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Anyone here work for Time Warner?

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I need to talk to a supervisor or someone with Time Warner that is not an incompetent, mentally defective, slack-jawed yokel. I prefer that their IQ is greater than that of a toaster, but I have yet to speak with anyone at this shit hole company that meets those requirements.


Thanks in advance

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i have a service which features dont change yet my bill is a different price each month. doesnt matter when I call or who i talk to no one can fix it or explain to me what the deal is. I also get a different answer from each person each and every single time. i also have direct auto payment setup and working yet I get late fees and "owe" more from the bill before everytime.


i dont even want to go into quality of cable/internet or DVR


sry to jack your thread

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i have a service which features dont change yet my bill is a different price each month. doesnt matter when I call or who i talk to no one can fix it or explain to me what the deal is. I also get a different answer from each person each and every single time. i also have direct auto payment setup and working yet I get late fees and "owe" more from the bill before everytime.


i dont even want to go into quality of cable/internet or DVR


sry to jack your thread


What is wrong with your internet? That piece I can fix and look at....the Bill no idea. TWC's Billing cycle has always been fucked up. You get your bill after it's due...which makes no sense.

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Mystro is a piece of shit, your right. We had a solution we paid for (Passport), and we went to a homegrown solution (Mystro). It will be getting better, sooner rather than later, because of how much a colossal fuck up it was.

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I think all cable companies change the bills for no reason, just to see if you are paying attention, otherwise they make bank.


I've had TW/Insight/WOW, and have ALWAYS had to call every couple months to complain about my bill changing, its fucking retarded, especially when they send you those letters stating "your price won't change til XXX" fucking ripoff.


Now my mom's having the same problem with WOW.

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TW sucks so bad, ive wasted probably 5 days worth of time on the phone with those idiots.. Every phone call is a different dumbass giving me a different story. I cant wait to switch when my lease is up.


THIS THIS THIS!!! I've always had these issues with TW, but NEVER anything as ridiculous as my current problem. Long story short...


I moved out of my apartment Sunday Feb 28th, TW says to leave the box and modem in the apartment's rental office since they cannot come pick it up on a Sunday. For the next several weeks, they would call me and tell me I need to return the equipment, I tell them that I followed TW's instructions and left it in the office, they apologize and say they will fix it, and they tell me everything is cool and I owe them ZERO dollars (I made sure all my bills were paid, which they confirmed). This happens a total of at least 3-4 times, each time with TW saying they are sorry and will send someone out to pick it up immediately.


Well a few weeks go by without me hearing from them, I figure it's finally over. Then I get a collection notice a few days ago from Credit Protection Association claiming I owe Time Warner $325.00 for unreturned equipment, 117.97 for a service balance, and various other fees. I call TW customer service and the representative was clueless and not the least bit helpful, she basically told me it was my responsibility, not theirs, and I was shit out of luck. I tried to talk to a supervisor, and got put on hold for 15 minutes. I sent an e-mail and still haven't heard back.

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Mystro is a piece of shit, your right. We had a solution we paid for (Passport), and we went to a homegrown solution (Mystro). It will be getting better, sooner rather than later, because of how much a colossal fuck up it was.


Ha, I was told this for over a year... over a year ago. Dumped TW and never looked back. I lost count of the lost hours on the phone with that fucking company.

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You won't hear back from an email. The equipement charges will fall off after the equipment is returned, best bet is to just go pick up the equipment from your apartment office and take it to TW yourself. If your rental office decides to just pitch the equipment then you are still going to be responsible for paying for that equipment.


^^ Gf used to be supervisor at TW lobby lol.

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funny, i moved and dropped dvr/digital off my bill and just went basic, never turned in the equipment, 5 months go by and i decide i want to get digital turned back on. i called them and they were dumbfounded on how i was able to obtain a dvr box lol

never got a collection notice and was never charged to my bill lol

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  • 4 weeks later...
anyone know how to cancel time warner service without getting raped? i cant believe this company its the biggest joke. i highly recommend not using time warner for anything.


umm, afaik they don't have contracts....so call them and tell them peace out...or at least that's what I've always done. ???

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anyone know how to cancel time warner service without getting raped? i cant believe this company its the biggest joke. i highly recommend not using time warner for anything.

If you need a quote for some WOW, PM me. :)


umm, afaik they don't have contracts....so call them and tell them peace out...or at least that's what I've always done. ???

Nope, TW is suckering people into contracts now too. They tried that with me after a slew of problems...I kindly told them to kiss my ass.

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Might as well add my TW story I dealt with last year. Looks like they fucked up our last bill again, so I have to call and go through the BS all over. :( So I still deal with the billing BS, cable going out every time we have a hard storm (live in an underground neighborhood...all services die for usually an hour or so), and then the regular issues with the DVR not fast forwarding for random programs, or responding very slowly to commands.


But here is last year's story:


6/22 – Called to do a no truck roll, move transfer. Everything was up and running. Per rep, transfer would complete on 6/26, and we would then get our new number, as the old one was a different area code.


6/26 – Checked the phone that evening, still the old phone number, but all services working.


6/29 – Checked phone, no dial tone, HSD and Cable fine. Called TW, they stated the work order was somehow cancelled. 45 minutes on the phone, they were able to get us up and running, and transferred everything to the new account. But because of this screw up, now there is a cancelled account under the same phone number that causes a hassle every time we call. Also, our old number is still linked to the account, which also adds to confusion on future calls.


7/6 – Notice a $9.95 transfer fee on the bill. I call because they totally screwed up the transfer, so why should I pay a fee, and they never had to roll a truck. This rep decided to cold transfer me to Cleveland without ever telling me a thing. Cleveland was totally stumped, and then transferred me back to Columbus. This is when I discovered the two account deal, which confuses the reps every time I call in (though that had nothing to do with being transferred to Cleveland). I basically had to demand to get the fee off of my bill. The rep was so confused she had to call me back, and did take care of crediting my fee.


7/11 – We notice that when we call others, the wrong name shows up on the caller ID. The name is my wife’s ex-boyfriend from YEARS AGO. We only use this phone for the free LD to Canada, so it gets a bit awkward calling home with his name showing up. He was on the old account a few years ago, but was pulled well before Janet and I ever met, and he has had no contact with her for years (never in the entire time I’ve known my wife). He has never lived at this address or had this phone number. The rep had a bit of an attitude with me (mind you, I have been VERY polite with all of my transactions with Time Warner). The rep finally asks what I want the name to be…I tell her, and she says it will be changed within 4 business days.


7/27 – Check the CID again, and still showing my wife’s ex’s name. I call in, and the rep is telling me it must be on the people we are calling, and not Time Warner, as she could see nothing wrong. Mind you this was verified on both a Rodgers Cable (Canada) switch, and a WOW Cable switch, neither with pre-programmed phones. She then tells us it is after hours (8:30ish PM), and to call back the next day to have the PAC group look at it.


7/28 – Called again, and the PAC group opened up a trouble ticket. We were told this would be fixed within 5 business days.


8/4 – We get our bill, and it went up A LOT ($60!). Before calling, I verified the CID was correct, which it now was. The credit that was supposed to go on the account did post. But then there were 3 other charges from that same day (7/6), all listed as “TRANSFER BALANCE TO (AUTO)”. The charges were for $14.77, $7.89, $7.03. The rep I spoke with did some research and could not figure out why those charges would be on the account, and after a good 10 minutes on the phone, was able to credit my account. BUT, my standard bill (pre-tax) went from $126.50 to $155.20. That’s a hefty $28.70 hike. The rep stated it was because a 2-year discount to the account had expired. I told him this was unacceptable, and I will likely change service to DirectTV and Verizon. He tried to get me to sign a 1-year contract to bring the bill down. There is no way anyone in their right mind would sign a contract after dealing with all of these headaches, and this is cable…cable isn’t supposed to have contracts. He then transferred me to the retentions department. After a bit of looking, the retentions department was able to take my bill down to $112.80 pre-tax. Finally, SOMETHING good from Time Warner.


9/20/09 – We got our bill a few days ago. Found all of the credits were placed correctly, and the new billing rate is correct as well. Then we notice ANOTHER miscellaneous charge on the account of $10.56. I call in on 9/20 and the guy says it was supposed to be a credit and not a charge, and credits back the $10.56 twice ($21.12). We also noticed that this bill STILL shows the old phone number on it from before we moved (which was also a native Time Warner number); the guy claims to have changed it this time.

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just an update on the situation, i took care of it myself since TW was too incompetent to handle the directions they gave me. I went down to the customer service office and turned in the equipment myself after picking it up from my old apartment, and paid my final bill and fees that they suddenly said i never paid. once again, i thought all was well. but yesterday i got another collection notice from them, "service fee" for like 20 bucks, LOL.


time warner is the biggest joke of a company in the history of the universe. never again will i do business with these lying, sketchy, conniving, incoherent fucks

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That happened to me a long time ago. Unfortunitely, I'm still with them and any time there is an equipment issue or anything else, I take it to the office. The states that I don't need to do this and I tell them they are full of shit. They turned me into collections and like everyone else, it took countless hours getting to the bottom of this. I'm surprised I'm having good service right now, hopefully I didn't just curse myself.
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