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How close is the evo


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im not playing the i know someone who knows someone game, the reason i said that was because dover said i can race his mustang, and i said i know someone who would beat that because now we arnt even talking about "our" cars. second yeah i understand people dont like me because im new and they talk shit and i talk shit thats what online is all about. i understand that and im sure most people that act like douche bags on here are actually cool in real life. its just how shit goes on the internet. third get the car first than we can start betting, im not gonna bet on something you dont even already have. i also never said you werent gonna get a car that couldnt beat me i said you probably wont get a car. get the car first than you can start worrying about beating me. lastly no need to throw the bitch word around.


p.s. you say making a joke about buying a 5.0 and my shits slow and that i keep running my "cock suck" whatever the fuck that is, i made a simple joke about my shit not being slow and yours being slow because you lost to a stock sti on 15lbs when i walked the shit out of him when he was tuned on 22lbs. but then you get all defensive.... i got defensive just like you did because its about our cars and no one likes when people hate on there cars.


Will said FIVE second mustang owner let you drive it? I told Rhett he could drive mine, and if need be I'll sign the title over to him so it is HIS car just so he can beat your shit.

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Thanks Dover, But this... kid dosnt know shit... Parents buy him a car and it was SOL740s old car... thinks hes fast cause he has a EVO... shit I want an EVO to DD not race... but what ever... Maybe I can lock him in on a foot race
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Thanks Dover, But this... kid dosnt know shit... Parents buy him a car and it was SOL740s old car... thinks hes fast cause he has a EVO... shit I want an EVO to DD not race... but what ever... Maybe I can lock him in on a foot race


can we go back to the days when, I want to say it was shanton, who said" I will put my keys in the car and stand outside. Let you get the hit. Then I will proceed to get into my car, start it and still hunt your ass down."



Those were the days of negotiating.

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Well obviously you don't know me because first of all my parents didn't buy me shit and second I don't have a car payment. And like a said befor I didn't buy the evo and think it was the fastest thing in the worl I bought it because iv always wanted an evo. If I wanted the fastest car on here I would have spent my 18g's elsewhere.
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Well obviously you don't know me because first of all my parents didn't buy me shit and second I don't have a car payment. And like a said befor I didn't buy the evo and think it was the fastest thing in the worl I bought it because iv always wanted an evo. If I wanted the fastest car on here I would have spent my 18g's elsewhere.





you make my head hurt

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you make my head hurt


Well obviously you don't know me. First of all my parents didn't buy me shit, and second I don't have a car payment. Like I said before I didn't buy the evo thinking it was the fastest thing in the world. I bought it because i've always wanted an evo. If I wanted the fastest car on here I would have spent my 18g's elsewhere.



I made it a little less stressful. Let it die man... let it die

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there are a couple young kids with that story and sweet cars. that kid with the NSX is the same way. i guess i can't blame them, if i had a fam member die that's prob how i would have spent the money at that age


Yeah I mean I didn't blow it all ha I still have some for college but cars are more like my get away so I had to spend it on a car. He probably woulda likede to spend it on a z though lol he had 2. We still have one of them it's a yellow 300zx with a jap spec motor but it's auto itsnpretty fun though. I see your a z man yourself did you ever have a 300?

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For fun? All I have is turbo back and tune. Butnif you wanna run I would kinda like to see how an evo really does when it has some stuff done And to see what my car can do.


My mods are listed should be a good race. We can do it for chipoltle? is that fair?

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Yeah I mean I didn't blow it all ha I still have some for college but cars are more like my get away so I had to spend it on a car. He probably woulda likede to spend it on a z though lol he had 2. We still have one of them it's a yellow 300zx with a jap spec motor but it's auto itsnpretty fun though. I see your a z man yourself did you ever have a 300?


i had a 280 for my 2nd car. always wanted a 300, but by the time i could get one i just opted for the 350. your dad must have been a pretty fun guy to have a couple of those!

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i had a 280 for my 2nd car. always wanted a 300, but by the time i could get one i just opted for the 350. your dad must have been a pretty fun guy to have a couple of those!


yeah he was fun dad. He had an older z it was a goldish color is was from the 80s he sold that before i was born but the yellow one is 90 or 91 i cant remember. only has 100k original miles and 5k on the new motor. ill try and bring it out some time, i have a feeling you would like it if your a z kinda guy :D do you ever come down to columbus for meets or anything?

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