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Damn it Lowe's.


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Long story short, ordered a side by side fridge with bottom freezer in stainless steel. We got a really good deal on it because it only had one dent on it and zero scratches and it was repaired for the freezer not operating 100%.


Delivery day comes and they get this beast of a fridge in and start to take it off, There are dents galore and scratches everywhere. They brought us the wrong fridge. Same Model just a more beat up one. So they load it back up and said they cant bring ours out until monday afternoon. I said that is alright.


Get a call monday at 911am telling me they are on there way. Alright, not the afternoon but whatever. They unload the fridge and looks good it is shrink wrapped and looked okay. I take a closer look and see a bunch of scratches under the shrink wrap and a nice big dent on the bottom freezer.


Delivery girl tells me they will swap out all 3 doors and i just have to wait for a call from her manager. She told me this while iwas on the phone with a different manager he said it would take 20 minutes to hear something back. An hour goes by no call so i call in, he isnt available. Wait another 30 minutes and finally get a call back.


He tells me he will replace only one door and and will sell me the two other doors at cost.


I would rather have them replace all three since they clearly damaged all three doors and even the delivery girl said they would. The manager told me they sold it for way uinder cost to begin with and he can only do the bottom freezer door.


Now should I;


A - Bitch until all three doors are replaced at their cost.

B - have them replace two of the 3 and replace the one that already had a dent at my cost

C - replace 2 doors at my cost and one at theirs.



Someone turn this into a pole for me?

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Last time I bought a fridge it was on http://www.homedepot.com because I needed a weird height measurement. They delivered it to me with no damage. They took my other fridge away. They then hooked up the power and checked the doors of the new fridge. Took them 5 mins tops to do all of this and leave. This was all with "free shipping" when ordering online.


I hope when you picked out yours you pointed out the damage while in the store. If that is in writing then I would bitch until they deliver what the paper says. Or they can repair the damages for free.

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A..........or D. Return it and go elsewhere.


When I bought my appliances from lowes a couple years ago I went through 4 fridges before I accepted one and I still made them give me another $200 off it. Lowes FTL on appliances/delivery.

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Call corperate and complain. Then you will get what you need. Call the store, say the delivery girl told you that you would get 3 new doors and you want them. If they will not do that, then ask for their district manager's name and number. The district manager will tell Lowe's to do it. Seen it happen 100's of times when I worked in retail.
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I work as a sales specalist in flooring for lowes and I also am a back up driver for delivery, if I have learned nothing I have learned this, bitch and you will get what you want, trust me, raise enough stink and you will get it, very often we give the farm for far less then what you are asking, just raise enough hell, go straight to the store manager. The scratch and dent stuff is normally a good deal, they will eat the cost, just complain or you can return. Sounds like you got a good deal so i would try the complaint route, dont work you can always return in a week or so.
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Just return it. You bought a repaired appliance. It has been sitting there for a reason. I know this first hand.


If this is the care they take with the cosmetics of the appliance, who knows how many corners they cut when they were repairing the electronics.


+1 for Return it.

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