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No field trip for yoooouuuu...


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How the fuck do schools keep doing these sort of moronic things? Does ANYBODY get up and say that it might not be a good idea?


I'm going to home school my kids in the future.


so they can be socially retarded. great idea!

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If schools want to make a certain group of kids feel better about themselves then they need to stop making up these groups, and saying "look at me". I dont care what you are, black white, hispanic, asian, whatever. Who's to say any group of kids couldn't have been motivated by going to see a rocket scientist?

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Its situations like these that only drive racism into the minds of our children. I wonder how many of these kids even realized that they where being discriminated for or against until someone told them they were?
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Racism is alive and well in this country. Believe that. I dont understand why most Black people have such a complex. I see it everyday and love every minute of it. It adds to the chaos that we bring upon ourselves.


If whites would have done this it would not have been ok at all.


If blacks do something like this its ok because the white man as a whole has become scared of their dark skin brothers. Im not scared of the black man but keep your fucking dick beaters off my daughter...

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