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75.1mph in a 65mph zone?


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CPD highway guys won't even flinch if your not going over 80. Or so I've been told by a friend who is one.


Ill go ahead and not take my chances and stay at/below 73. Never know when a cop has woken up on the wrong side of the bed...

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CPD highway guys won't even flinch if your not going over 80. Or so I've been told by a friend who is one.


depends on the officer my friend says at 15 over he will pull you over but if your respectful and have no warrants will let you go.

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Ill go ahead and not take my chances and stay at/below 73. Never know when a cop has woken up on the wrong side of the bed...


+1, i do this 99% of the time and don't even cancel the cruise control when seeing cops.

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+1, i do this 99% of the time and don't even cancel the cruise control when seeing cops.


Exactly what I did, got the ticket. However I drive a car with a huge wing, a front scoop, and gold wheels. Since profiling doesn't exist I can't imagine that had anything to do with me getting a ticket.


At least I wasn't a bitch and thanked him for the ticket, when he asked me to sign I told him he could kiss my ass for writing me for 6 over. I'm sure he never touches 71 MPH on 270. :rolleyes:

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Who thanks a cop for a ticket?


Last 2 tickets I got was 69 in a 60 when I was in college on the way to DeVry. That was probably in 2002. Before that probably back in 2000 was going 75 in a 60 on route 30. I was in a geo metro.

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Who thanks a cop for a ticket?


Last 2 tickets I got was 69 in a 60 when I was in college on the way to DeVry. That was probably in 2002. Before that probably back in 2000 was going 75 in a 60 on route 30. I was in a geo metro.


I have been in the car with friends while getting one and have heard a few say "thanks". :lol:

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A visual method of measuring speed that is based on human reaction times with a stopwatch, and he's trying to tell you that he is accurate to one tenth of a mile per hour? That SUCKS!


Last time i argued a ticket the judge was more of a proponent of the officer's ability to judge my speed than the prosecutor, the fucking judge! What a fucking joke.

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Probally one of the greatest investments in my life.... 10 Band Radar Detector


Honestly, for the amount I am late to things, and how much I speed to make up for that. The radar detector honestly saved me atleast 6+ for sure tickets. Well well worth the money. Time is priceless!

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