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Unemployed and sick of Illegals taking american jobs? Here's a website where you can take them back.


Not getting much response, though. Odd.


California's agriculture industry launched a similar campaign in 1998, hoping to recruit welfare recipients and unemployed workers to work on farms, he said. Three people showed up.


Article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100624/ap_on_en_tv/us_immigration_take_our_jobs

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They know that average Joe citizen wouldn't trade welfare to stand in the sun all day and only make a couple of bucks. Just like the people that bitch about China taking jobs as they walk into walmart for their cheap toothbrush.
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" farmers have become used to cheap labor and don't want to raise wages enough to draw in other workers."


There is the reason.


There is the reason.... the reason fruit is cheap. Double the farmers overhead costs and that will translate into higher prices everywhere.


Welfare IS too easy to get. Maybe they should send you off to the farms after 6 months of welfare/unemployment benifits. You only get to ride for so long, then you've got to work.

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I despise most welfare receipients. My wifes aunt has been capable of working yet never has, and now somehow just got both her fat adult aged kids signed up on it. How is this even possible?


A lazy sense of entitlement among contemporary Americans. The lack of welfare back in the day helped bring us great books like Of Mice and Men. "Migrant Worker" used to mean Unemployed American with boots.

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People who complain about stolen jobs are just too retarded to diversify their skillset and find a niche. Boo fuckin hoo. Farmer Bob doesn't want to pay you $25 an hour to pick oranges. Go do something useful.


I still hate illegals but christ...

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The reason is welfare is way to easy to get and continue and that people feel they should make what everyone who has actually accomplished something earns.


The people in here have never tried to apply for any type of aid that's for sure


the worthless mofos that are on welfare that don't need it make it there job to stay on it and there are many hoops you have to jump through

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There is the reason.... the reason fruit is cheap. Double the farmers overhead costs and that will translate into higher prices everywhere.

That's fine...I would rather pay a little more for my fruit and veggies than have an illegal pick them.

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That's fine...I would rather pay a little more for my fruit and veggies than have an illegal pick them.


It wouldn't be "a little" more, and everyone else may not be on the same page.


" Restaurants have become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in better busboys."

" Stable owners have become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in other shit-shovelers."

" KFC has become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in sober workers."


It goes on and on. They're paid for what they do, and what they do is pull on a think until it comes off, then they put it in a bag. Not skilled labor, it's not worth more than minimum wage, and it's not something that legal folk want to do.

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It wouldn't be "a little" more, and everyone else may not be on the same page.


" Restaurants have become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in better busboys."

" Stable owners have become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in other shit-shovelers."

" KFC has become used to cheap labor and doesn't want to raise wages enough to draw in sober workers."


It goes on and on. They're paid for what they do, and what they do is pull on a think until it comes off, then they put it in a bag. Not skilled labor, it's not worth more than minimum wage, and it's not something that legal folk want to do.

- I don't give a shit if people are on the same page or not. Illegals should not be working in the US, period, end of story.


- There are plenty of legals working in the food industry, from McD's on up. Are there illegals, yes, and plenty more legals as well.


- If food prices go up 25%, then that is what they will do. Or some of these businesses will have to take a little less profit or find other ways to be more efficient to keep their prices within check.


America will go on, and go on very easily, WITHOUT illegals. We don't need barely paid slave labor to get things done.

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America will go on, and go on very easily, WITHOUT illegals. We don't need barely paid slave labor to get things done.


lol We've been using some form of slave labor in our fields for about 3 centuries, it's not that easy a habit to kick.



- If food prices go up 25%, then that is what they will do. Or some of these businesses will have to take a little less profit or find other ways to be more efficient to keep their prices within check.


See that stuff in bold? Yeah that stuff never happens. Ever. The price is passed on tot he consumer. What's going to happen is this; Domestic grown products will become more expensive than Chinese dust-bowl grown products, and they'll be priced out of the industry... and they'll become a John Cougar Mellencamp song. That's how capitalism works.


- I don't give a shit if people are on the same page or not. Illegals should not be working in the US, period, end of story.
Then make citizenship easier. If you look at how these people are living, it's exactly the same way as many Americans lived during the depression; Working wherever they can, making whatever they can make, living in large groups in small places, doing whatever they can to bust-ass and get by. They're more American than the welfare addicts that won't do the work.




Hey, lets deport people who stay on welfare too long, and give they're citizenships to working illegals.

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I despise most welfare receipients. My wifes aunt has been capable of working yet never has, and now somehow just got both her fat adult aged kids signed up on it. How is this even possible?


+1, that shit makes me sick.

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lol .


Then make citizenship easier. If you look at how these people are living, it's exactly the same way as many Americans lived during the depression; Working wherever they can, making whatever they can make, living in large groups in small places, doing whatever they can to bust-ass and get by. They're more American than the welfare addicts that won't do the work.



screw that. why the hell should we make it easier. hell, when people first came into the usa they signed one paper making them a citizen, another to go fight in the civil war. you know what, if these illegals want to join up and serve the country then great give citizenship after 4 years. but making it easier? hell no. i dont give a damn where they came from if they are illegal... ship there ass home. make them pay for the gas too. there are plenty of people who work their ass off to become legal citizens. thats awesome and says a lot about this country. the lazy cheap cheaters. fuck em. and their little dog too.

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That's fine...I would rather pay a little more for my fruit and veggies than have an illegal pick them.


Where do you get your food from?


I'm going to bet it's a place that's the cheapest, or at the very least coming from a place where illegals pick the fruit. Back your words up with actions.


They know that average Joe citizen wouldn't trade welfare to stand in the sun all day and only make a couple of bucks. Just like the people that bitch about China taking jobs as they walk into walmart for their cheap toothbrush.
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there are plenty of people who work their ass off to become legal citizens.


And if the USA had todays rules in place 200 years ago, 90% of our population wouldn't be here today.

Your ancestors did exactly what the Illegals are doing now; they did what to could to come here so they could work. The only difference is the word of law; The children of all those immigrants essentially shut the door behind them, preventing anyone else from having it as good as they have it. "It was ok for my great Grandpa, but you're a horrible person for trying it".

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My 2 cents..


Employing people that are not legally suppose to be here should be a crime.


The welfare amount that people are given should ramp down over a 3 year period to $0. If you cant find a job/change your lifestyle in 3 years you deserve to be pennyless. (This is only for the able body recipients... I know some people that get welfare do it for medical reasons)

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And if the USA had todays rules in place 200 years ago, 90% of our population wouldn't be here today.

Your ancestors did exactly what the Illegals are doing now; they did what to could to come here so they could work. The only difference is the word of law; The children of all those immigrants essentially shut the door behind them, preventing anyone else from having it as good as they have it. "It was ok for my great Grandpa, but you're a horrible person for trying it".



"as good as they had it" fighting in the civil wars wasnt good times. also times change. laws were put on the books for a reason. this isnt mexico where all you have to do is stand on its soil to be considered legal. i love ya man but you cant just let people walk in and say here i am i am a us citizen now. also there are plenty of people who come here with nothing and become LEGAL citizens.

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See that stuff in bold? Yeah that stuff never happens. Ever. The price is passed on tot he consumer. What's going to happen is this; Domestic grown products will become more expensive than Chinese dust-bowl grown products, and they'll be priced out of the industry... and they'll become a John Cougar Mellencamp song. That's how capitalism works.

Very easy...increase import taxes, so that it doesn't make it cheaper to buy from them.


We don't need to change the citizenship rules either...WTF does that have to do with working in the US?


Where do you get your food from?


I'm going to bet it's a place that's the cheapest, or at the very least coming from a place where illegals pick the fruit. Back your words up with actions.

How do I do that? There is no label on an apple that says "legally grown and picked."

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And if the USA had todays rules in place 200 years ago, 90% of our population wouldn't be here today.

Your ancestors did exactly what the Illegals are doing now; they did what to could to come here so they could work. The only difference is the word of law; The children of all those immigrants essentially shut the door behind them, preventing anyone else from having it as good as they have it. "It was ok for my great Grandpa, but you're a horrible person for trying it".


My ancestors came here legally and obtained citizenship. They didn't try to sneak in, or ILLEGALLY violate the boarders of the United States of America. I like Shawn am in the same mind set. They are illegal, get them out. I have no respect, nor simpathy for those that come in illegally. If these people attempted to go the right way of doing things, I have no problem.

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My ancestors came here legally and obtained citizenship.... If these people attempted to go the right way of doing things, I have no problem.


This is the cocky sense of entitlement mentioned above... no offense. :)

You have two groups of people separated by 150 years, doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, and the only difference is paperwork. This is all easy for you to say because your ancestors (like mine) got in while the git'n was good. They just saved up half a years wages for the trip here, bring as many family members as they could afford, then they showed up at Ellis with some money, passed a physical, made up some BS about how they already had a job here, and ta-dah there's 80% of Americas ancestors. If they could time-travel forward and see what you're saying, they'd kick you in the balls.

Do you have any idea what it costs to become a citizen? It's impossible for anyone in the working class to do it, and it's impossible to make a living in shithole northern Mexico. So there's two options:

-Invade Mexico and straighten the place out... at huge expense.

-Make a huge impenatrable barrier, at huge expense.

-Worker visas for specific forms of labor, and we tax their income and pay down the defficit a bit.

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This is the cocky sense of entitlement mentioned above... no offense. :)

You have two groups of people separated by 150 years, doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, and the only difference is paperwork. This is all easy for you to say because your ancestors (like mine) got in while the git'n was good. They just saved up half a years wages for the trip here, bring as many family members as they could afford, then they showed up at Ellis with some money, passed a physical, made up some BS about how they already had a job here, and ta-dah there's 80% of Americas ancestors. If they could time-travel forward and see what you're saying, they'd kick you in the balls.

Do you have any idea what it costs to become a citizen? It's impossible for anyone in the working class to do it, and it's impossible to make a living in shithole northern Mexico. So there's two options:

-Invade Mexico and straighten the place out... at huge expense.

-Make a huge impenatrable barrier, at huge expense.

-Worker visas for specific forms of labor, and we tax their income and pay down the defficit a bit.

Freedom isn't free, and that's the cold hard truth. It should piss you off being an American citizen, that we still have our own citizens without, but illegals can come in and do as they please. Doubt my kin folk of olden days would kick me in the nuts, because it's a cold hard fact. They should be coming in legally like damn near every other nationality. We've got people from all over coming in, but it seems the problem child is the country south of us. Also, I'm not too sorry for the lack of government in Mexico. It isn't our problem, but it seems we take a lot of it here. There's more human trafficking and drug trafficking than ever before. Not to mention it's more dangerous for our Federal Officers watching our boarders aswell. I'll donate a couple thousand a year for the barrier if it keeps what's unwanted, out.

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