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Opps...I went off roading


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That is funny. My question is: how do you own a truck and not own tow straps? Shit I have a bucket of tie downs and a tow strap in my Element.


What good would it of been had he had one on him? A truck that size/weight u can't muscle out by pushing pullin by a person. He could of gotten out with some finese but did the smart thing an called mersy cause he didn't want to risk breaking his truck.. smart move to do

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Guest tbutera2112
it's best you don't comment on subjects you have no knowledge on.


ive been in several wranglers, and they scare the chit outta me on the highway

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I was hoping things would be a bit more eventful...saw a couple cars get loose, but that's about it. :( Still was a good time, and some great racing. Nitrous > Turbo in Pro-Mod!


Friday two pro mods and a pro stock hit the wall. The one pro mod was almost to the traps when he got out of the groove in the left lane, swung hard to the right was up in the air a good ten feet and piled into the concret with a big fire ball. Cant believe he lived.

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Then you would be wrong. Locking front and rear diffs.


sure as hell doesn't look like it. You sure everything is working fine? i've gotten out of worse with a 2500 2WD with a locking rear and similar tires (had 2 people jump in the bed for traction)

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I don't own a North Face jacket. I do have the backpacks that come with the truck though. :)


Trust me, I wouldn't have spent the money to option it with the package (was an expensive option - basically a loaded Avalanche with a few apperance items), but I bought her used, so someone else ate that cost instead of me. :)

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