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The Next Big Snow Fall.


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I knew I took the "work from home" job for a reason :)


they told us friday at 1ish that if we felt that it would be unsafe to drive later, we could leave for the day without an occurence, but it would be unpaid time...my sup was walking by and i told him (jokingly) that one of our work at home people had just called me and i told her what was going on, and she asked if it went for them too...he looked at me for a second like "wtf", then i had to tell him i was just fucking with him.

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they told us friday at 1ish that if we felt that it would be unsafe to drive later, we could leave for the day without an occurence, but it would be unpaid time...my sup was walking by and i told him (jokingly) that one of our work at home people had just called me and i told her what was going on, and she asked if it went for them too...he looked at me for a second like "wtf", then i had to tell him i was just fucking with him.


Hahaha wow thats some good stuff.:D



Me personally im getting tired of winter already. I wish my truck was running so i wouldnt have to drive my car. :mad:


Oh heres a good site to go off of too. http://www.intellicast.com/National/Radar/Current.aspx?animate=true i use this all the time. id say its pretty dang accurate.

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Fuck this snow. I LOVED it when all a heavy snow meant was a long night of snow donuts and back-roading. This particular storm has meant a broken tractor, a broken truck, and a trip to the hospital for a family member.


So, again I say, "Fuck this snow".

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I see no real problem...Its fun to watch my dog playing in it from afar...


Agreed. The dogs seem to love it, too and most importantly, their feet only need a light brushing from the towel before they're clean to come back in. Man, I hate when it's muddy outside. :mad:


I love the snow. I've lived in places that get no snow during the winter most oof my life. Here, just about the time the winter is getting cold, gray, dreary, and boring, you have snow to break the monotony up and provide a little color, brightness, and fun. Of course, if you don't have the means to travel it well, I can see why it'd suck.

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