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I impressed myself today...

V8 Beast

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So Chris Johnsons fastest time is 4.24 so you were almost as fast as Chris Johnson? What pro sport do you play?


WTF are you smoking man that drives a blown banana? 4.2 is not close to 4.4. You ever seen a person that runs a 4.4 trying to stick a guy that runs a 4.2... Its all about technique at that point.

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Sorry let me quote you...you said 4.3 thats pretty close to 4.24 but anyway 4.4 is still fast as hell thats why i was asking ;)


4.3 once (thats why I always follow it with 4.4). No pros here... In college I realized that I could do more with my brain than my feet so I gave it up.

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Nice maybe you and Clarett can hang out at the slow 40's club. I hear they are serving washed up hack burgers tonight.


I usually just ignore these, but this is my thread so I kind of cant.... To make this post funny you should have tried harder. I would have chose the running towards food like Tim or the race card like not Brian. Comparing Clarett to a successful man that probably makes more and has more influence than you was just a bad move. If I were to give you a comback it would be something along the lines of, "If I'm at the washed up club with Clarett then I guess that puts you in the bathroom of the Never Was Club sucking dicks for gas money". Not even funny, but just enough to move on after responding to you.


With that being said I'll let you try again. However, first I would suggest you study and expand your sense of humor. I'll be eagerly waiting for your response. I'm doing this because I want you to be better, dont let me down.

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Hmmm ColumbusFOOTracing.com


But it will prob just be like CR no racing just talking about racing and videos about it...





I'll set up something for the fall or late summer. I dont want anyone getting heat stroke trying to be super bad ass (me).

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