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Cliffs,I installed a new hard drive and safari will load as before but will crash if load video






I have a powerbook g4 running 10.3.9 with 512 mb of ram its about 5 yers old and my original 100 gig hard drive was clicking and acting up.



After loading a update last week everything froze,to escape I turned the power off,it did not like that and i could not log on,a genius checked it out and the hard drive was showing it was fine! however I could not reload osx from the install disc,it would try to load and then and then get "stuck" near the end.Lucky I had backed up important stuff a few weeks before but lost my music so it was not too horrendus


So I ordered a replacement 320 gig 5400 rpm western digital hard drive from fixit installed it myself,it loaded and popped in the grey 15/17 osx install disc and everything installed fine I down loaded all the updates probably 25 to 30 of them.

Here is the problem safari will only load in one window I,m not getting the finder Q above my browser so something is not quite right.


It has been 5 years since I loaded the software,I cannot remember if I have to load the 3 black X osx discs or just my grey 15/17 install disc so I,m sctaching my head right now.

The guys at fixit suggested I do a hardware test i did the long one,everything checked out I re loaded the software again downloaded the updates again and cannot load a page with a video on it without safari crashing on me.


So is it possible I have forgotten about a software disc somewhere?

One thing that happens when I boot up is I see the folder and face for a breif second and the it will act as normal,so anyway any help would be great,thanks.

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Hmm does not want to load on HD cannot install software on this volume.The system cannot use this software.

Checking HD install again now.


Anybody have a Mac os9 and Panther 123 discs they would lend me?

mine are not loading possibly scratched/damaged

Edited by carl
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