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Anyone notice the wind turbine off of 270/sawmill?


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I work at dent wizard 2 doors down, the layed the base for it all last week, but they built the whole windmill in one day, it was crazy to walk outside in the morning and see no windmill and go to lunch at 2 and see 2 people standing on top of it installing the blade


that would be crazy...i thought i had gone nuts when i saw it...made me wonder how long it had been there and if i was just blind to seeing it...

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You can't believe everything you read.


It's actually more than what I read, it's what I go to school for. Sure, you'll still get all the funding that's out there, but that doesn't mean it's an effective or efficient use of that money. Mis-applied alternative energy applications are rampant, and it is a real issue. Every Tom, Dick and Harry with a few nickels to rub together wants to make their facility "appear" green to the general public. They don't generally actually care whether it performs, because in most cases they only fronted around 20-30% of the costs for the project.


Now solar projects I can generally get more behind, as Ohio actually has ~70% of the solar potential of more obvious parts of the US like Arizona, New Mexico, etc. There is a lot going on in the world of photovoltaics and solar-thermal technologies right now that look pretty promising.

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AEP no longer will pay you for your contribution to the power grid, they will only issue energy credits, deeming it a non profit venture for a private consumer.


Where did you here this from? Unless something changed in the last few weeks or so, thats not true. I'm into all this and haven't heard anything about it.


Now say you consume 10,000KWH a year and produce 11,000KWH a year via solar or wind, you will get a credit. But if your system produces a heck of alot more like say 20,000KWH a year they will put a stop to that unless your a RE farm of sorts and have a contract to sell it back.

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so thats 400,000 in energy savings in 5-10!?... i kind of doubt that even for a whole car lot, but i dont know lol


You hav eto realize they have on REALLY bright lights ALL night long to keep the lot safe as well, from car thiefs, thts 24/7 365


This links is pretty cool to watch the time lapse of it.



THey just turned it on on saturday. Subaru Im sure will give them some sort of kickback (i could be wrong here) for going green as well, since thats a huge part of thier initiative.. Ive seen the thing in person, its actually pretty damn cool.

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A PR stunt if I have ever seen one. We do not have enough round the year constant strong wind to really make it worthwhile. I know that in Pennsylvania they have a windmill farm as well by the mountains but then again the part of Pennsylvania is frequented by the JetStream.....


But Central Ohio isn't that good.

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A PR stunt if I have ever seen one. We do not have enough round the year constant strong wind to really make it worthwhile. I know that in Pennsylvania they have a windmill farm as well by the mountains but then again the part of Pennsylvania is frequented by the JetStream.....


But Central Ohio isn't that good.


YOU sir, are a fag.:gtfo:
























































no srsly :gtfo:

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I doubt they'll put them up at all of their locations... The other Subaru store off of Hamilton is WAYYYYYYYY too close to the airport, when Obama came to town we thought of going up on the roof and checking things out. But evidently it's been done before and the secret service didn't think too much of a bunch of people standing on the roof of this building only a few hundred yards from the runway.


Only 7MPH? That's got to be easy to accomplish at 150', the windspeed at ground level could be still, but you toss a kite up high enough and it'll stay up all day with no problem.

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I did a fairly extensive project on these last year, and if it's in Columbus, it is largely a PR stunt. The only places windy enough to justify the use of wind turbines in Ohio are along Lake Erie up North, and to some degree in Champaign county.


Them's the facts :).


For commercial yes, but personal it is viable here. Problem is the ODNR bird kill fines will offset most everything.

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I know its not related to this one but ive seen alot of windmill blades on semi trailers going down 270 and 70 lately.


One of the big wind turnbine companies is in northern Ohio. So if anyone orders one and they are west or south of them, they are coming through Columbus. Normally atleast once a week I see a semi with parts for them heading West on 270.

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