people and the people have spoken up and CBS made their call. Again, if it were not the case and money was to be made and the masses supported it, it might be considered a good business move. Like it or not life isn't fair and not everyone is equal. Right or wrong it has been and likely always will be. Figure out how to create utopia and you can be our leader. Until then, give the whiners some cheese.


When your beliefs infringe on others being afforded the same opportunities that you have, then yes it's wrong to not allow them those same opportunities. This isn't about beliefs, it's about people being treated equally which is a 'god' given right. Like I said earlier, democracy is absolutely not about a majority ruling (over the minority).


and that higher standard is IMO not bringing gay advertisements to the superbowl. it's certainly not doing something simply because it's fair or because a group of people are all ass-hurt.


You're allowed your opinion that it (being a homosexual) is wrong. That is also allowed to sway what a company that's trying to sell to you does. That doesn't mean I won't also tell you that my opinion is, that you are wrong and why. I won't go on too much of a tangent on this, but I also think that publicly broadcasted channels should be held to much higher standards and rules (as well as anything calling itself news).


while your comment isn't necessarily directed I will reply and say that none of this has anything to do with equal or non-equal rights for me. It has to do with not wanting to see something I think is morally wrong (yes my morals) and naturally disgusting (dicks don't belong in mens asses) and in both cases I won't support having it out on the airwaves of the masses. Personally I don't care if they get married, live together or screw in their own bedroom, but keep their perverted lifestyle in their own world, not in the mainstream. Just the same, I also don't want to see adds for connecting adults who are in to S&M being advertised either. It's the whole time and place thing.


I'm pushing equal rights and you are pushing beliefs (sometimes bordering bigotry disguised as morality). Guess which one wins in my logical head?
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..and were shot down because it would be a shitty business move to put them up there on the air in the homes of the majority that don't want to see it.


I'm not trying to jump into the argument here but..


Even if it went through, it still would've been a very smart business move. It still would've created controversy and everyone would be talking about it the next day (along with a thread about it on here).


example: GoDaddy

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Here is the difference I see. Being pro-life should not be offensive to anyone at all. If you are offended by a commercial that essentially pleads for the protection of the unborn there is something wrong with you. Protecting the unborn is should be just fine with the pro-choice crowd since they are all about "choice". But that is were the problem lies, they are not concerned with choice at all, they are focused on providing as many abortions per per as they can squeeze through the doors.

IMHO any doctor that performs those should loose their license to practice permanently. First do no harm has been a tenet of medicine for a long time, and that practice directly conflicts with the goal of not causing harm. In cases of capital punishment Physicians do not participate in the administration of the drugs, they only confirm the death.


The same liberal people that rush to the cause of every death row inmate in attempt to spare their life, are the ones walking escort for the women to go into the clinic to put to death a baby. The moral contradiction is extraordinary.


Being a sodomite can be offensive to the majority of people who see the moral and ethical problems with it. Forcing counter culture onto children by way of the television has been the method preferred by the sodomites since the "Roseanne kiss" in 1994. That was the official start of the pervasive gay content on the non cable channels. I just don't see the good in convincing children that living gay is ok.

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Here is the difference I see. Being pro-life should not be offensive to anyone at all. If you are offended by a commercial that essentially pleads for the protection of the unborn there is something wrong with you. Protecting the unborn is should be just fine with the pro-choice crowd since they are all about "choice". But that is were the problem lies, they are not concerned with choice at all, they are focused on providing as many abortions per per as they can squeeze through the doors.

IMHO any doctor that performs those should loose their license to practice permanently. First do no harm has been a tenet of medicine for a long time, and that practice directly conflicts with the goal of not causing harm. In cases of capital punishment Physicians do not participate in the administration of the drugs, they only confirm the death.


The same liberal people that rush to the cause of every death row inmate in attempt to spare their life, are the ones walking escort for the women to go into the clinic to put to death a baby. The moral contradiction is extraordinary.


Being a sodomite can be offensive to the majority of people who see the moral and ethical problems with it. Forcing counter culture onto children by way of the television has been the method preferred by the sodomites since the "Roseanne kiss" in 1994. That was the official start of the pervasive gay content on the non cable channels. I just don't see the good in convincing children that living gay is ok.


Some of the more famous opponents of capital punishment have been the very religious. Nuns and what have you, hardly "liberals" so your generalization is faulty. Also I am very much for more "liberal" (yuck yuck yuck) use of the death penalty in cases where there is zero doubt, yet many would label me a liberal. Also faulty.


Touching on your delusional tirade about "pro-choice" proponents wanting nothing more than to set a guinness record for abortions in an hour, that would be like me saying every pro-lifer wants nothing more than to blow-up abortion clinics with reckless abandon. (what is it with the religious and explosives anyway ? ALALALALALALALALALALA) Two opposite sides of the stupidity coin here, made to polarize, and not to find a compromise. Keep in mind I would be in full support of time-restricted abortions. I do not consider protoplasms to be babys. If we are going to call all possibility of human life, life, then we need to start making masturbation illegal because techincally your sperm is "alive" and every time I wax my computer monitor I'm murdering all my would-be children. Though what this has to do with a gay dating commercial I will never know.


As far as someone forcing your kids to be gay, how about you just don't watch that program or network. If you hate Roseanne, or Will and Grace then don't fucking watch those shows, or hell block the network. No one is forcing you to do anything. Having a black man kiss a white woman would have been lynch-worthy in a certain place and time in this country. Lots of folks didn't see the good in that either. I think your confused as to who is being oppressed.


Also gay men making out is kind of gross to me, and CBS definitely has the right to choose what advertisements they run.

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Here is the difference I see. Being pro-life should not be offensive to anyone at all. If you are offended by a commercial that essentially pleads for the protection of the unborn there is something wrong with you. Protecting the unborn is should be just fine with the pro-choice crowd since they are all about "choice". But that is were the problem lies, they are not concerned with choice at all, they are focused on providing as many abortions per per as they can squeeze through the doors.

IMHO any doctor that performs those should loose their license to practice permanently. First do no harm has been a tenet of medicine for a long time, and that practice directly conflicts with the goal of not causing harm. In cases of capital punishment Physicians do not participate in the administration of the drugs, they only confirm the death.


The same liberal people that rush to the cause of every death row inmate in attempt to spare their life, are the ones walking escort for the women to go into the clinic to put to death a baby. The moral contradiction is extraordinary.


Being a sodomite can be offensive to the majority of people who see the moral and ethical problems with it. Forcing counter culture onto children by way of the television has been the method preferred by the sodomites since the "Roseanne kiss" in 1994. That was the official start of the pervasive gay content on the non cable channels. I just don't see the good in convincing children that living gay is ok.


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The same liberal people that rush to the cause of every death row inmate in attempt to spare their life, are the ones walking escort for the women to go into the clinic to put to death a baby. The moral contradiction is extraordinary.



The same "conservative" people that rush to the cause of saving babies because they feel it's murder are the ones walking escort for the men on death row to be but into the chamber to be killed by an inhumane lethal injection system.

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The same "conservative" people that rush to the cause of saving babies because they feel it's murder are the ones walking escort for the men on death row to be but into the chamber to be killed by an inhumane lethal injection system.


I do not support the death penalty. But if you want to go there, the person made a choice to get himself on death row. The child did not have a choice to be at the end of the shop vac.

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