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Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality


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CLEVELAND (AP/Huffington Post)-- An animal welfare group said Tuesday that a graphic video it secretly recorded shows workers at a dairy farm beating cows with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks and punching them in their heads.


The video was recorded in an undercover investigation at Conklin Dairy Farms Inc., said Mercy For Animals, a not-for-profit group that publicizes what it calls cruel practices in the dairy, meat and egg industries and promotes a vegan diet.


The video shows workers at the federally-subsidized farm holding down newborn calves and stomping on their heads. It shows one worker wiring a cow's nose to a metal bar near the ground and repeatedly beating it with another bar while it bleeds.


Conklin Dairy Farms, a fourth-generation family operation based in Plain City, said it takes the care of its cows and calves very seriously and had reviewed the video.


"The video shows animal care that is clearly inconsistent with the high standards we set for our farm and its workers, and we find the specific mistreatment shown on the video to be reprehensible and unacceptable," Gary Conklin, of Conklin Dairy Cattle Sales LLC, said Tuesday night in an e-mailed statement. "We will not condone animal abuse on our farm."


The company said it would interview its farm workers and anyone found to have willfully abused the cows or calves would be fired.


Since 1995, Conklin Dairy Farms has received almost $36,000 in federal farm subsidies, according to a database of farm subsidies maintained by the Environmental Working Group. In 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave Conklin Farms almost $12,000.


Last year, Mercy For Animals, which is based in Chicago, released a video showing workers at an Iowa egg hatchery tossing male chicks into a grinder. Industry groups said such instantaneous euthanasia was a common practice because male chicks can't lay eggs or be raised quickly enough to be sold for meat.


Mercy For Animals' executive director, Nathan Runkle, said the cow video was shot between April 28 and Sunday by an undercover worker at the dairy, about 25 miles northwest of Columbus. He said the documented abuse violates Ohio's anti-animal cruelty statute.


In 2009, Ohio voters passed a state constitutional amendment that authorized the creation of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board. The board is currently soliciting comments, reports the Cleveland Plain Dealer.


Mercy For Animals presented the video and the evidence it collected to the prosecutor's office in Marysville. The prosecutor's office didn't respond to a request for comment late Tuesday.



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Guest tbutera2112
no way in hell im gonna stop eating meat and stuff, but the people in that video have some serious mental issues.... probably all fuckin inbred and got raped by their daddies growin up...itd be fuckin awesome if the gov would arrest them and let some other sick fuckers do that shit to them
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've worked on farms and sometimes you have to use force but nothing abusive (a cattle prod will convince 99% of the cattle to move). These guys are just using these cattle as there punching bags. They need to be shot.
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Guest tbutera2112
Find out who the class act being filmed is, and as his punishment he should his ass beat just as he did the cows.


im sure theyve all been IDd by the camera man... i doubt anything is going to come from this, i may be wrong, but i doubt it..


i think its funny the owner says that its unacceptable in his statement, but then on the video he is identified doing it...busted

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I just watched the vid, I grew up literally right down the street on rt. 42 from Conklin raising small holstein cattle from a couple days to a year or so. They are very stupid animals and can be aggravating. Its hard not to get attached to any small new born raising them and bottle feeding them, But youre raising them for beef and it is a business. I cant imagine doing this or being this ignorant and cruel. I really don't even know what to say.
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man that is terrible. i am by no means an animal activist or anything, but i couldnt even stand to watch more than a few seconds of it.


that dude needs an electrified cattle prod rammed up his ass.

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Im not going to watch the video but I would watch a video of person in custody getting served man meat in all holes.


I must say this is the first time in CR history I couldn't watch the video all the way through.


I seriously would do some sick as shit to them if I ever met them. That is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen. I vote stripping them down, and putting them in a cage with a fucking pissed off Bull and letting the animals on that farm be witness to revenge at it's finest.


After the bull is done with them, I'd give them to a horny and pissed off Chimp. To make it interesting, I'd chain them to a fence by their face and give the chimp a crow bar and a pitch fork....the same fucking one they used on those animals.

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Based on the comments, I don't even want to watch the videos. I am no softie, but beating an animal like that for no reason is not right. I'll always eat meat no matter what, but I would never condone that treatment of animals.


I sound like a PETA lover, but I hate those people. I did LOL @ Brian's statement though.

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