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monster snow storm in late feb?


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I want another 2 feet on top of what we have. I live at one of the highest places in Columbus, if it floods my house, you all better have boarded the ark.


I'm even higher, so let me know if you start flooding.

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That's just a bunch of pencil-dicked weather geeks doing the equivalent of some bench racing.


Very true....but there's a crazy side of me that does want the snow to come :o


Winter tires are really earning their keep this year. ;)


yep.....completely justified my purchase for the MS3 last year. :cool:


This shit was fun 10 years ago... before I had a wife and 2 kids to worry about.


Come on....my wife and kids stayed home today and spent hours in the snow.....I just wish I didn't have to work, or I'd have been out there with them.....relaxing.

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I still haven't really used 4wd yet. Only to back into my driveway because they plow the alley about 7 ft wide and it's impossible to make the turn without going through giant snow piles.


I'm done with winter, it's almost March, time for milder temps and green grass

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Come on....my wife and kids stayed home today and spent hours in the snow.....I just wish I didn't have to work, or I'd have been out there with them.....relaxing.


I've had too many cases over the past 2 years where I needed to get one of them to a hospital or urgent care immediately to "want" another foot or 2 dumped on us. If I had a cookie-cutter 30' driveway again, I wouldn't care. It's my own fault for under estimating mother nature.


We lose power when someone sneezes the wrong way out here, and get 3' drifts on top of the God-only-knows how many inches we have gotten already snow falls. I have had enough. Add in the fact that I've blown up 1 tractor and 1 plow truck in my driveway this year, and had to travel to see my Dad in the hospital during each of these storms, and I am willing to say I have had enough. I will be much more prepared next year, so that's the plus side I guess.

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thats my biggest fear wth all this snow.. My yard already floods down into our house in late february ... i dread what all this snow will do :(


You're hosed. Buy a backup sump pump now, because there WILL be flooding when this shit melts.


Me personally, I'd love one last BIG blast of snow. My all-seasons haven't even worked up a sweat yet, and I have a garage and a second-story apartment, along with a ton of spaghettios in the cabinets and a closet full of ammo.

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I want another 2 feet on top of what we have. I live at one of the highest places in Columbus, if it floods my house, you all better have boarded the ark.


My apartment is on top of a pretty good hill too, I'm not worried. :cool:


I remember in the 90's when we got hit in Cleveland pretty good. The snow was up to my face and school shut down for almost an entire week. That is what a blizzard should be, not this 10 inch dusting.

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Just for that, you're bringing the burgers :)


RELAX :rolleyes:


That's just a bunch of pencil-dicked weather geeks doing the equivalent of some bench racing.


At two weeks out, they're good at forecasting sunrise/sunset and moon phases, but when it comes to knowing something as complicated as the local weather, they're notoriously inaccurate. I consider it lucky if they accurately predict a blizzard even 3 days in advance.


I think I'll plan a barbeque for the end of February just to demonstrate the point. :cool:




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Well this guy got on there lastnight and they all seem to agree, he is the cats meow for forecasting our area. OhioValleyForecaster. (OVForecaster):


I have been encouraged to come on by a friend who said some of you were wondering what I would have said about this pattern and if that person chooses to tell what I said to him about this upcoming pattern, then I think you would have been proud but here is a post I just made and will send it out here:


The BIG STORM idea I have had for a few weeks now and I will go ahead and be bold and issue a SEVERE STORM WATCH for next week around this time. Looking at all patterns and the fact we will have high pressure throwing in the coldest air we have seen since January, this storm could be BIGGER than all the previous storms. 8 inches, 10 inches, 6 inches are great but this storm could beat that. I have mentioned that it will take an INLAND BOMB to begin to break out of this but this looks like a 4 corners to north Mid Atlantic track next week and we are on the north side. Cross polar flow, which I started mentioning a bit ago, is going to be arriving right around the time that storm next Monday into Tuesday will be gearing up over the southern Plains. We get the high pressure to drill in cold air and with blocking still north this storm is going to be forced to bowl south of us and DAYUM!!!! If we would have had some high pressure to tighten the ULL this would have been brutal but this time next week could be massive. Please do not pay attention to the GFS right now. It is in LA-LA world as it will be for atleast 4 more days. Until then it is going to be all over the place trying to figure out why we approach March, we are trending COLDER. It cannot handle separate stream energy. The Euro is likely the best in seeing the pieces right now. What does the European do? It bombs it OFF THE COAST, NOT INLAND, so we are not even close to being done yet. Until we get an Appalachian bomb runner, you might as well get ready for another and another and maybe another still yet. I have been on record saying not until the first week of March do I even see a try to knock this pattern out and as strong as the Arctic is going to be and the fact stronger high pressure will be forced south it is going to be even more difficult to remove this pattern with just a storm or two. So be on guard. I have brought up 2003 a few times in the last few days and if you remember 2003, we had a front wave move through with not much fanfare and dropped 2-5" and it was actually rather MILD. It was cold enough for snow but not overly cold. We also did not have the extent of snow cover we have now. Then we had some cross polar flow air set up and then Sunday morning into Sunday afternoon the storm exploded and WOW!


DAY: 4" then 9". CMH: 4" then 12". (Grove City had 18" approx from the second part) CVG: missed because they were a bit south but still had about 2" then 2". HAO: 2" then 5". LCK (S CMH): 3" then 13". IND: even had 2" then 3". WHG: 3" then 18". Huntington was south but had over 3.5" of rain.


Basically you can see where I am coming from. The fact we have snow pack and stronger cross polar flow this could be a severe situation. Does it mean it is going to bomb us specifically? No, but it looks like it should. Why?


The first low should track right around central Indiana and Ohio with what I call "washed out" cold air. 28-32 degrees, with light to moderate snow (2-5"). In 2003, the first ULL moved across central and northern Ohio. Then the cold air was poised to move in and the second low moved across southern Ohio into West Virginia. Cincy and Huntington, south so they missed the heavy snow but as you saw in Huntington over 3.5" of rain. Yet north of the low Day, CMH, WHG all at or greater than 8" that had about 3-5" before then. So some places had 12-24" in 3 days. Remember we had no snow cover then. Now most areas have 12-18" on the ground.


Now to right now, most modeling suggests a low over central Ohio on Sat to Sunday...light to mod snow potential (2-5"). Then cross polar flow is poised to nail the Midwest, Plains, and Ohio Valley after that passage. That first system is supposed to wash out and the front sit waiting for the stronger push of the Arctic air. That front could be sitting right over SC Kentucky into SW West Virginia. The low move through and the 500 moves through N Kentucky again and with a high poised to be over New England, strong forcing and deepening will be poised and this could be drilling a strong NE wind, with strong over running and you get the threat of a SEVERE WINTER STORM that would likely outdo the last 3 storms. So all I can say is get ready because we have escaped the "B" word so far, next week, MAYBE NOT!



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You're hosed. Buy a backup sump pump now, because there WILL be flooding when this shit melts.


Me personally, I'd love one last BIG blast of snow. My all-seasons haven't even worked up a sweat yet, and I have a garage and a second-story apartment, along with a ton of spaghettios in the cabinets and a closet full of ammo.


I wish there was something i could just plop in the middle of my back yard to sump it out to the street faster..

past years we have resorted to a storm screen with a submersible pump and long hose to the backyard, but its so little and cant pump fast enough.. :(

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