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Black hole is officially racist!?

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The problem with making a white history month is there are too many different groups that make up White Americans. Would it be an Irish month, German, British, Jewish, etc. etc. etc? You would have to dedicate each month to a different group to make it work. If teachers would teach black history consistently throughout the year I vote that we no longer need it. Its typically only celebrated at school, work and through media anyway. Seriously.. how many of you go home and grab a book written by a black auther, cook ethnic dishes, and watch BET for 28 days?


so then why do we as society segregate a single group and give them special privileges? isn't that racist on its own?

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The problem with making a white history month is there are too many different groups that make up White Americans. Would it be an Irish month, German, British, Jewish, etc. etc. etc? You would have to dedicate each month to a different group to make it work.


So how black history month not too broad? I mean we have "African Americans" here in the U.S. from Mali, Chad, Sudan, etc...


Personally, I have no problem with specific holidays or black history, I'm just saying. I do agree that in school they typically teach US History which some would call "white history" and that's understandable as it's history about our country, not about our cultures. Making it an option to learn black history isn't a big deal to me. Jewish, Catholics, Asians, all have their own special history and cultural classes too. I think it's good.


Now in terms of what NAACP and this article are doing, I think it's stupid and way out of line. Give us all a break already. I've said it before, the past is the past and we've beat the shit out of calling the race card today. The way a select few of them call out shit like this reinforces my belief they are out for attention.


Seriously.. how many of you go home and grab a book written by a black auther, cook ethnic dishes, and watch BET for 28 days?


I never think about it. Who writes the books, creates the dishes or where they are from never enters my mind. BET is on my TV just the same. I flip through stations with zero attention being paid to what they are called. If the show is interesting then I watch it. I will say that having a BET station is a bit ironic as has been discussed before. Do we really need it?


What's really ironic, is the lady who is bitching the loudest in the vid showed should just watch MTV for one day and see how sad the stereotypes being portrayed there are. I think the videos and rappers are doing more to incite stereotypes and negative views than anyone. Let's see her blame white people for the shit they play there. It's no wonder why so many of our uneducated athletes that strike it rich in the pro's try and live "the dream" they seem to think defines success and go broke or get shot. Not all but many fall victim to their own dreams coming true.

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Do you see a white history month?


Of course not, cause every other month is white history month, because the country was founded by mostly white European colonists, most of the 'history' ties back to whites, without need for label. I am happy whites settled here, because now I live here, I am not happy about the treatment of my ancestors in this country, but through their suffering in the past I am given freedom today, as are future generations to come.


Blacks and many other races (even other types of white, such as the Irish, Italian) have had trying times breaking into society, and black history month mostly celebrates those who struggled to earn similar rights during the CVM. Which if you are aware was less than a generation ago.


My point is how can someone be racist for saying black hole?

That's not really "your" point, as much as it is the point of the entire thread. Though we likely see eye to eye on some key bullets. Yes, that is stupid.Yes anyone who can't just accept that the word was "hole" and not "whore" is a moron, and is so pent up looking for racism, that's all that they can see. No, that does not mean that actual racism doesn't exist. I was called a "chink" (and much worse) just yesterday, by some witless troglodyte in a pickup because he cut me off in traffic, causing me to slam the brake, to which I gave the "what the fuck" hands up, he then preceded to slow down, wait for me to pass and yell obscenities at me, with both of my kids in the car. Stupid people exist of every race, so you have to get over the sweeping generalizations.


The people who the NAACP represent need to stand up and smack the leadership around. Stuff like this ruins their credibility and paints them as ignorant extremists that only want attention.


Sadly, I agree.

Edited by sol740
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So how black history month not too broad? I mean we have "African Americans" here in the U.S. from Mali, Chad, Sudan, etc...


Personally, I have no problem with specific holidays or black history, I'm just saying. I do agree that in school they typically teach US History which some would call "white history" and that's understandable as it's history about our country, not about our cultures. Making it an option to learn black history isn't a big deal to me. Jewish, Catholics, Asians, all have their own special history and cultural classes too. I think it's good.


Now in terms of what NAACP and this article are doing, I think it's stupid and way out of line. Give us all a break already. I've said it before, the past is the past and we've beat the shit out of calling the race card today. The way a select few of them call out shit like this reinforces my belief they are out for attention.



I never think about it. Who writes the books, creates the dishes or where they are from never enters my mind. BET is on my TV just the same. I flip through stations with zero attention being paid to what they are called. If the show is interesting then I watch it. I will say that having a BET station is a bit ironic as has been discussed before. Do we really need it?


What's really ironic, is the lady who is bitching the loudest in the vid showed should just watch MTV for one day and see how sad the stereotypes being portrayed there are. I think the videos and rappers are doing more to incite stereotypes and negative views than anyone. Let's see her blame white people for the shit they play there. It's no wonder why so many of our uneducated athletes that strike it rich in the pro's try and live "the dream" they seem to think defines success and go broke or get shot. Not all but many fall victim to their own dreams coming true.


I'll answer you and Russian Rocket together. I said there is no need for a black history month if we just mix in the learning of that month over a 9 month school year. Its almost too easy to have a black history month. It would be funny to see someone try to group all of White American history into a 30 days. I say that because if you do the school year would only need to be 3 months long... Black history month, White history month, and other :lol:


I would also like to point out that they have been attacking rappers for decades. Its not as main stream and media worthy as it once was but they still do it. At this point I think they are more like politicians trying to get camara time. Rappers are old news so they are going after card makers for the shock value and publicity.


In closing I like BET. Its not really BET considering Eminem, Justin Beiber, and Justin Timberlake get more play than the black guys but I still like it lol! Truthfully they could call it MTV5 and not even need to change the programming.

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I would also like to point out that they have been attacking rappers for decades. Its not as main stream and media worthy as it once was but they still do it. At this point I think they are more like politicians trying to get camara time. Rappers are old news so they are going after card makers for the shock value and publicity.


They go after everyone. I remember many years ago when one of the NAACP leaders called out Donovan McNabb, saying he was a sellout because he didn't run often enough :lol:

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Thats hilarious.... My mom just got that card for my brother for graduation lol


all those people need fucking hit in the face...


we're so screwed.... i swear there is a good chance, we're going to see the world end.


edit: meant to edit, not quote...

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lol every month is white history month. i swear, my high school history book was 99% white people. the only black guys in there were dred scott, king and carver.


I bet there are little to no black and/or European white people in Japanese history books. That makes Japanese people racists and they should instate black/white history month immediately.

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Are you joking? Its not late enough in my day for me to be able to tell the difference yet...


I wouldn't believe it myself, but I have been listening to him for years now. Watch the video, and tell me he doesn't have common sense.


"The only thing the Black Man, has against the White Man is HATE"

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