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Private Schools - FUCK!


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Same here..started out at placement level 3 math courses at OU, after just being 1 year ahead at UA.


Schools do make all the difference in the world I guess. My friend goes to lincoln tech in indianapolis, he says there are kids there that can't read.


I graduated from Eastmoor back in 1991 and we had a certain tall guy that played basketball well, he got a full ride to OSU and could not read at all.

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Uhhh.... HOPEFULLY you have been out FOR AT LEAST 10 years.... so.... not a good Case Example ;)




Yes, I graduated in 99. I know a lot of people who teach for CPS and work at many levels there. There are still good schools.


Well, the middle schools may still be a little lacking. There are definitely good elementary schools and high schools.


I am a pretty firm believer that at least 50% of what a child get's out of an education is what they put into it and a lot of that comes from the parents attitude.


You're a little foolish is you think the violence or drugs will be any better or worse at a good CPS compared to most private schools or schools in the burbs.


I'm not saying things won't be a little better at a private school, or in the burbs. Or it might not be a little easier sometimes. But with a little insight and if you're kid is motivated you can find a really good education in a CPS. It's not 100% necessary to go to private schools.


I'd put my education at my high school up against any school in they city.

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This is the truth. I'd say if anything, especially in Religion class, there's more discussion on the Religion aspect, than believing in it. It wasn't believe this or die, there were good debates on certain aspects and faith aswell. I will admit I was ahead of the ball game for most the college classes I've taken thanks to going to a school like Bishop Watterson.


You a Watterson grad too? Class of '07. Before that I went to OLP down the street.


And yes, you come out way ahead of the game when you go to college. My first writing class I had in college my professor pulled me aside and said that I was one of the best writers he had ever seen, which made me go "0_o" because I wasn't particularly awesome at it at Watterson. The Math courses I had to take were stuff that I did freshman and sophomore year.

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You a Watterson grad too? Class of '07. Before that I went to OLP down the street.


And yes, you come out way ahead of the game when you go to college. My first writing class I had in college my professor pulled me aside and said that I was one of the best writers he had ever seen, which made me go "0_o" because I wasn't particularly awesome at it at Watterson. The Math courses I had to take were stuff that I did freshman and sophomore year.


Graduated in 02' with Erik. Also went to St.Brenden's before I went to Watterson. I can still remember Sister Mary Hope smackin the shit out of me for reading a Hot Rod magazine instead of the American Literature book. Granted, I don't have a degree to my name yet, I found a higher calling in a combat zone. Watching 9/11 in Religion class with Deacon Frank kinda helped that decision.

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My daughter starts Kindergarten this year, and this is the MAIN reason why I bought a house where I bought a house. Sure I had other requirements, but I was ONLY looking for houses in certain school districts as I wanted the best for her and did not want to pay for private school if I didn't have to in order to give her that.


That and...I'm not all religious and shit. I mean sure I went as a kid but only because I had to.


Good luck getting it all figured out man, I know how stressful it is as we went through this a few years back.

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We are wanting to send our Kiddo to a private school since I feel Columbus Public's is LACKING, to say the least. Most all of them are are NEAR us, are Church / Religion Based.


Why the hell do my Wife and I have to believe in god for our daughter to go to a religion based school? They will get to brain-wash her there.... why do I have to do it at home???


Coming to the thread late, but oh well. Most has already been said, but here's my take, and that of someone who went to Catholic Schools all 12 years.


Not sure why you would send your kids to a Catholic or religious based school if you're not on board with the teachings. Now that said, while I grew up Catholic, my parents and myself aren't strict by the book people. I actually have become way more open to many things than ever before. We never went to church as a mandatory thing family wise, but then, I also understood that my family was sending me there for the better education, smaller classes and overall better more focused attention overall.


No brainwashing takes place. If anything, things are likely more open today than when I was in school. I wouldn't stress about that commitment too much really. What you do on your own time isn't really their business unless you really make it their business.


I still believe the education there will likely be better than public schools, but that said, my son goes to Dublin City Schools which I feel are good too. Unless I see issues developing, I using the tax dollars I pay and giving them a go. The school system is what we looked at prior to buying our home. Personally, buying a home in the Cbus only school district was never an option I was going to take.


Good luck in your decision.

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I guess I'm out of the norm. I graduated from Brookhaven and majored in Computer Science/Engineering at OU with a minor in sports medicine. I was more than prepared for college to the point that it seemed a little too easy. Then again I was taking calculus in the 10th grade.


I think the biggest difference comes back to positive and negative influences. People that go to private school have more peer pressure to attend college. Not only that, their parents paid money out of their own pocket. Add peer pressure in with the fact that your parents already invested money in you and you get better overall results. City school kids have more negative influences that make the percentage of graduates and students that move on to college lower. If you want to learn you will and can be made ready for college through a city school... Its just not as easy. if you can afford a private school do it.

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Hey man I went to groveport so don't complain... I think other than Independence we were one of the worst


Anyone know a prof who went to groveport????



It's easy to blame the school when you're an idiot... Not saying you are just saying


But groveport has gone down hill a lot since I was there and we wernt all that high then

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Anyone know a prof who went to groveport????



It's easy to blame the school when you're an idiot... Not saying you are just saying


But groveport has gone down hill a lot since I was there and we wernt all that high then


With you being a hero and all I'm going to guess Groveport is like the Xavier School for the Gifted.. Sorry, I had to before Jones got in here :p

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I pulled two kids out of a Christian School that cost 5500 per child a year, because the school was a joke. And when it came down to education they suck. And they are far behind what public school levels are. And there is a reason to that, their private, and not regulated like public school is.


Like stated already, they'll brain wash your kids, and not give them the education they deserve.


I heard about Jesus everyday. Im not saying its a bad thing at all. But I wanted to kids that grew up in the real world not a world that revolved around Jesus. Becuase in the real world Jesus might not be there when they think he will.

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Hey man I went to groveport so don't complain... I think other than Independence we were one of the worst


I have a friend who is a substitute teacher there, and I may be one myself if I get the job in a couple months. He teaches at Groveport, Hamilton, Gahanna and another school. He told me the kids in Groveport get away with anything they want and the teachers could honestly care less. The other teachers tell him to pick his battles wisely because most of the time they just press the button to call security to the room. He taught there on 4/20 and said it was unbelievable what those kids do on school property without getting punished.

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My son attends a school through our church and they use the aBeka program. ( http://www.abeka.com ) I feel the education he is getting is second to none. The school started them writing in script instead of block writing in kindergarten, They really push the kids academically. His spelling list for first grade is about what fifth graders in public schools learn.


Our school will have kids that transfer from the public schools occasionally and those kids really have a tough time keeping up. I feel sorry for them because when they come from the public schools to our school, it is like they are jumping about two grade levels.


Kids can get a decent education in some public schools. The biggest factor is parental involvement. If we lived in Dublin or Upper Arlington I would most likely send the kids to those schools, but there is no way I would send them anywhere near CPS. If you have parents that dont care, why should the kids care and why should the teachers care. Like I have said before I went to Johnson Park middle and Eastmoor high, I survived, but I would not want to expose my kids to what I witnessed in school.

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My son attends a school through our church and they use the aBeka program. ( www.abeka.com ) I feel the education he is getting is second to none. The school started them writing in script instead of block writing in kindergarten, They really push the kids academically. His spelling list for first grade is about what fifth graders in public schools learn.


Our school will have kids that transfer from the public schools occasionally and those kids really have a tough time keeping up. I feel sorry for them because when they come from the public schools to our school, it is like they are jumping about two grade levels.


Kids can get a decent education in some public schools. The biggest factor is parental involvement. If we lived in Dublin or Upper Arlington I would most likely send the kids to those schools, but there is no way I would send them anywhere near CPS. If you have parents that dont care, why should the kids care and why should the teachers care. Like I have said before I went to Johnson Park middle and Eastmoor high, I survived, but I would not want to expose my kids to what I witnessed in school.



What. The. Fuck. ?????


You have pretty much summed up our want / desire to send Smalls to a private school!





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I send my two boys to Catholic School. There are strict requirements for the parents in order to maintain a "participating" member status in the parish. I have to work Bingo every first friday of the month, we have to attend mass every weekend (you can only miss something like 6-8 times per year), and you have to sell raffles tickets for the festival etc...


The biggest difference that I notice is parental involvement. I can't honestly say that the education is infinitely better there is just more reinforcement at home I guess. We are seriously considering sending our kids to public school next year simply based on rising tuition costs. With the private sector being pretty tight about raises etc... tuition raises every year get harder and harder to absorb.

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I think private school from elementary through middle is different than private school at the high school level. My wife told me stories about people smoking weed in the back, doing acid, having sex in the bathrooms, getting pregnant and parents forcing them to have abortions. High school is going to be high school no matter where you go. They may learn more but that doesnt stop Bethany from getting pregnant by Tyrone :lol:
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I think private school from elementary through middle is different than private school at the high school level. My wife told me stories about people smoking weed in the back, doing acid, having sex in the bathrooms, getting pregnant and parents forcing them to have abortions. High school is going to be high school no matter where you go. They may learn more but that doesnt stop Bethany from getting pregnant by Tyrone :lol:


When i went to private school it seemed like there were 2 types of people. those who were "regular" or "normal" didnt neccessarily rebel but seemed like normal level-headed types and those who went out of their way to be rebellious and do anything/everything bad b/c they knew it was bad. its like there was no middleground. When i went to Kilbourne it was totally different.


Just b/c its a private school doesnt mean that drugs/alcohol, sex etc... isnt there

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Actually in private schools the drugs and things are MORE prevalent because the kids families have the cash to give the child to afford the stuff. Then you get a bunch of bored, overly intelligent for their own good kids with time and cash on their hands.


I grew up in dublin and graded in '99. I remember EXACTLY what the kids were like when I was there and I had plenty of friends who went to desales or watterson and their stories were worse than the ones I could tell.. lol


That being said, I do believe that private school up until high school depending on the high school, would be the far superior choice.

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Watterson was a solid private school. If your kids can deal with a discussion/history of religion, they will be fine. I'm not Catholic, but Watterson was far better than my neighborhood school (Whetstone) You would be surprised by how many atheist, agnostic, hindu, jewish etc kids go there.
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There are other private schools out there besides ones based on religion. I graduated from The Columbus Academy and the education I recived there was second to none. At the time I didn't realize it because I was there on mostly someone elses expense ( finacial aid, and athletic schlorship) but I wouldn't trade those years for anything. Don't get me wrong there are some nice public school districts around but they are few and far between these days. If you want your child to have teachers that actually care about the future sucess of your child then invest the money in a private school. It will only open future doors down the road for them as far as net working goes and they will be more likely to get accepted into a more highly regarded college, and if their grades are well enough will be more likely to recieve a acedemic full ride from the college because they know their investment in that person will not go to waste. Just my 2 cents take it for what it is worth.
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I went to St. Pius in reynoldsburg, it was a good school, I went to mass on a sunday maybe 6 times from preschool till 8th grade, it definitely was alot different than private school but for the most part pretty good, i cheated my way through school along with about half the other kids, drugs werent to bad in grade school when i went but when i went to st charles freshman year it got alot worse but i switched to groveport sophomore year and damn that was a big change a huge change lol, private schools are not worth the money in my opinion, my best friends all went to public school and we turned out the exact same, so i dont really think its what school the kids go to but more to do with the parents raising their children correctl
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