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Further proof that Verizon sucks


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Congratulations, AT&T (T)! You're possibly moments away from no longer being the most detestable mobile provider in the country!


Between proposed data caps, threatening customer service reps with termination if they don't upsell customers, an incredibly condescending ad campaign, and 3G speeds slower than AT&T, Sprint (S), T-Mobile, and even Leap Wireless (LEAP), Verizon (VZ) has been on a steady death march toward millions of unhappy customers.


And now, it could get worse. Much, much worse.


Today, Verizon gave the public a glimpse of an unpleasant future with its release of the Samsung Fascinate -- part of Samsung's well-received Galaxy S line. Reviews are trickling in and the overall response for most of the smartphone has been fair to positive: Gizmodo deemed the hardware to be respectable, the processor adequate, and features like the mobile hotspot and 4-inch Super AMOLED screen received high marks.


But, because of Verizon's heavy hand, the Android (GOOG) OS is severely hamstrung by a glut of useless bloatware. The app menu is choked by a Blockbuster app and a horrible IM client that only works over Verizon's network. Also, according to Gizmodo's Matt Buchanan, the carrier loaded a Tetris-type game which appears to be free, but asks for money once it boots up.


But as unforgivable as pre-installing lackluster apps is -- and a customized skin over the Android OS isn't a pleasing sight either -- Verizon went above and beyond its capacity for bonehead moves by installing Microsoft's (MSFT) Bing as the default search engine on the Fascinate. Also, making Bing the default map app rather than Google Maps. Moreover, there's no way to change either back to Google. The Google Search app and widget is purposefully hidden in the Android Market.


This, on a friggin' Google smartphone.


That means no seamless integration with Gmail. No Google Latitude. No multitouch in the map app, either. And in place of the free and fantastic turn-by-turn Google Navigator app, Verizon installed its VZ Navigator service -- a feature which costs $10 a month to use.


It would be one thing for Verizon to set the default search and map app to Bing with the option to switch back to Google. But it's utterly inexcusable for Verizon to destroy the possibility of a switch without the user having to root the device and, under Verizon's company policies, void their warranty. And on top of that, repeatedly charge you for a sub-par service instead of keeping the gold standard of navigation apps for free.


And as bad as that is, there's now a rumor that Verizon will be doing this again. On every single one of its Android devices.


After speaking with a Verizon representative about the Bing debacle on the Fascinate -- who also lied about the existence of a search alternative -- The Droid Guy contacted two Verizon tipsters who told him that the carrier "is dropping the Google Search from all future Android Devices and offering Bing in it's [sic] place."


Now, The Droid Guy isn't exactly considered a bastion of corporate leaks, nor has Verizon hinted at any plans of actually repeating the mistakes it's made with the Samsung Fascinate, but recent company actions have indicated that Verizon doesn't mind ignoring its subscribers' best interests. And AT&T certainly set a precedent for how far a mobile provider can ruin customer relations and still have new subscribers sign up because of a popular product.


Then again, Apple (AAPL) isn't in bed with Verizon. Yet.


Given the highly publicized feud between Apple and Google, would Verizon consider sabotaging its relationship with Google because the iPhone might bring in more customers -- mainly ones from a chief competitor?


It's a long shot, but so is the idea that Verizon would, in its right mind, ever prevent a user from installing Google Search on an Android smartphone.


UPDATE (1:40 PM): According to Business Insider, Verizon will be implementing Bing search in future devices but it is NOT an exclusive deal. A Microsoft spokesperson told the news outlet (emphasis theirs):


"Over the coming months, Verizon will announce the launch of new Android devices, which will be pre-loaded with Bing. The deal for Verizon Android devices is not exclusive."

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Chris, I expect more from you. Thats like reading a tabloid and really thinking a blue martian had sex with Justin Timberlake. P.S. the Fascinate is a nice phone (not a "droid" but its ok)... When I had it I set google in my favorites then set it up so that I could get there with one touch (fuck Bing!). I also had free navigation on it. The writer sounds like someone that was fired from Verizon and is holding a grudge. He has a verizon informant that said all future android phones would be bing only. :lol:
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this from a website that provides other headlines such as:


"Did France Cause the Great Depression?" (obviously yes)


"FROM THE GREATEST COMPANY ON EARTH: iPad Makes Its Way to China via China" (this speaks for itself)


"Brazil Markets: How to Play the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics" (aka your guide to cashing in on the temporary boom and ensuing ruin of a local economy)




edit: and because it can't be said enough times, your article is the only thing more retarded than apple fanboys.

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Chris, I expect more from you. Thats like reading a tabloid and really thinking a blue martian had sex with Justin Timberlake. P.S. the Fascinate is a nice phone (not a "droid" but its ok)... When I had it I set google in my favorites then set it up so that I could get there with one touch (fuck Bing!). I also had free navigation on it. The writer sounds like someone that was fired from Verizon and is holding a grudge. He has a verizon informant that said all future android phones would be bing only. :lol:


So you're saying this article might not be correct? Or is there life on mars and JT is a homo?


This is exactly something Verizon would do.

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Well, I gotta back up the OT here: just got my wife the Droid X and while its not as bad as that article, Verizon has indeed installed a shit ton of bloatware on there, has overlaid a shitty skin over the android OS and munged up a bunch of features that work just fine in the original OS.


Will be rooting this bitch and yanking that shitoff in its entirety as soon as I find a decent X rom.


Makes me glad I got a Droid 1 - before these companies had figured out how to fuck up their products with shitware/adware/crapware/bloatware/jailware.


All big companies suck.


Just reaffirms my belief that buying phones from vendors separate from your carrier is always the best way to go.

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This article is obviously biased and I can tell you for a fact it is not accurate. Bing is the default search provider. this doesn't somehow prevent you from using google or google maps. The phone is a great device and just like many computers it does come with preinstalled apps that are not easily removed but rooting it is not far off. As far as voiding the warranty you can always put it back to stock if you need a warranty replacement and that is assuming that VZW even checks the os when a phone is returned (they don't).


To touch on data speeds I would like to see PROOF of VZW being slower than at&t sprint etc. In theory HSDPA is faster @ 7.2Mbps however I would like to see anyone on at&t get anywhere near that. EVDO runs about 1MBps and LTE is already in Columbus and that has been tested and confirmed at over 50Mbps......


VZW doesn't always make the best decisions such as mandatory data plans even for basic phones but if we are going to complain, let's complain about accurate and substantive information please.

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Att is still faster. Sprint is faster in .001% of the us. I messed with the phone again today and its was still an android. Having bing didnt magically make it a blackberry like some of you seem to think :lol: Not sure why people expect the phones to not be changed by the provider.. it is a business. That same shit you complain about is sponsorship money that goes to making your plans and phones less. If you would rather pay the difference just to not have 3 apps on your phone (that you can close if you know how to use the phone) then so be it.
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I have proof that Verizon is slower than T-mobile, I've done speedtests and Verizon is MUCH slower. But Verizon does have 3G out in the sticks where I get EDGE or even just GPRS. You guys need to use a non-verizon android phone and then you'll see the difference. Free wifi? Free visual voicemail? No blocked apps on the market? The X is the worst. The droid isnt that bad, and neither is the incredible, but it's getting worse it seems. Verizon is also more expensive than T-Mobile, so even with all that pre-loaded bullshit and "sponsorships" its still more expensive. Fail.


But that's the price you pay for being on the country's largest network.

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I have proof that Verizon is slower than T-mobile, I've done speedtests and Verizon is MUCH slower. But Verizon does have 3G out in the sticks where I get EDGE or even just GPRS. You guys need to use a non-verizon android phone and then you'll see the difference. Free wifi? Free visual voicemail? No blocked apps on the market? The X is the worst. The droid isnt that bad, and neither is the incredible, but it's getting worse it seems. Verizon is also more expensive than T-Mobile, so even with all that pre-loaded bullshit and "sponsorships" its still more expensive. Fail.


But that's the price you pay for being on the country's largest network.


this post cannot get anymore accurate. the only thing that verizon has on tmobile is coverage. like stated verizon has 3g in the stix where as tmobile doesnt.


t-mobiles customer service is 100X better than verizon, its slightly cheaper, and they offer a better selection of phones.

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My dad has att and he gets edge on morse road. I can be just about anwhere within 270 and pick up evdo. I traveled through southern ohio and pretty much had 3g the entire time. I'm sure I can find places where tmo is faster but in general and in more locations vzw will be faster. When is tmo's 4g rollout? Att's? Vzw has 4g in Columbus, Oh and it should be switched on before the end of the year.
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My dad has att and he gets edge on morse road. I can be just about anwhere within 270 and pick up evdo. I traveled through southern ohio and pretty much had 3g the entire time. I'm sure I can find places where tmo is faster but in general and in more locations vzw will be faster. When is tmo's 4g rollout? Att's? Vzw has 4g in Columbus, Oh and it should be switched on before the end of the year.


Well please give me your definition of 4G. Verizon does not have 4G, no one has 4G. Verizon is working on getting LTE, which also IS NOT 4G. LTE Advanced is 4G. T-Mobile does already have HSPA+, that's UP TO 42mb/s, and a phone that can support it, the G2.

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I have always hated Verizon and here's just another reason. They will fuck you running however they can.


I understand people on here work for them and get a steady paycheck from them. I did that for awhile myself, twice. I didn't like them anymore then than I do now.

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I think there are reasons to hate just about any large company and many small ones. Vzw is destined to upset a few people when you have something like 90 million customers. I never had any trouble with my att (cingular) service except my gf had better coverage than I did (vzw) but this didn't really bother me. The customer service I received when I would call in is what made me switch to vzw. While I don't agree with all of the policies of big red, I feel that when I call in I am treated well and my issues are resolved efficiently. This is why I stay with vzw.
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I have proof that Verizon is slower than T-mobile, I've done speedtests and Verizon is MUCH slower. But Verizon does have 3G out in the sticks where I get EDGE or even just GPRS. You guys need to use a non-verizon android phone and then you'll see the difference. Free wifi? Free visual voicemail? No blocked apps on the market? The X is the worst. The droid isnt that bad, and neither is the incredible, but it's getting worse it seems. Verizon is also more expensive than T-Mobile, so even with all that pre-loaded bullshit and "sponsorships" its still more expensive. Fail.


But that's the price you pay for being on the country's largest network.


Since when is a guy holding up two phones and looking at data speeds constitute a national speed trial :lol:


T-Mobile is taking huge steps but they are still a second rate company which puts them in the same class as Sprint. When your network is small and you use other networks to provide service you dont have to pay as much to maintain your own. That makes it almost too easy to charge less. With T-mobile growing the way they are your cost savings wont last a lot longer. T-Mobiles HSPA+ in places like New York City and other major cities is whats taking them above even ATT in some areas... So yes they are faster in some areas.. but they lost the speed test I did in Dublin with a Nexus and my droid 1.. but then again I was standing next to a verizon tower...



Edit: Those of you that believe the article should google the info to find the truth.. just make sure you dont try to do it from the fascinate ;)

Edited by V8 Beast
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Since when is a guy holding up two phones and looking at data speeds constitute a national speed trial :lol:


T-Mobile is taking huge steps but they are still a second rate company which puts them in the same class as Sprint. When your network is small and you use other networks to provide service you dont have to pay as much to maintain your own. That makes it almost too easy to charge less. With T-mobile growing the way they are your cost savings wont last a lot longer. T-Mobiles HSPA+ in places like New York City and other major cities is whats taking them above even ATT in some areas... So yes they are faster in some areas.. but they lost the speed test I did in Dublin with a Nexus and my droid 1.. but then again I was standing next to a verizon tower ;)



Those of you that beleive the article should google the info to find the truth.. just make sure you dont try to do it from the fascinate.


It has been the internet standard of testing phones ever since the internet was declared not a dumptruck.


T-Mobile might be a small company in the US, a country where people think nascar is racing, but they are much larger in Europe. I hope that you are wrong and they stay cheap. Fuckers still charged me for roaming when I was in London on tmobile. $800 phone bill what?

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It has been the internet standard of testing phones ever since the internet was declared not a dumptruck.


T-Mobile might be a small company in the US, a country where people think nascar is racing, but they are much larger in Europe. I hope that you are wrong and they stay cheap. Fuckers still charged me for roaming when I was in London on tmobile. $800 phone bill what?


Wrong! Its a guy with 4 phones and a miata who does the national speed tests!


Sprint is doing drastic things to make their prices lower. T-mobile wont do that so you will see a slight incline over the next 2 years. At the same time verizon and att going will go down and everyone will be around the $75 mark for unlimited everything. I'm just guessing, but thats what I forecast happening since the cellular market is so saturated.

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