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John Bruh

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My wife takes her ring off when sleeping, working out, showering, and boating. That's it...she especially wouldn't go to a bar/club without it!


the ONLY time i take my rings off is for inspection, and when my hands are REALLY swollen, or REALLY skinny from being cold, and are practicly falling off.. EVEN THEN, they are on my person (usually a chain)

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the ONLY time i take my rings off is for inspection, and when my hands are REALLY swollen, or REALLY skinny from being cold, and are practicly falling off.. EVEN THEN, they are on my person (usually a chain)


The only time my wife takes hers off is when it's at the jeweler for cleaning/inspection. She sleeps/washes dishes/everything with it on.

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if you're feeling crappy, listen to this. 12 minutes but worth every second.




cliffs: guy found out his gf of 5 yrs cheated on him, makes her think he's proposing on the radio and then dumps her on air.

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Sorry to hear about your situation, I'm sure it isn't easy getting the blunt truth thrown in your face here, but I hope you can retrieve your ring or at least something. Sorry to hear all this, you can always take the girl out of the bar, but you can't always take the bar out of the girl. Sorry bud.


True dat.

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if you're feeling crappy, listen to this. 12 minutes but worth every second.




cliffs: guy found out his gf of 5 yrs cheated on him, makes her think he's proposing on the radio and then dumps her on air.



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i know its too late now, but for future reference, its always a good idea to walk around the vicinity of where your theft happened, and look in trash cans, dumpsters, out of the way areas for your shit.


a lot of times what happens is they grab the purse/bookbag/briefcase whatever out of your car then dip out. they go through it, take what they want and then ditch the bag.


i had my shit broken into once and i found my bookbag in a trash can about a block away. still had the books in it too. not surprising, since i highly doubt someone who breaks into cars on the regular is even literate.

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In case you didn't see the other replies, the bitch is taking off her ring to go to bars. Instead of showing it off to her friends, she leaves it in the truck and talks to other guys. Kick that cunt to the curb and don't look back.



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