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65 Years Later, Apology.....


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Please,......if you know half the $hit the Japanese did in Asia you would drop another five nuc.


Dang, I remember learning about that in History class. My teacher was talking about cutting babies out of women's wombs, using teen boys as bayonet practice, and just the worst things you couldn't even imagine. I thought he was full of crap, until I came across a book called "The Rape of Nanking". I saw pictures in that book that were exactly what he described. The Japanese deny it.

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lol...blow their asses up then swing by to visit the memorial


Maybe we should do it again just to show that we're still bad ass.


US - "Hey sorry about that craziness 60 years ago, we were pretty mad"


Them - "Okay, we're cool then"


US - "J/K! *BOMBS*"

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Maybe we should do it again just to show that we're still bad ass.


US - "Hey sorry about that craziness 60 years ago, we were pretty mad"


Them - "Okay, we're cool then"


US - "J/K! *BOMBS*"


Well said. They should be grateful for all we've done for them, after all they've done.

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Well said. They should be grateful for all we've done for them, after all they've done.


Very true. The US should never aplogize for what they had to do to end that war.


Ever think of how many less of us would be around if that war went to the invasion of Japan. I am pretty sure all of my grandfathers would have ended up back there in Japan, and who knows how many of them would have made it out of there with their lives.

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First sentenced summed it up for me.


Sixty-five years after the United States dropped "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, effectively ending World War II...


BTW, did I miss


But apologizing will not be on his agenda. After all, Japan has never formally apologized for its sneak attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which triggered America's entry into World War II.


On the 50th anniversary of what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "a date that will live in infamy," The New York Times, CBS News, and Tokyo Broadcasting System released a poll showing that 55% of Japanese thought their nation ought to apologize for Pearl Harbor, surprisingly more than the 40% of Americans who agreed.


As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though, 73% of Japanese believed an apology was due to them. Only 16% of Americans concurred—except when coupled with an apology from Japan for Pearl Harbor, which increased the number to 50%.




Read more: http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/apologize-for-hiroshima/#ixzz0vqfLFMOZ

'>their apology for Pearl Harbor?


The mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have invited Barack Obama to visit during the President's expected trip to Japan this fall. Japanese editorialists and anti-nuclear activists say previous Nobel Peace Prize winners have toured those cities, so why not Obama?


But apologizing will not be on his agenda. After all, Japan has never formally apologized for its sneak attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which triggered America's entry into World War II.


On the 50th anniversary of what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called "a date that will live in infamy," The New York Times, CBS News, and Tokyo Broadcasting System released a poll showing that 55% of Japanese thought their nation ought to apologize for Pearl Harbor, surprisingly more than the 40% of Americans who agreed.


As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though, 73% of Japanese believed an apology was due to them. Only 16% of Americans concurred—except when coupled with an apology from Japan for Pearl Harbor, which increased the number to 50%.


Read more: http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/apologize-for-hiroshima/#ixzz0vqfLFMOZ


You bring us into the battle and when we end it you want US to apologize? Get bent.

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lol...blow their asses up then swing by to visit the memorial



keep it classy united states



haha like always


First sentenced summed it up for me.




BTW, did I miss their apology for Pearl Harbor?




You bring us into the battle and when we end it you want US to apologize? Get bent.


Truth. Don't start what you can't finish.


You don't apologize for war, doesn't matter who you are.



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Agree with all above statements. The Japanese were very savage in war and did unthinkable things, mnay to US POW's.


We had the balls and the support to do it then................I wish we had the leadership and the support to do it now.

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Dang, I remember learning about that in History class. My teacher was talking about cutting babies out of women's wombs, using teen boys as bayonet practice, and just the worst things you couldn't even imagine. I thought he was full of crap, until I came across a book called "The Rape of Nanking". I saw pictures in that book that were exactly what he described. The Japanese deny it.


I had to look that shit up


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Few key points.


Far more people on both sides of the battle would have died with the continued plan to invade Japan (Including hundred of thousands of civilian lives from bombing runs).


They started it under continued negotiations of peace with the US.


We ended it the way we should have at the time.


I don't approve the use of nuclear weapons in this day and age, but at the time it wasn't a bad option.

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Reading through this. Sickening.


For six weeks, life for the Chinese in Nanking became a nightmare. Bands of drunken Japanese soldiers roamed the city, murdering, raping, looting, and burning at whim. Chinese civilians who were stopped on the street, and found to possess nothing of value, were immediately killed. At least twenty thousand Chinese women were raped in Nanking during the first four weeks of the Japanese occupation, and many were mutilated and killed when the Japanese troops were finished with them.


The Japanese troops were encouraged by their officers to invent ever more horrible ways to slaughter the Chinese population of the city. When the bodies of murdered Chinese choked the streets and the gutters ran red with their blood, the Japanese were forced to refine their methods of slaughter in the interest of preventing the spread of disease. Batches of Chinese civilians were rounded up and herded into slaughter pits. Here the grinning Japanese soldiers would either bury them alive, hack them to death with their swords, use them for bayonet practice, or pour petrol on the victims and burn them alive. The bodies of thousands of victims of the slaughter were dumped into the Yangtze River until the river was red with their blood. After looting Nanking of anything of value, the Japanese started fires that gutted one third of the city.


The judges of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East were prepared to accept that at least 200,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were slaughtered by the Japanese in the six weeks after Nanking fell. The judges were also prepared to accept that the death toll would be much higher if estimates of the number of Chinese burned alive by the Japanese in mass slaughter pits and bodies dumped in the river were added. Non-Japanese historians are prepared to accept that the slaughter at Nanking could have reached as high as 370,000 victims.


In recent years, the Japanese government has made a small concession to the weight of international and local criticism of this censorship by permitting brief and vague references in history textbooks to the Rape of Nanking (Nanjing Massacre), but the atrocities are described as the "Nanjing Incident" and the text suggests that the victims died during the battle for the city, and not in a horrifying massacre that took place during the six weeks that followed the fall of the city to the Japanese.


Even these small concessions to historical truth are now coming under attack in Japan from militarists and neo-nationalists. The neo-nationalists...believe that these concessions have gone too far, and that school textbooks should be censored to delete all references to Japanese war guilt and atrocities, and to instil national pride rather than shame.


Those are not dolls, they are killed babies. (caption of a NSFW pic)


Further proof that they are cowering behind their past and expect us to appologize for putting a stop to their "prowless"? Give me a break.


EDIT: Not only are they hiding behind their guilt, they're teaching their kids that what was done was honorable. Total BS.

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We visited Pearl Harbor back in 04. The MAJORITY of the tourists that day were Japanese. It was very weird.


We should not have even sent a delegation. My money is on the fact that eventually, someone in this administration will apologize to Japan.

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