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Why is it that when I'm late for work...

V8 Beast

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People drive 30mph in a 35, 35 in a 45, 45 in a 55, and 55 in a 65?


People wait for green lights to make right hand turns.


People have better things to do than to actually drive forward when the light turns green.


Theres a cop every 25 feet


The same clock that wont move when Im at work makes a 20 minute drive 35 minutes long.

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ive found that my time clock at work, which is on my PC, will change the second the time changes...ie, if i click "in" when the time system says 930 and the clock says 931, it will switch to 931 for my punch in...yet when i go to clock out, it takes like 30 seconds for it to change from 659 to 700. pisses me off.


and people will routinely do 35mph on cooper road. it infuriates me.

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Why, I'm on salary.


Then what's the problem? :)


My theory is the same thing happenes everyday b/c the same idiot drivers take that same route everyday. When you leave a little earlier you're just ahead of them. When you leave a little later you get caught smack dab in the middle of them. :)

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Then what's the problem? :)


My theory is the same thing happenes everyday b/c the same idiot drivers take that same route everyday. When you leave a little earlier you're just ahead of them. When you leave a little later you get caught smack dab in the middle of them. :)




I got a late start today and yesterday and it took me 45 minutes to get to work (I live in Grove City and work off of Morse & Sinclair). But Tuesday and Wednesday I got an early start and it only took me about 20 minutes. fuckin' stupid ass people. They slam on their breaks for NO REASON! :mad: I'm thinking there is a car broke down, but nope, just all the ra-tards driving.

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