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Worse place you've had sex in


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Inspired by the "worst car to have sex in" thread:


Pretty self-explanatory.


I'm sure I can think of another, but off the top of my head:


Daisy and I (Yes, Daisy. And yes, she was country, but fuckin hot.) were walking with a few other people late at night down an old dirt road to one of our friends houses. We decided to kinda split off and find a private spot in what looked like some nice grass. As things got heated and we actually got started, I mean, just started, we both start feeling stings. Seems we chose a spot inhabited by fire ants. Now, if you've never been down south and experienced these tiny little imported acid pissing demons, then you can't understand just how quick these little fuckers'll break a mood. Needless to say, we had to pack up and move on, waiting till later for another chance; much to my dismay.

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Hmm...my old second place I was staying at after being homeless. I had this small ass one bedroom place off westerville road in this house a couple people I knew were renting from their parents. You would think a house wouldn't be that bad of a place... ha.


I had NO privacy there from the dad because he felt he was everyones father there. He would randomly pop his head into my bedroom to tell me something and I'd be balls deep in some chick on my stupid little single bed. My bedroom was on point but the rest of the house was a hot mess and they didn't take care of their cat who had fleas so bad, that if you let it in during the summer the fleas would permeate the house and get infested to the point of getting on you when you were just sitting and watching television.


That was by far the worst since it was a miracle I ever did get women to fuck me there... lol

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+1...had a freaky hot chick that dragged me off to that little tiny cemetery behind Cornfed Red's...I didn't realize it actually WAS a cemetery during, but afterward she insisted on reading the headstones to me. :eek:


:funny: :funny: "My chick bad, better then yeeerrs!" Did she just lay there like a dead body and let you rail her?

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You'd think my living room wouldn't be the worst place, but when she's on the couch and I have one knee on the floor, one on the couch and my (separated bc she was cheating on me with multiple guys) wife walks in the front door and I don't even stop. Just keep going at it. The girl actually thought it was funny and was laughing. My wife didn't stay long.
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Standing in the ocean in Florida. Got a few mouth fulls of water though.


Hocking county, Conkle's Hollow at the top on the rock outcroppings. Week day and around 7 am. Thought no one would come up....wrong lol ;).

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You'd think my living room wouldn't be the worst place, but when she's on the couch and I have one knee on the floor, one on the couch and my (separated bc she was cheating on me with multiple guys) wife walks in the front door and I don't even stop. Just keep going at it. The girl actually thought it was funny and was laughing. My wife didn't stay long.


That's fucking awesome :lol:

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It was still late at night, but I fucked a chick on her porch swing, right in front of her entire neighborhood.. talk about feeling awkward


Another worst spot would be in one of my ex's little neice's bed.. the bed itself was half our height and incredibly uncomfortable.

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