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U.S. land closed to U.S. citizens


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Political posturing, everything about the illegal alien 'issues' in Arizona being right now is purely political posturing.


Any issues they've had, which I agree there are issues that need to be taken care of and the borders do need to be secured, have been going on for a long time.

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Guest tbutera2112


i agree. lets just let our country turn into a crime infestested shit ball like mexico is, where our own citizens have to fear for their lives just traveling in their own state.



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2 words Sniper Patrol



Sniper training grounds, new weapons testing area, K9 Training grounds, etc.....


Gov't could profit just by charging for open hunting season on humans. :o


IMO, illegals doing what the are doing have zero rights. It's an act of aggression if not war. I'm sure a handful of those troops deployed to the Middle East would gladly come take care of this situation if told that once it's fixed, they can go home to their families.

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Guest tbutera2112

this combined with this





is really pissing me off....why the fuck are we letting hispanics take over our fucking country?


i have nothing against them personally, but im getting pissed off at all the unequal treatment were experiencing in our own country


if there was a bunch of somolians or arabs on a boat and it landed on the coast of florida and they tried to take over, they would be fucking shot dead on the spot, but since its mexicans invading our borders, its no big deal...IDGAF what race you are, if theres people trying to invade our country, they need stopped.



and really??? 6 fucking votes just for being hispanic???


thats the most racist, dumb fucking policy i have ever heard of....what about every other race? do they not matter?


1 vote per person...this country is going to shit, i cant wait till we can get a new president that may actually get off his ass and try to fix shit...first the oil spill, now this shit...hes not doing anything but talking

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82nd Airborne is either in route or already at the boarder as we speak. There will be more on the way from what it looks like, but knowing the way things are in D.C, the Rules Of Engaugement (ROE) will be rediculous. Don't mind the fact that more than a few towns are controlled by a Drug Cartel, because it's innocent people that cross into our Country illegaly daily.
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but knowing the way things are in D.C, the Rules Of Engaugement (ROE) will be rediculous.


1. If fired upon, return fire with money launcher

2. All non-American casualties will be treated first

3. Only use lethal force if attacked by godzilla

4. If non-Americans are killed, you will be prosecuted

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i have nothing against them personally, but im getting pissed off at all the unequal treatment were experiencing in our own country



and really??? 6 fucking votes just for being hispanic???



1 vote per person...this country is going to shit, i cant wait till we can get a new president that may actually get off his ass and try to fix shit...first the oil spill, now this shit...hes not doing anything but talking


I would like to see the invaders heads on pikes placed at the border as well, but ...


Tyler, there is so much wrong with the above quote I don't know where to begin.


First when you say "our own" just who are you talking about ? If they are voting, then they are citizens and have just as many rights as you or anyone else.


Also every person gets 6 votes, not just Hispanics. I don't agree with cumulative voting, because I think it encourages racist voting practices, and really you could just do the same thing with a single vote and a 'cumulative effort'.


Also what the fuck does Obama have to do with an oil spill in the Gulf ? Did he put it there ? Did he build or approve it ? Or was he pretty much just fucked into having to deal with it.

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Wow, that video just shows people climbing up and over the walls, with what I'm assuming American police officers/soldiers just sitting by and watching?


Why not, like stated above, set up sniper posts, like every mile or whatnot, and if someone is seen coming over the fence, firing a warning shot into the fence, and if that's still not heeded, shot to kill. I doubt that this type of thing would continue long term, as I'm sure its effects would be immediately noticeable.

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Wow, that video just shows people climbing up and over the walls, with what I'm assuming American police officers/soldiers just sitting by and watching?


Why not, like stated above, set up sniper posts, like every mile or whatnot, and if someone is seen coming over the fence, firing a warning shot into the fence, and if that's still not heeded, shot to kill. I doubt that this type of thing would continue long term, as I'm sure its effects would be immediately noticeable.


Or they will find another way to cross. or the sniper stands will start to take fire. Also if the fence is right on the border and we kill them on the Mexico side. Could they prosecute the person that shot the round? Also what about young children crossing do we shot them as well? I'm not saying they have the right just playing the devils advocate.

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Or they will find another way to cross. or the sniper stands will start to take fire. Also if the fence is right on the border and we kill them on the Mexico side. Could they prosecute the person that shot the round? Also what about young children crossing do we shot them as well? I'm not saying they have the right just playing the devils advocate.


Electrocute, Shoot, Bomb, fucking frappe, whatever it takes. This shit is getting old.


Poor analogy, but if we found a tunnel in AZ from which people were emerging from Iraq or any other country, armed to the teeth and killing American citizens, there would be nothing left but human puree.


Somehow an entire army of armed terrorists, (yes terrorists by definition) have taken over a portion of our soil, and we just supposed to sit and watch?





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