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Central Ohio Photographers


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I have been working on a photography based forum for sometime now, and would LOVE to have the support of my friends WHO ARE PHOTOGRAPHERS, or want to learn more about photography, helping me out.

If you have friends and family in the central Ohio area who would enjoy the community, like we do CR, please pass on the website.




Its far from perfect, but its something i would like to really see flourish.


Thanks for checking it out!

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I have considered that, but i think that i would like to have a base of GOOD knowledgeable members to help out with those who maybe aren't so knowledgeable.


I dont consider myself to be a wealth of knowledge but i know enough to get by.

I know Tim would be a great addition to the place because i know he has a huge amount of knowledge and hope that he joins. ;)


I have posted it up on a few of the local communitys and talked to Ken at midwest and he said if i can get some decent membership, and support, they would consider becoming a sponsor. I hope to talk to the guy who owns CCG as well, just havent made my way out there.


I posted the first "Assignment" today. I hope that gets people posting and maybe spreading the word.

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