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Need Laptop Help


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My roomie has a dell laptop that has a bunch of virus's on it. Keeps making the computer crash. It says she has 92 virus's and then when she clicks to "remove all" it forwards her to buy the $50 six month McAfee upgraded software. Can anyone help? or recommend someone to help?
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get out the Dell restore CD's and re-image the machine.... even if you get that shit cleaned up it will never run right again.


What model Dell is it? If you can't find the restore CD's, I might be able to help you out depending on what model it is.

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+1 to a harddrive reformat.


A lot of those viruses might be embedded deeper than you think, and I don't know of an anti-virus or anti-malware program I'd trust enough to take EVERY single one of 90-some viruses off your computer. If she does any kind of business, or keep any kind of secure information on that computer I'd just wipe the disk. It's a pain in the ass but it's guaranteed to remove all of your problems, where as any protection program still runs the risk of not recognizing some of the threats.

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So we installed Malware and it said it removed but there was still some that couldn't be removed. Do we need to download anything else to protect it? Neither of us know anything about this... thank God for mac's


Format hard drive then reinstall windows

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